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Everything posted by Southend

  1. That’s right, and to bad for Spangler. He’s been out for at least last 4-5 duals.
  2. Blockhus at 2 seed. Lee at 3 seed. Hmmmm……..
  3. Getting a little personal aren’t you?
  4. I think there’s a lot of truth in the above statement
  5. I’m saying that rating processes have improved, but far from being a perfect metric.
  6. Sure , it seemed like a good hire at the time, Barry was fading on the recruiting trail. But seems AD’s don’t spend a lot of time vetting coach replacements in non revenue sports Unless they have a background in that sport. This is what you get sometimes. Not a good fit.
  7. With the updated rankings process, might never happen again, 7 taking 1.
  8. Indiana is doin fine. Don’t need another assistant.
  9. Have to give to Bubba, solely based on his name. As far as r as I’m concerned.
  10. Yes and remember, penn stat was just getting off the ground when Ryan took over an already decent positioned university school in Ohio , hot bed of wrestling. but I can feel the frustration of losing the big guys of tje state. Indiana has been loosing for years!
  11. So…… I take it… you are a regular there? What name do you post under? thanks for the lead anyway.
  12. The situation is no different from any other big ten program not named Iowa, penn state , Ohio State. Count how many hammers have fled Indiana in tje last 6-10years. And Indiana , like Michigan, have two schools in the BIG and still lose them all.
  13. Man there’s a bunch of old guys posting on this site. Are there any wrestling forums for younger guys?
  14. Spangler has been starter and got dinged. Must be something minor. Frazier is freshman ,but what was available. Moran (sr.) took Olympic shirt.
  15. Illinois would never have won if Indiana hadn’t wore Northwestern down . Now that’s a fact!
  16. H.S.- Alex Tsirtsis hands down college and beyond, who you mentioned. I like to add Jason Tsirtsis here because he might have been a multi NCAA champ from Indiana.
  17. No way, can he hop on one leg backwards, like Barry !
  18. Say what you want. Coaching has inherent risks. Being a persons livelihood demands that , first and foremost he takes care of his family. Schools don’t seem to have any problems with dismissing a coach for performance results in tje middle of a season, let alone after or before. And not giving two cents about what the members of the team think, that he recruited. I can’t ever rough shot over a coaches decision to make a change of his career. It is up to the institution now to build on what Ayers brought to the school. And be thankful for what he brought to the school. He has it in better shape than when he started.
  19. Does Joe match tje mental capacity of his wrestlers? Remember he went to a highly prestigious university Indiana.
  20. No explanation needed, my older and smarter sister graduated at PU. I spent many weekends there as a high schooler hanging around coeds. And I can tell you Indiana has nothing on Purdue as far as partying is concerned.
  21. lol. I graduated from iu. 2 degrees thank you. Don’t hold it against me. Can you rephrase this comment for me?
  22. We’ve been hearing that ,a lot here ,about other programs also. ( overtraining) maybe. But the way they’re working may be the culprit. Ersland is a product of tje evil Iowa system of training! People don’t think this ,but weight cutting is probably harder on a wrestler than anything. So big cutters, and for a whole season can cause injuries from normal training. A lot of tje champs at the end of the year are not big cutters. And if they are, then they have very controlled amount of regular season matches. I know heavies don’t cut , that’s another story.
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