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Everything posted by DJT

  1. My grandma was a diabetic. What an asshole. Next you'll be telling me he once kicked a cat... if that's the case, I'll have a check in the mail to the Swarm Collective this afternoon.
  2. Iowa had two linebackers drafted, PSU none... Methinks Iowa took that title away. The GOP, as we know it today, is largely a creation of the success and enigma of Abraham Lincoln, abolishing slavery, passing the Civil Rights Act, etc., so why does everyone call Republicans racist? Anyhow, I know what you're saying about PSU athletics getting a huge boost from the Paterno days, but I think Cael could've done the same thing he's doing with PSU at Lehigh. He's put the right people with the right philosophies in the right positions at the right time... PSU being the "right place" is only a small part of the puzzle, in my opinion.
  3. There's nothing disingenuous about my post. I was simply pointing out that it's off topic to place the blame of other programs' transgressions on the wrestling program. It's like saying PSU is the better wrestling team because PSU had six players go in the NFL draft, while Iowa only had four. Just not related.
  4. I'm in no way a PSU fan, but if you are attacking the wrestling program based on Sandusky/Paterno, you're being disingenuous, at best. If that's on the table, then Iowa wrestling can be criticized for racial and sexual discrimination and harassment lawsuits and getting sued for not paying its utility bills.
  5. Lucky for Iowa, they won't be a flight risk when they're inevitably all on court-ordered electronic monitoring.
  6. It's a lot like the AOC (the bartender, not the wrestler) parody account... when you can't tell if it's fake or real, it's saying something.
  7. Pretty sure they’ve even tried to justify doing so in recent years (Flo doc maybe?), instead of owning up to it being a tremendous mistake.
  8. I think many of us agree with this post. Isn’t the word on the street this is what VT did?
  9. Just know it could be worse… Ferrari could’ve put on a Gopher hat last night.
  10. C’mon, your post could be read either way. ”I would’ve never imagined a time when college wrestlers could make more money than full-time professional senior level athletes.” vs. ”I can’t imagine college wrestlers could make more money than full-time professional senior level athletes.”
  11. My guess is it’s now the complete opposite - much more money available for a college wrestler than a senior level wrestler. A senior athlete has his own fans. A college wrestler has his own fans and the fans of the college (and its benefactors). More fans = more brand exposure = more money.
  12. I was at a high school baseball game the other day. The batter popped a foul ball high up into the parking lot toward a nice looking BMW parked way too close to the field. The whole crowd oohed as it came down until the ball just missed, harmlessly bouncing off the ground. The owner stood up with his arms in the air, and the crowd booed. Lo and behold, the next pitch, the same thing, ball sailing toward the Beamer again, the crowd oohing… SMACK! Car alarm goes off. Windshield broken. The crowd on its feet cheering. The owner quickly scuttles off looking pissed and flips off the crowd. The crowd cheers louder. The moral of the story: use some common sense to protect your nice things, because, if you don’t, everyone will be more than happy to watch it get destroyed.
  13. I was very disappointed in the Decision Show. Putting on the hat of the team he chose? Super lame. What is this? Football? Does he ever even wear a hat? We all know the Ferraris love their hair. I was hoping for a full on shirt and Chippendale-style pants tear off to reveal the team’s singlet, followed by a lot of screaming and flexing. Maybe some jumping chest bumps and flex-offs with his brothers and dad, and, if we were really lucky, a special appearance by Uncle Carmine.
  14. The only way PSU will be challenged in the coming years is if the Ferraris choose PSU.
  15. Ahh… Facebook… so it’s only going to cost me my dignity.
  16. So who else is buying a Flo subscription just to watch the Ferrari Decision Show? I can’t believe it isn’t on ESPN The Ocho.
  17. Here’s to hoping all three commit to Sacred Heart University. Nobody will see it coming. Not even Street Jesus.
  18. Don’t get me wrong… I wrestled quite a bit of Greco, and I probably preferred wrestling Greco over free and definitely over folk. Wrestling as a whole is better for having Greco remain (ie not selling it out for more freestyle weights as most Americans would do).
  19. You always confuse me on which is the less popular style and which takes more technique. It wouldn’t just be the heavies, but some of the defensive backs coming in at 175-190, smaller linebackers at 200-220. Their athleticism is otherworldly, even when compared to most (not all) elite wrestlers. But, yes, get an NFL player to identify as a woman, and he’ll.. er.. she’ll likely win the women’s gold in some form of Mortal Combat style victory.
  20. It’d be a good experiment to see if you could take 3-4 NFL defensive players and see if you could get them to be Olympic Champions in Greco inside of one cycle. Not to dismiss the intricacies of Greco, but I think it could be done.
  21. On one hand you have a college kid who wins NCAA titles on bummed knees… on the other, you have a 49-year-old former Royal Marine who did the fastest unsupported solo row across the Atlantic without a knee to get bummed… https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-devon-47443233 It’s a close call, but I’m going with Lee Spencer, since he probably has better conditioning… and Spencer Lee no longer has a soul according to his Rudis ad. (Jimmy Post)
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