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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. yeah thats why its fascinating. he has a better gas tank, but seems like andonians atheticism will shut that style down. also off the initial throw thats true, but once youre in the eye to eye bridging scenario longer guys tend to get the job done i think?
  2. anyone taking chittum over andonian? I'm not, just curious.
  3. at least he'll have plenty of time to get some workouts in...174 here we come
  4. id bet cut also. as he is an All american, they wouldn't squander him but putting him out hurt. conversely they would want to make him weigh in constantly.
  5. going up a weight is hard, particularly because the move was predicated on loews injury....which was fairly recent right?
  6. how did foca get three poiints?
  7. has he won a match this year?!!
  8. I just don't think he's that skilled. He was a hammer in highschool but he just overwhelmed people with his strength, doesn't translate that well to college.
  9. i holstered my tOSU bashing after the tech dual....it might come back
  10. i think bouzakis and chittum are gonna struggle similarly. Relied to much on physicality in high school...
  11. starocci's style is why i would say that comparison doesnt hold. as good as vito is he has a pretty specific way one wrestling, so bad style match ups can happen. Starocci is the best handfighter, hard to take down, never gets ridden, rides as long he wants... long story short, its just so much easier to imagine vito getting upset than starocci
  12. i'm not hyper familiar with either but based on my current knowledge yes.
  13. yeah thats all potentially correct. guess i didn't think about what a black eye it would be for iowa if they announced him and he didn't get in.
  14. so, are they just sitting on it? I could see why they would be secretive, if there isn't a lead up to his debut the hype will drown out a lot of the negative media. Plus the brands aren't beyond silly theatrics.
  15. cool, just making sure you weren't trying to celebrate and detest the same thing in the same statement.
  16. yeah that. I think its a fair criticism on my part. Just because starocci has clownish tendencies it doesn't mean other people are justified to antagonize him in equivalent ways right?
  17. thats a great point. As little as we fans can understand the situation is heavily impacted by brands' relationship with Arnold/kennedy. If arnold wants to redshirt after some of his antics on social media, he's one of the grosser personalities in college wrestling.
  18. if he's not going up, here is a fun question. howmany more points at NCAAs would Tom accept in order to justify benching kennedy as opposed to redshirting arnold? Meaning he never would if he knew the pay off was 0. I'm thinking the answer is 2. Redshirting is losing currency with the elite recruits as we're all aware.
  19. has there been any actual information on AJ going to Iowa?
  20. i'm not playing I just don't know what you meant initially
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