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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Can we see some of those reports you are referring to? Or are they figments of your twisted thinking?
  2. I think you can make a strong case that PSU has already moneyballed wrestling. Moneyball was about finding mis-priced attributes, i.e. inefficiencies, in baseball players so that you can buy valuable players on the cheap. If I recall correctly the big one for them was on base percentage. I think PSU is very good at identifying inefficiencies and figuring out how to exploit them. A technique example would be the ankle ride that drives every non-PSU fan on this board to distraction. Now that the rule has changed I would not be surprised if the coaching staff at PSU finds another technique or advantage to replace it. An off the mat example would be their early adoption of a sports psychologist like Bonnie (I do not know her last name). Many wrestlers speak glowingly of how she has helped them.
  3. I think your intent is backfiring. I get that you think you are teaching these guys a lesson, but as an outside observer, that is not what I see at all. I see someone who is trying to belittle someone else by calling them female, as though being female is belittling. It really does reflect on you rather than them. Now I have no problem with name calling on these boards, I have done it repeatedly to Dan, Jimmy C, and Title IX. But I have chosen what I think are accurate descriptions.
  4. Jordan now says three's a charm. "He will seek a third floor vote ... after Trump loyalists abandoned efforts to buy more time for his struggling campaign." Per Bloomberg.
  5. I am not seeing that. What I have read is that when Jordan proposed temporarily expanding until some date (opinions differ), the role of the Speaker pro tempore's powers, to allow for re-opening the House and introducing legislation that he did not have the support for that either from fellow Republicans. As a result he will call his opponents to discuss how to move forward (such a non-statement). It sounds like they would need Democratic support for any proposal as there is nowhere near enough Republican support. And the idea of crossing the aisle is the third rail of the Freedom Caucus.
  6. When choosing between the lesser of two evils, you are still choosing evil.
  7. Has there been a more massive fall from grace? From America's Mayor to whatever it is he has become at this point? Lance Armstrong? O.J. Simpson? Bill Cosby? Harvey Weinstein?
  8. I have been meaning to ask for a while. Where does your misogyny come from? When insulted and you want to respond with an insult you resort to the same technique. Referring to the other person as ma'am. What do you feel being female is less?
  9. No idea if he succeeds, but I do think he is trying. After all he is a legislator who refuses to legislate. That makes him just a politician. Politicians are all about controlling the narrative.
  10. Yes, that is what I was saying. I think he is working on the optics of the collapse now.
  11. It is about narrative. Practically it allows an honorable retreat for Jordan. His image does not allow him to just cave and allow a moderate Republican to hold the position he has so lusted. Instead he endorses an interim solution for the status quo while holding out a return to a vote for himself. But what he is really doing is buying time before conceding, thereby hanging on to what he thinks of as honor and constructing a narrative where he somehow can paint himself as not a loser. If he learned anything at the knee of Donald Trump, it is that he can never just concede. There must be theater and claims of victory in defeat. Donald Trump and his proxies have performed poorly in elections, but his backers buy what he is selling. Not ideal, but we get the more moderate option as Speaker, which is what we need.
  12. I have my doubts about how credible a witness she can/will be. Do not underestimate her ability to whack-a-doodle her way into being useless to the prosecution.
  13. I am willing to so stipulate. Add it to the list of reasons to be impressed by Shane Griffith.
  14. The challenges keep mounting for Trump: https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/sidney-powell-plea-deal-guilty-georgia-election-interference-trial-trump The attorney also agreed to testify against the co-defendants and to avoid any contact with the 17 others who remain as part of the indictment. She will also provide all documents requested to the Fulton County District Attorney. She will also need to write an apology The acceptance of a plea deal is a remarkable about-face for a lawyer who, perhaps more than anyone else, strenuously pushed baseless conspiracy theories about a stolen election in the face of extensive evidence to the contrary. If prosecutors compel her to testify, she could provide insight on a news conference she participated in on behalf of Trump and his campaign shortly after the election and on a White House meeting she attended in mid-December of that year during which strategies and theories to influence the outcome of the election were discussed.
  15. Can we pause a moment to acknowledge how impressive an achievement this is? I would say this is more impressive than his wrestling achievements. And that is not meant to diminish his wrestling achievements in any way.
  16. I think the strategy was to attempt to publicly shame, but that clearly did not work. It seems to actually be having the opposite effect as at least one who voted for Jordan in the first two rounds now says he will vote for McHenry. There are enough reports of attempts at intimidation that Jordan had to issue a statement about it.
  17. Just read that the next round of votes will not begin until this afternoon at the earliest. I guess that means I will have to do some work in the meantime.
  18. How long did you stretch that shoulder before patting yourself on the back? If you're not careful, this is how injuries happen.
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