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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. If you knew your Carol Stream history as well as you say you do... That was an E-G Home Center
  2. ATTENTION - - ALL LADIES Come and Bring Your Friends to a FREE "Fun Day" at GALA
  3. That was where the bowling alley used to be. A gas station/mini-truck stop now. But thank God, the White Castle is still there.
  4. Oops. I had a filter on. Yes, I see him as 30. For clarity, he is included in the above summary data.
  5. Winner winner, chicken dinner. If you ever make it to the home of Tony Ramos, Abe Assad, Austin Gomez, Jerod Cortez, and at one time, me, I will gladly get you chicken fingers at The Village Tavern. Trust me. You want this.
  6. Nino is like Cassar. Neither even made the top 100 list. Or at least I do not think Cassar made the 2014 list. Hard to know for sure. 2010 - 2014 there were only weight class rankings on Flo. No PFP. And only for their top 25 recruiting classes. And often there were more than one #1 at a weight. And never all ten weights. But the legend is that he was not on anyone's list.
  7. Just found a fun one. Jaydin Eierman nowhere to be found in the 2015 Big Board? Well how about Jaydin Clayton? So add a few more to 2015.
  8. Flo has published, and maintain an archive online of, their Big Board since 2016. Their list contains the Top 100 PFP wrestlers for each HS graduating class. I was also able to piece together 66 of their top 100 for 2015 from their 2015 class ranking article. (The highest ranks I am missing in 2015 are 12 and 18). I did this because a lot of team debates start with debates about who had the best recruits coming in. The general form of the argument is "our coaches are better because they did more with less", or some variant. And those arguments are generally supported by cherry-picking from PFP rankings. Of course, that assumes that the PFP rankings are accurate. One possible explanation for the failure of a ranked wrestler to perform in college is that they were over-ranked (let's call that Willie's fault). Another is that they never progressed (coach's fault, the bum). And if a guy who never made the list does well it could be the fault of the list makers for over looking him. Or it could be a credit to great coaching once he hit the college room. Dealer's choice. So, I thought I would look at how well these Big Boards are connected to the actual results as a first step. But first some caveats. I had to pull data from a lot of different sources. And the data is a mess from every source. I spent time cleaning, but I am 100% certain that what I have still contains errors. Some are easier to find than others. For example, who knew that an apostrophe in a name had a direction? Well it does, and it matters when merging data. If you see something, say something. I will fix any errors as you, my collective editors, find them. Big Board Overall Grade Every year there are 80 All-Americans. Every year there are 100 (ish) wrestlers on the Big Board. And every year there are 4 (ish) classes competing. It would make sense that the vast majority of All-Americans come from these lists, especially higher up on these lists. Putting it all together you would expect that a given class would have 80 total All-Americans across their four (ish) years competing (80 slots multiplied by 4years divided by four classes). For the four HS graduating classes that have effectively used up their eligibility the hit rate is around 75% (60 of 80). It goes to show that development is not complete in HS. Guys can come "out of nowhere" to AA. The low number for 2015 is at least partly explained by the missing 34 wrestlers from my list. Cream Rises? It is fair to assume that these lists are more accurate at the top than the bottom. I am not sure how to quantify what I would expect, but certainly the pattern makes sense. The Top 10 do better than the next ten, and so forth down the list (mostly - keep reading, you can do it). The key to happiness is to fill your room with Top 20 guys. I know. Shocking insight. Again, the 2015 data is skewed to the top of the list because the missing data is farther down the list. The Outliers If you look closely at the table above you will notice that the 8th decile wins a disproportionately large number of the AA spots given their final Big Board rating (71 - 80). The distribution by final Big Board rating looks like this: What is going on with those #74 and #78 guys? This is the Money Ball stuff. Coaches, target #74 and #78. This is a foolproof path to a title. (Or maybe just a bit of small data weirdness? Nah, the money ball thing. Definitely the money ball thing.) For completeness: Trivia (and a tease) If you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town... What wrestler in the 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018 HS class won a title with the lowest final Big Board ranking (#97)? Bonus trivia: The next lowest ranked from one of those classes was #74. Name that...haha, just testing your reading comprehension.
  9. One more item to add to Snyder's resume: He has the longest Olympic/World medal streak in US history with 9 in a row. Per NLWC.
