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Everything posted by DJT

  1. Agreed. You’d think when the product is basically just a database with some less than groundbreaking functions, you’d try to make sure the simplest of the algorithms were correct… it’s not like FloArena is some computer science assignment a junior high kid threw together last minute… or is it? As bland and boring as TrackWrestling is looking like something from Windows 3.1, along with some of its user-unfriendly quirks, it is light years ahead of Arena on functionality.
  2. Olympic Champion Robert Steveson Vito is VHW Club… weird name. I’m taking John Brooks over David Taylor at 86kg. I’m not seeing it as a sleight, rather shoddy algorithm programming. The profiles in the previews do actually go somewhere reasonable. https://www.flowrestling.org/people/7821222-dominique-parrish
  3. Because I'm a moron and forgot he still won that match...
  4. Jimmy is a Penn State fan? This can't be true. I thought he was an Iowa fan pretending to be a Penn State fan who was pretending to be an Iowa fan, while in reality, being a Long Island University fan.
  5. Not only was he robbed of the pin, he was robbed of having 100 career wins.
  6. The only other is the benzos like Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Librium, etc… which is funny because benzos are given to people with severe alcohol withdrawals to keep them from dying (particularly Librium).
  7. No, as long as you wear a mask and social distance.
  8. Why is this thread becoming political? Current politics is like arguing whether it’s better to be an idiot or a moron.
  9. No doubt about biases happening… being the “outside” school traveling to the part of the state where it seems like everyone is related was the worst.
  10. BS. Didn’t you listen to Papa Lee? Spencer physically couldn’t wrestle.
  11. When I coached, it seemed like there were the same 5-6 refs, no matter where we went… quite a few of them were reffing me when I was in high school 20+ years before, and I thought they were old then. The only good thing about that is you know how they’re going to call matches. One of the refs, if you broke 45 on your back, he’s probably going to slap the mat, especially if it’s late in the day. Another, you knew he was going to call stalling on whoever was winning in the 3rd without fail. Another, if you put a guy’s arm on his back, he’d call it potentially dangerous almost immediately.
  12. That’s shitty. There is no excuse for a wrestler getting choked completely out. It doesn’t happen that quickly if the ref has any wrestling knowledge. Not much of a procedure to protest in HS wrestling. I found with bad calls it was always best to wait until breaks in between rounds and have a discussion with the ref, including the head ref in the conversation if necessary. It’s amazing how many times they actually admit they blew a call either because they were out of position or weren’t 100% sure on a rule so let it play out. I’m fine with that, as long as it makes them better. We need more refs and berating them does little to recruit more or help the ones we have improve. Through the years I tried to talk my better wrestlers into getting their officiating license (offered for free by the state association) to make some side cash in college, but they all said they didn’t feel like spending their Saturdays getting yelled at by old fat guys for 12 hours straight.
  13. Pushing that Ferrari shit in like true (only)fans.
  14. The worst part of coaching was watching kids get screwed over and just having to sit there and take it, knowing we’d see the ref the rest of the day, next week, at regionals, at states, etc, and knowing it would only come back to bite my wrestlers in the ass when it was more important. I had a parent flip out on me because his kid got royally screwed, and I didn’t argue with the ref as much as he’d like me to… once I put it that way to him, he calmed down in the stands, too. I’d only really get after refs when they were so bad they put wrestlers in physical danger… then I’d throw stuff.
  15. There we go again dragging me into it… I didn’t say anything about Spencer Lee. If I had, it would’ve been that TNT crippled the future face of USA Wrestling for one measly team championship. Had Spencer went to PSU, Carl would’ve put his health first, and he’d probably have as many World Titles as NCAA titles right now. (I may be trolling, but there is at least a hint of truth to it. )
  16. ^It’s inexcusable for you to choose focusing on your son making the world team over fighting with anonymous posters on a wrestling message board. We now know our worth to you. But, seriously, that’s really cool, and a sincere congratulations to your family.
  17. Now we see where priorities lie… inexcusable. Congrats though.
  18. Whenever I read her comments (or the fake ones), I hear her voice in my head where every sentence ends with upward inflection and sounds like a question. I think the parody account got shut down. Too bad. Her real account is still pretty funny, though. Scary, but funny.
  19. Leave me out of this... I didn't say anything about Spencer Lee.
  20. It's a chicken or the egg thing... We need success to get America on board with Greco, but we need to get Americans on board with Greco to have success. What's it going to take to break the cycle? Probably money, for starters. Where's that money going to come from? LJB winning the Powerball is the best bet at this point.
  21. That's why I went with Lehigh, not Chattanooga... being in PA was a big reason for his move, though, I think PSU had as many starters from AZ as PA last year. However, it's not like he was getting beat up at ISU (2nd/5th/3rd... with 7 AA's the year they took 5th).
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