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Everything posted by DJT

  1. I guess the next question is, which RTC will he be training at?
  2. Not to mention the two kids from CA who flipped their commitments.
  3. My bad.. Gopher RTC or WC or whatever… Minnesota, nonetheless. https://www.instagram.com/p/CsFDgcTLg1H/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  4. Apparently, Bono signed off on Trent Hillger hitting the RTC portal for Minnesota Storm… Would’ve been nice to keep him at UW to try to lure a heavyweight.
  5. Agreed. I think the infeasibility of performing the contractual requirements, paired with sort of a mutual understanding, keeps the Collectives’ NIL money from being portable when an athlete leaves said institution, in practice. I was just reading an article where the LifeWallet guy who pays crazy NIL at Miami (giving $800k and a car to a basketball player over two years, Cavinder twins, etc.) is pissed about Collectives because they are giving money not in line with “market value”. (I.e: Every University of Texas offensive linemen gets $50k/year from their Collective to make appearances at the children’s hospital.)
  6. Sometimes they have to send who is available. They probably should’ve sent Kyle Ruschell at 86kg… but only given him a two-day notice this time.
  7. He obviously meant Gilman, since we didn’t send Spencer Lee.
  8. That shit’s not funny… We were an improperly strapped helmet away from a President Kamala.
  9. I’m assuming his GOAT designation was based on wrestling ability, not accomplishments. I don’t necessarily agree with that, either, but watching him at senior nationals would leave anyone impressed. He appears to be at a higher level than he was 2 years ago, and I don’t think he’s reached his ceiling. That being said, if Steveson makes winning Worlds look as easy as Nationals, there’s no reason to not be able to consider him GOAT, even if he doesn’t have the same stack of medals as some others… so long as you’re willing to consider best>most accomplished.
  10. I totally read that as Steveson vs Zain and wondered what Zain ever did to piss you off so much to wish that upon him.
  11. NIL contracts are technically portable be rule, as they can’t be contingent on participation, let alone participation at a particular institution. Also, these big contract numbers are likely based on total potential value, renewed yearly, with a larger sum at the back end. Something along the lines of, “We’ll give you $300k. Each of the next three years, you’ll sign a contract for $50k/year and, in the fourth year, you’ll sign a contract for $150k.”
  12. NLI, as in National Letter of Intent (Scholarship), not NIL, as in Name Image Likeness (getting $100k for a few Instagram shout-outs).
  13. What’s that have to do with Spencer Lee?
  14. Me: I’m from Chicago, too. You: Oh yeah? Where in Chicago? Me: Well, a suburb.. to the north. You: Which one? Me: … Milwaukee. You:
  15. Isn’t that the second recruit flipping on Wisconsin this week? WTF is going on?
  16. They changed the law to 2am close months after the NCAA’s.
  17. Just have it at the Dells dome… everyone will need to remember to bring their own lawn chairs, though.
  18. The qualifiers are listed in the link just above your post.
  19. … and if Tom Brands was running on the mat screaming stalling and threatening to eat the ref’s children, it would sound like a typical Iowa match.
  20. I like what was done this year… it got a lot of big names to Senior Nationals… before, those who had already qualified for WTT didn’t bother to show up… many have a box in the garage full of stop signs, anyhow. There is really no point to re-wrestle the tournament at WTT, as it would only risk injuring a top athlete, even closer to Final X and/or Worlds. Perhaps, giving a medalist a bye to the finals of Nationals* would be the way to go (Gold bye to Final X)… if they win, they’re in Final X.. if they lose, they can come back through WTT for another shot at Final X… can we please change the name of Final X already or has the name Final X grown on people? Final X. * It would also get the big names at Nationals… but not the biggest names.
  21. Only if folkstyle changes the rule to you can only score nearfall points if you score a takedown… letting a kid stall on his feet for three minutes, choose top and rack up a couple sets of backs, then stall for a couple more minutes, doesn’t accurately reflect skill level differences between competitors.
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