  10. This just in from Nittany Lion Wrestling Club: Kyle is currently a two-time Olympic Medalist and seven-time World medalist with four golds, and he is on the longest Olympic and World medal streak in American history at nine-in-a-row. Congratulations
  11. Have they changed that much? Didn't Lehigh just out score Rutgers 28-8 at the last NCAA championship?
  12. LAME. Posting a picture and entering the contest are two separate actions.
  13. Yes, that is in the passage gimpel quoted even if you need a lawyer's lawyer to decipher it. But the way I read it is that the committee is there to approve a waiver to the "Progress Toward Degree Rule" if you decide not to enroll. They are not approving the use of an Olympic redshirt. The waiver rule also refers to "Credits earned by the student during the term or terms to which the waiver applies", implying that a student can be enrolled while using the waiver for an Olympic redshirt.
  14. A regulation only James Joyce could love, but it makes my point. It says may not must in all key areas, and it discusses how to treat credits earned if still enrolled while taking the waiver. So while it may be practical to not be enrolled, it is not required.
  15. Are you sure about this enrollment thing? I cannot find anything that says that you cannot take an Olympic redshirt if you are enrolled. And guys like Snyder and Kolodzik pulled their Olympic redshirts late in the season to wrestle college matches implying they were already enrolled.
  16. In the last half dozen years, among teams that have been in the top 20 recruiting rank per Flo at least four times, Iowa is indeed second, @Mr. PeanutButter
  17. Counterpoint. The escape is easier than the push out. It certainly occurs more often, I believe. So now the reason for criteria is MORE needed in folkstyle than freestyle. Let the criteria wash over you. I wish I could argue with you, but.....
  18. I have been thinking about switching to an EV for a year or so now. My wife has a good old fashion gas guzzling SUV we can use for long trips and, with a recent move, my commute is down to 2 miles each way when I decide to drive to work. Given how little I now drive my car and always locally, the idea of an EV intrigues me. Also, I have switched to a lot of battery powered tools and I love them. I have not done the math on them, but I am pretty sure the math Texas Policy did is wrong based purely on the number they came up with. If you are not skeptical when you see a number like $17.33 per gallon then I know a number of "financial advisors" that will want to talk with you. That they are currently banned from the industry, or serving jail, or both should not dissuade you in any way. But off the top of my head Texas Policy talks about the "cost of owning", but then include "costs" imposed on others. I put costs in quotation marks because they also use some questionable arguments/assumptions to calculate those costs to others before imposing them on the owner. For example, they do not do any netting. While there may be costs to others, what about the savings you are imposing on others? Nope, lets ignore those. Anyway... I have been meaning to look into the true cost of ownership: cost of electricity, cost of car, insurance, cost of inconvenience, etc. for some time. I just haven't.
  19. I always suspected @ILLINIWrestlingBlog was protesting too much about speedos, but now I know why. My sources in Myrtle Beach were able to locate him and obtain this surveillance photo.
  20. I kind of like the reversal being worth more than the takedown based on how rare the reversal is because of how hard it is to execute. I am OK with the 3:1 ratio of takedown to escape. At a 2:1 ratio, the escape carried too much weight to my way of thinking. But as an alternative I would not mind keeping the 2:1 ratio if they added in a form of freestyle criteria. In that way a 2-2 match that featured 1 takedown versus 2 escapes would favor the wrestler with the takedown. It helps that I am a big fan of criteria. I love that someone is always trailing and is incentivized to attack. The end of tied freestyle matches are sooooooo exciting, while the end of tied folkstyle matches are soooooooo boring.
  21. My kingdom for recruiting class rankings data. Flo has 2022 and prior years behind their paywall and I am no longer a Flo subscriber. As for the Brain, are those on his Rokfin? I did not see them on Intermat.
  22. And why, pray tell, would the NCAA, an organization that has a history of overly harsh punishments, all of a sudden changed their minds? Because they know what I know, but you seem to struggle with, that their punishment does not fit the crime. And their punishments have not fit their crimes because they have not been about justice. They have been all about protecting their monopoly and its large pay days. If that meant sacraficing athletes at the altar of profits, so be it. But now that they are being forced by Congress and the courts to justify their actions on many fronts, all of a sudden they are thinking about fairness. Since they cannot justify the punishment, they are changing the punishment. I don't get why people don't get this.
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