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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. In the last 14 tournaments they have 3 team titles, 2 seconds, 4 thirds, 4 fourths, and 1 fifth. No other team, including PSU has finished in the top 5 each of the last 14 tournaments.
  2. Then I looked at the best five year run for each: Most interesting to me is that Manning is on his best 5 year run now in spite of the length of his career. Let's hear it @jajensen09
  3. Did a little something different with this one. Rather than look at schools I decided to look at coaches. Using the top 10 schools that have had the same head coach for at least the last five seasons (sorry Cornell) I looked at their individual and average finishes over their tenure.
  4. No, they did not make the decision. That is the whole point of the post.
  5. So clear that by Nov. 7 we still won't know what the punishment is. Please.
  6. If you step out of bounds and get suspended for the season, people may have an issue.
  7. Oops. Thank you all for not pointing out that I had failed to include 2023 results in my prior table. I appreciate your forbearance. Corrected:
  8. They are the inverse Oklahoma State. Their last four are seventh best. Their first six are not in the top twenty.
  9. It is recency bias. He has had two rough finishes in the last 4 years. From 2019 they went 13, 3, 3, 14.
  10. Iowa is absolutely number 2 based on average NCAA finish. Can't remember the rest off the top on my head.
  11. As clarification for anyone reading, the Pan Am Games and the Pan Am Wrestling Championships are two different things. The Pan Am Wrestling Championships are used to qualify a country at a weight for the Olympics. That is scheduled for March 6-10, 2024 in Acapulco. The Pan Am Games, starting Nov. 1, are like a mini Olympics for the western hemisphere. There are 45 other sports in addition to wrestling. Results here stand on their own. They are not part of Olympic qualifying.
  12. The mistake would be to use billions of years of data. The industrial revolution marked a sharp divide in our historical interaction with the environment. Population growth has had a more gradual, but similar impact.
  13. Are you saying because he had other weapons he should also have an AR? So dumb. Why not a tank, too? This psycho, who probably did have more weapons, sorted through those weapons and chose the one most efficient at killing. Get rid of efficency in murder.
  14. Let's address the second paragraph first. I find the whole what if / hypothetical stuff to be a massive waste of time. The accusation-through-leading-question is an awful technique, as well. If you then follow it with "what? I was just asking", that is worse than blaming the ref for your own shortcomings. As for the first paragraph, the vast majority of the time a loss is not attributable to a ref mistake or a biased ref. That is what losers tell themselves so that they do not have to admit that they were second best. Failing to recognize your shortcomings is a sure path to not getting better. As for how Trump fits in this, I lost track of how many Trump nominated judges pointed out that there was no basis for overturning the election. Not exactly biased refs. At least not biased against Trump. Trump literally refuses to admit that he lost when every referee, biased for him and biased against him, says he did. Hence he refuses to get better. And it saddens me that he drags down my Republican party with him. While I am skeptical that a case in NY would have ever been brought had Trump not attempted to block the peaceful transfer of power, he did attempt to block the peaceful transfer of power. And that answers your question with regard to what happened. He has brought this upon himself. I am pretty sure he lied about his net worth to finance his businesses. I am also sure many others have done the same without getting prosecuted. But like in investing, hope is not a strategy. Hoping to not get indicted for your crimes is not a strategy. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
  15. Ok, so you found a second source that says that bullet point is likely a complete lie. Makes you wonder how many others are lies. It also makes you wonder if the volume of claimed achievements is meant to make it harder to spot the lies.
  16. A lot going on there. Let's look at just one of those bullet points. The one his investors care the most about. https://futurism.com/twitter-deeper-trouble-advertisers According to the marketing firm's data, only two of Ebiquity's clients bought ads on X last month, a massive drop from 31 brands in September 2022. The consultancy works with 70 out of 100 top-spending advertisers, per Insider, including the likes of Google, Walmart, and General Motors. "This is a drop we have not seen before for any major advertising platform," Ruben Schreurs, Ebiquity's chief strategy officer, told the publication.
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