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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. where is he gonna go? you think iowa was giving him books or something?
  2. yeah I see what you mean. but they don't have anything of consequence going on for a month. plus arnold is notorious for missing weight, so my bet is that they needed that win and wanted him in good spirits and just told him to weigh in whereever he wanted. i was about to say that they would redshirt him before sending him 184, but thats not true because they probably think they need kennedy in the lineup to get 2nd.
  3. maybe another way to put it, it shrinks the power imbalance between individual and team scoring. an individual takedown is now way more likely to equate to a change in who wins the dual meet. the narratives between individual and team are now more cohesive.
  4. it also creates a situation where someone trying not to get majored one second could sneak in a takedown, cut the guy whose winning and be a takedown from a tie score.
  5. 1) it devalues the escape, which is appropriate. 2) if undermines the incentive to ride if you can't turn without ditching riding time 3) it makes the late match scenario where guys sprint for a major much more common, improving dual meets.
  6. would be funnier if you wouldn't try to spin this as a serious comment if he actually beat him(god knoweth how).
  7. love dresser taking responsibility
  8. even in freestyle you can't counter out of bounds
  9. metcalfs mannerisms are still brands....
  10. caliendo doesn't have to win, but its a bad look for iowa if he gets embarassed. the ISU underdogs have looked amazing.
  11. well i guess he has a lot of faith in the intregity of the iowa fan. makes sense now though thanks
  12. can you explain the joke. not being aggessive but are you implying that ISU is getting calls or that iowa has a legit advantage based on crowd/ref dynamics?
  13. i'm saying this after one period so its not after the fact, chittum is gonna have a hard time scoring in college
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