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Everything posted by DJT

  1. I considered it a badge of honor to be called fake news by Jimmy.
  2. The prospect of the Ferraris attending Iowa push longtime AD Barta into retirement. https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/37734005/sources-iowa-ad-gary-barta-expected-announce-retirement
  3. I’m pretty sure he was referring to him coming out as a member of the alphabet group.
  4. If any Iowa fans want to prove their loyalty, they’ll surely do the same… nothing like a bunch of fifty year olds showing their buttholes to spark a twitter trend.
  5. What? Not buying that it was an AI-generated deepfake?
  6. I hear Gable is going to forfeit his first match, so he can get some practice wrestling under pressure… ain’t no best of three at Worlds. By, “I hear,” I mean I made it up, but it would be a savage move.
  7. Sorry, wasn’t insinuating that you were, and I completely agree with your assessment of him being more of a Big Ten 165 or going to a MAC school. I thought NIU might’ve been looking for a 165 with their AA transferring out, but it probably made financial sense for him to come back to Wisconsin for his masters. Whether he can beat Otto is a good question… switching weights with Hamiti is another… Also, it sounds like the Ferrari clan is passing up on Wisconsin with Angelo crossing it off his top 5 list (down to Iowa, Rutgers and VT). I was really hoping to see how the Wisconsin fanbase would handle them, given how divided they seem to be right now on the wiwrestling.com message board. Half the people think Bono needs to go because he can’t recruit Wisconsin and hasn’t outperformed Barry, while the other half thinks he’s great because he tweets and the dual atmosphere is more exciting.
  8. Thielke forfeited in the finals?
  9. Looks like I was right… Maylor to Wisconsin.
  10. If you compete unattached (“redshirt”) your first year, compete attached three full seasons and get hurt during your fifth year (fourth year attached), the only way you get a medical redshirt is if you were hurt during your first year (or early enough in any of the subsequent years), too. If not, the NCAA pretty much says, “Well, you should’ve competed when you were healthy.” Technically, you don’t really acknowledge the first year as being a “redshirt year” until you exercise the option of your fifth year (fourth year of attached competition). Calling someone a redshirt freshman just helps keep track of years of eligibility left (otherwise you’d have seniors who become redshirt seniors the next year, which would be confusing and weird).
  11. Feels like he graduated from HS at least a decade ago… Heading back home to Wisconsin? It would follow this year’s trend of Wisconsin natives transferring back to the UW.
  12. Only following the path of our Lord, Jesus Christ, brings true happiness, so if being happy is his primary concern, he’ll be flipping his commitment to PSU. As far as football goes, that Raiders linebacker did it the right way… play a few years pro and retire in the middle of the season at like 27 to sell Pokémon cards.
  13. Nah… Any day now Bono will put up another “great day to be a badger”…
  14. By rule, you cannot receive any scholarship in another sport if you’re on the football team. A .25 scholarship in wrestling means a full scholarship against football’s 85… so you either walk on in both, or you get a football full-ride… nothing in between. It’s weird, but makes sense, since, otherwise, you might have schools giving all their track scholarships to football players.
  15. One More Shot 2! This time John Smith makes a comeback to cement himself as the GOAT. Anthony Hopkins will play the ghost of Dan Hodge who trains him.
  16. I don’t think we’re really in disagreement. Schools definitely have a different standard, and Title IX requires (or at least encourages) schools to treat men accused of sexual harassment/assault as guilty until proven innocent. (See Quentin Cephus case at University of Wisconsin… kicked off the football team, kicked out of school, proven in court the accusation was a wholesale lie.) Regardless of the sexual assault charges, there are plenty of other reasons to keep him away from your program (and daughters).
  17. While I completely understand what you’re saying, the problem with that mentality lies in where does your presumption of guilt begin? The accusation? Arrest? Filing of charges? Plea bargain? Adjudication with which you disagree? It’s such a slippery slope, and to say you’ll “see the case with your own eyes,” means you’ll be seeing a very small snippet of the facts and overall picture. What is in the media is completely agenda driven, whether by corporate or what the prosecutor allows to be known (back to the probable cause affidavit). Hell, most of the time the jury doesn’t even get all of the facts to form their own opinion based on the whole picture. Again, don’t take this as me defending Focus… I couldn’t care less if he never wrestled again.
  18. Damn Gen-Zers getting their master’s degrees and moving back in.
  19. If he’s acquitted, yes, his name should be cleared of the sexual assault allegations, not the other dumb shit that’d be enough for me as a coach to never want him around. The longer this drags out, the more likely the alleged victim won’t want to testify and just move on from it. Then, chances are he’ll take a plea agreement with a guilty plea on a misdemeanor sexual assault charge that wouldn’t require him to register as an SO, and deferred prosecution on the felony sexual assault charge… likely a few years of probation.
  20. Great… now I just wasted an hour and a half watching raccoon voiceover videos on YouTube.
  21. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% for the presumption of innocence, and I find it abhorrent that so many people get wronged by the media stoking the mob with half-truths, typically pulled from probable cause statements which, by definition, are meant to paint the suspect in the worst possible light to the point that they’re works of fiction. However, if I were making $300k+ at my (presumptively) dream job, I wouldn’t risk not only that job, but the prospect of ever having a similar job, by pissing on a hornets’ nest. I’d wish AJ well and tell him we’ll talk when there’s more clarity to the resolution of his criminal case.
  22. If the alleged victim is/was an OSU student, it would be well within the prerogative of the judge to ban him from that campus as a condition of his bond… other campuses, probably not so much. But, agreed, it surprises me that any coach would be inviting him to campus at this juncture.
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