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Everything posted by BlacknGold

  1. Spent an hour on the flo show this morning complaining about NIL, while also trying to explain he wants students to "get payed what they are worth." Someone inform the guy he contradicts himself every other sentence
  2. Yale not having a wrestling team isn't the same as fans getting their feelings hurt and trying to tell students where to get their education... That's just sad... Even if they all go to penn state, it is what it is. Blocking students from seeking out what's best for their individual life is wrong
  3. Play crap shoot with a new random coach instead of going to the coach of their choice? Yeah sure lol
  4. Some of you want to prohibit students from going to the school of their choice because your feelings got hurt? Just sounds wrong. Students should get an education wherever they want and too bad if it makes another team better. They earned the right to choose. It's their education, scholarship, future, etc. I wasn't happy when Nagao, Truax, Mesenbrink all chose PSU, but I never cried for a rule change. That's just sad
  5. What I'm saying is they don't use projections for next season. Which would be a more accurate. Someone like Meyer Shapiro counts for 0? Ayala will score 2 points in next years tournament? Spare me
  6. Think Assad has Olympic redshirt for cadets still. Nonetheless, he never AA and is a senior so it's not like he has some death grip ownership of the weight class. He's a good wrestler but is owed nothing other than an opportunity and a scholarship I think the ranking you're talking about is the one just based on returning tournament points. So Iowa would get 0 at 125 and 197 when obviously they will probably score points at those weight classes. Sort of a funky ranking
  7. Wrestlestat bases that off returning points only, meaning someone like Drake Ayala counts for 0 points. It's a lame assessment. Michigan has a good roster but probably a better dual team than tournament
  8. Maybe? But Caliendo to 184 is a reach. Think he stays 165/174 most likely
  9. Not sure if Kobe makes that cut, but it's possible. Also unsure if Caliendo moves up. Just a projection
  10. 125- Ayala (SO)/Cruz (RSFR) 133- Teske (SR)/Schriever (JR) (Peterson redshirt) 141- Woods (SR)/Schroeder (JR) (Block redshirt) (Grebel redshirt) 149- Voinovich (SO)/Rathjen (SO) 157- Franek (SR)/Siebrecht (JR) (Ferrari redshirt) 165- Kennedy (SO)/Riggins (RSFR) (Fenton redshirt) 174- Caliendo (SO)/Swafford (SR) (Arnold redshirt) 184- Brands (SR)/Assad (SR) 197- Franklin (RSFR)/Glazier (JR) - Ferrari* (SO) 285- Cassioppi (SR)/Hill (RSFR) (Kueter redshirt)
  11. No because wrestlers would be prevented from going to universities they seek to continue education if they aren't the "first 2" on board. Some might want to take their time and visit schools, and restricting them in general sounds wrong. It's their life, they should get education where they choose, and the sport is paying for it. I was bummed when Penn State got Nagao, Messenbrink, Truax, but it is what it is my friend
  12. I think he redshirts, then plays football and wrestles for 2-3 years, then skips last 1-2 years for nfl
  13. My best Jimmy Cinnabon impression. Just thought I would add to the Spencer madness while the forum is in disarray
  14. You guys say you're happy Angelo chose Iowa then proceed to rant about it lol. I've never seen so much crying in my life. Have fun wishing ill will upon teenagers all day while simultaneously preaching about morals
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