Yeah, he probably does. I am not a big fan of the what about argument. And it surprises me that Brands would use it as it seems counterproductive to good wrestling. That said, I share your cynicism about the NCAA.
Trivia Question:
Can anyone name the four time All-American with the highest placement total?
Hint: He achieved his total of 27 at two different schools. This happened within the last 10 tournaments.
Bonus trivia:
Can anyone name the four time All-American, who won at least one championship, with the highest placement total?
Hint: There are two tied with a total of 19. They also did this within the last 10 tournaments.
My list was the 40 who had higher totals than Fix while winning at least one, so it is 11 or greater. The guys with 10 and lower are not on that list. By the way, there are 68 guys with 10 or lower.
Trivia Question:
Can anyone name the four time All-American with the highest placement total?
Bonus trivia:
Can anyone name the four time All-American, who won at least one championship, with the highest placement total?
I am not sure how I feel about a fifth bite at the apple.
But how about some Fix Trivia? Or is it a trivia fix?
Fix has the lowest sum of finishes of any four time All-American who has not won a National Championship (2+2+2+4 = 10).
And he has a lower total than 40 four timers who won at least one championship.
History of Champions in the lowest weight class.
First the timeline of what was the lowest weight contested:
By School, By Weight (pretty, but hard to read):
By School, By Weight (ugly, but easy to read):