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Everything posted by DJT

  1. I’m sure it’s not uncommon at all… but 13 total points/ 4 total points of offense in ~36 minutes of wrestling stands out as peculiar, even at heavyweight… average match score (not including the default) 1.2-1.4.
  2. Wasn’t saying it was an easy path… just strange scoring. Kerk might’ve had the only offensive points against him.
  3. Hillger took 8th this year with a 6-7 total score, with only two of his points being offensive (OT takedown).
  4. You made my day getting the reference. Way to slam dunk it.
  5. I'm in. Pretty sure I would've won duals myself in high school, if that were the rule... That was back before they called everything potentially dangerous, though.
  6. I think there should be a bonus if you secure a techfall, then pin your opponent. Encourage scoring. Reward dominance. If you're wining by a decision or losing (with the nearfall added) after a pin, you get 6. If you're winning by major (with the nearfall added) after a pin, you get 7. If you're winning by tech (with the nearfall added) after a pin, you get 8. Make forfeits/defaults worth 9 or 10. It's disgusting to see forfeits in Big10 wrestling.
  7. It only makes sense to go in weight order, since it looks like the lighter weights have a higher chance of needing match 3's.
  8. Even his follow up scenario is wrong.
  9. … and it wouldn’t be a minute too soon.
  10. In case LJB is still confused.
  11. Requiring year subscriptions probably went a long way in fixing their earlier issues with livestreams, which is why I don't really have a problem with that, either. Tough to plan for (and invest in) required bandwidth when your potential viewership jumps 20,000% for an event, just to have everyone cancel their monthly subscriptions the next day.
  12. I had Flo for a couple years, and I never once had a streaming issue on live events. I actually got rid of a couple of my other streaming services (Hulu and Discovery), because I found myself watching random shit on the other Flo channels more than anything after I got through all the wrestling content.
  13. Nobody likes Flo FloRugby: https://www.reddit.com/r/MLRugby/comments/spb0gi/florugby_streaming_service_dont_sign_up/ FloSoftball: https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeSoftball/comments/10zb7cs/whats_the_best_viewing_deal_for_a_softball_junkie/ FloBaseball https://www.reddit.com/r/collegebaseball/comments/10vsh12/has_anyone_used_flosports/ FloVolleyball: https://volleytalk.proboards.com/thread/82739/flovolleyball-com?page=1 FloGrappling: https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/x4aetd/flograppling_how_are_you_so_bad/ FloTrack: https://www.reddit.com/r/trackandfield/comments/7q5yvd/why_is_flotrack_such_a_scam_150_to_watch_very/
  14. Wasn't the bigger issue with athletes taking the many of their classes at Finger Lakes Community College (or something like that)?
  15. Here's an article from the Washington Rag. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/olympics/daily/wrestlng/july/29/money.htm
  16. Or the costar of Kim Kardashian, Superstar?
  17. They have a monthly subscription option now… $29.99/mo.
  18. I was referring to Arena.. which is ducking terrible. Perhaps not even at a code level (outside of what was pointed out here), but from an intuitive usage sense.
  19. Hey, now… You’re describing my office… so many post it notes.
  20. Maybe they should follow Twitter’s lead and release all their code and let the public find and point out the errors… maybe a sort of bounty program exchanging subscription credits for providing bug fixes. I mean, that would be admitting faults and being proactive instead of ignoring them, making excuses and blaming others.
  21. They aren’t. Vito, Brooks, Berger and Steveson are all messed up.
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