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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. keck is tough....like whatever the huge equivalant of tough is...
  2. i've said enough meanspirited things today
  3. did anyone else watch chris perry drill with olenjik on flo?
  4. he wasn't that late. the strength of that rule is that its hard to misapply. if we start treating it like nearfall (where the ref generally should be in position) its gonna turn into a problem
  5. he just pointed out that ryan jack doesn't give up a bunch of nearfall.....
  6. unger looks like timothy chalemet....who isn't a good actor btw
  7. yeah cause his goal in life is to be a meme
  8. if you are looking at tactics and positional wrestling, NC state is the best team.
  9. i feel like the weakest weight talk is based on the idea that we've recently had HWY as the toughest weight for the first time ever...as if 97 was the default.
  10. bouzakis got third, the early loss wasn't a good luck but you can't say he had a bad tournament
  11. provo has just outworked him
  12. unger right to the belly.....
  13. only if you hate top wrestling and think ramirez should have been punished for taking an aggressive ride at a suboptimal time. who were you cheering for?
  14. cinnabon is the most insecure fan in the world, don't know about the rest of the fan base. Is tOSU doing well? mendez and demilio looked good.
  15. i have to add, his asides, wisecracks and personal opinions are completely lame and predicated on avoiding controversey.
  16. well would you accept that as wrestling fans we hardly ever have the luxury of a competent play by play guy next to a competent color guy. We have to accept hybrids, and sense we can generally see whats going on the hybrids should skew towards color, which pyles is horrible at. I'd also submit that he is bad at play by play. He doesn't have a good command of the language, he spams the word "good" to add the illusion of him evaluating anything as opposed to just saying collar tie when he sees a collar tie. Again call me cynical if you want but i just don't approve.
  17. I should admit that even though I'm right I would not deny that its a cynical position on my part.
  18. it means that he shouldnt be calling it as if it was radio. We can see everything, he should be making tactical insights and sussing out the narratives within the match.
  19. yeah but none about wrestling....its a not a soap opera
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