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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. No way Dake takes an assistant job.
  2. that might make sense, off the top of my head I'd say a problem is that no one wants their studs making a new weight at the olympics.
  3. yeah i was referencing the arguments alluded to in the post above.
  4. you remembering is a rare moment of satisfaction for me on this forum.
  5. I would just leave it at, pyles is so respected that he finds out the latest news on X with everyone else.
  6. gilman is tough, a lightweight, a soldier, been around a lot of great coaches, big attitude....not sure who trumps him. He models a lot of the behaviors you want.
  7. well, minus the endorsements that come with an olympic birth.
  8. not supporting the theory but because taylor is still a workout parnter
  9. they're holding out for brooks
  10. Cael is a jealous god, Taylor ain't taking anything of value with him.
  11. what people? those who know gilman is done and that tayor is married to kennedy's sister? or someone in the know whom you won't divulge.
  12. paragraph by paragraph: Just because people say it doesn't mean it makes sense. I don't group people in this context unless they share ideas, cause that's racism. I doubt you can reference a profound influence in the jewish community in the last 70 years who defined Judaism as a race to the exclusion of its status as a religion, but even if you could I wouldn't care because that person would be racist. They would, because it sounds racist, but their arguments would fall apart rapidly.
  13. i want to point out that this is a wonderfully concise summary.
  14. What? You throw it in because you are curious and if the details don't work out you remove the hat.
  15. is it a sin to take drugs that increase your ability to read the bible?
  16. As I said, they scanned the spectrum of "jewish" people(religious, socialist, secular...etc), but there was nothing uniting the groups except what I view as an artificial veneer of race. The racial dimension is the monolith, and I don't see how the conversation is coherent without it.
  17. well I should say that I mean racist, not in the sense that it should disqualify them public discourse, but I do mean it in the literal sense, you could say something like "racialist" to take some of the teeth out of the expression but thats getting counterproductive. To me the cohesion of the conversation hinged on the idea that 1) Jews are a race, which i don't believe, 2) races can and should be analyzed so general trends can noticed and situations like the war in Gaza can be diagnosed. If they had been examining the behavior of a group united by a common ideology, that would make sense to me, but they bounced back and forth between religious, secular, social ...etc. Jews as if grouping them together made sense in any meaningful way.
  18. @uncle bernard Ok I listened to both of the podcasts you recommended and I have some ideas about the difference in premises that make this conversation so unproductive. Here are my problems: 1) The podcast itself seemed like it was designed for people who just wanted to agree with it. The host asked no challenging questions, never flirted with playing devils advocate in any real way. 2) It was racist. The only time difference between secular and religious jews was referenced was when emphasizing the thoughts of a religious jew who was anti-zionist. The whole conversation lacked coherence for someone who doesn't buy into the notion that people are irrevocably united by race as opposed to ideas. 3)Again to coherence, they tended to discuss issues by working up the point at which there should have been an insight made, but then would brush up against a concept like "colonialism" or "whiteness" and then shift gears as if those concepts were so well substantiated that they didn't require being grounded in current pragmatic concerns. Once they even referenced someone who thought "racism is caused by capitalism" and after making that statement simply moved on without any attempt to nuance it or acknowledge some sort of other perspective. 4) At no point did they address any of the practical concerns which Israel as a country needs to address. It felt like 3 hours of being told "hey did you know not all jews even like israel?"
  19. Oh yeah, how could I forget "equity". The quality of being fair or impartial. Now it means systematically persecuting hard working competent people to equalize their outcomes with lazy, incompetent people.
  20. tracing it back further, the decline in coping skills seems related to utupian thinking...or maybe the idea that because we have material abundance enough to end things like poverty, but people focusing on that detail tend to completely ignore the idea that material well being is almost a neutral factor with regard to living whatever we consider to be a good life.
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