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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Truth is I much prefer a nice cut of grouper or mahi or snapper or shrimp or scallop, over brisket or pork butts. I just enjoy the process in smoking a good slab of meat. But tides change, things get different. Actually thinking about selling the whole package I have down there and significantly downsizing.
  2. I say you work in inequity......to achieve your vanity.
  3. One must play the card that one can basically do whatever one wants to do and any attempt at accountability for doing things one is not supposed to is then labled as bullying, harrassing, or even today in some cases, election interference.... But we don't want to focus on the wrong doing, we just want to focus on the reaction to the wrong doing. That would be how I explain 'victim card' in a general sense.
  4. Can't disagree. I just relate it to coping skills. Whether it's someone picking on you in school, not being able to find the perfect job, not being able to get a date, or accepting election results..........coping skills have depleted significantly throughout the country.
  5. Not for nothing, but the "they" in this scenario is.....she. She revisited it, and now people are talkiing about it. Then again if you're going to make a run at Trump's VP, you gotta be able to play victim cards,
  6. As evidenced by our two nominees for president…. Third election in a row I won’t be checking the President box.
  7. My daughter just went and saw that last week and loved it.
  8. I decided was going to do one show (minimum) each month until the school season starts, starting with the Stephen Marley show last night (which was amazing). Currently holding tickets for: June: Toots and the Maytals July: Steel Pulse August: nothing yet but Beres Hammond just dropped a date in Ft Lauderdale September: nothing yet but if Earth Wind and Fire drops a date I’m ***ducking** there. October: Marley Brothers Legacy Tour November: nothing yet Anyone got any shows lined up?
  9. Got home couple hours ago from the Stephen Marley “Old Soul” show, worked my way up to the rail, still here in jam mode at the homestead. Fantastic show!
  10. Why get your information from an anonymous person on a message board when you can go out and get some info from various sources who actually investigated the case?? And why would you want to form such strong opinions before taking the time to learn anything about the topic? Seems like another case of: well it’s just easier for me to whine. Since you admittingly have not looked much into the case, but have already determined that the accountability and liability falls on those that were manipulated and lied to…I think we’ve taken this about as far as it can go. Have a great weekend!
  11. Did I say that? And how does that answer focus some accountability on the predators? Is this case about how much they learned, or about a corporation being fraudulent, falsifying data, and manipulating teens through lies? Do we just simply not want to discuss the fraud? But to answer your question, no the gov’t should not bail out everytime there is a shady situation. Would you care to answer mine?
  12. World leaders make historic decision to shut down all coal power plants by 2035: 'The advanced economies of the world are committed to phasing out coal' (msn.com)
  13. So we don't want to talk about the corporation that was committing fraud, falsifying records, etc etc, because we want to focus on the parents who were also lied to. YES! That will give us (what we think) is a legitimate reason to whine about the administration!
  14. Thank you. I just read a couple articles on it and thought I would share some more information on the story: This is a result of a multiple state, multiple year investigation into the for-profit college, which found practices of manipulation, fraud, falsifying post-graduate rates, etc. Report deemed them a predatory institution. So this is certainly a much different scenario than they typical round of student loan forgiveness. I for one am perfectly okay with this one. I mean if we are going to bail out the banks for creating a huge housing bubble with predatory loans resulting in a trashed economy, I'm okay with bailing out those who were manipulated as teens by people supposed to be acting as professionals in an education setting.
  15. You're boring. Maybe you can spice it up by telling us more about that "first thing in the morning" stuff. I'll leave you be for a while to work on it, and check back in later to see what you come up with.
  16. Source? There were no engineering degrees, business degrees, education degrees, technology degrees in there. That $6.1 billion dollars was earmarked specifically for fine arts degrees?
  17. This one is one of the better squirming sessions yet.
  18. Truly despise the level to which the word "bullying" has risen.
  19. I particularly liked the story of all the matching tents across the different campuses. But then again I also like how everyone screams "screw the media, the media is all lies, its all agenda"......until the media puts out something they are happy to go out and scream about. Then its the 'smoking gun'. So who the ***duck** knows....
  20. Repeating stupid doesn't make it less stupid. But it does show us you are starting to realize you are not as good at coming up with something clever to say, as you thought you were. Keep working on it, I have faith in you. Everyone can be successful.....in their own little way.
  21. You’re under the impression the first thing I do in a day….is at 9:30 in the morning? Think your responses through before you submit. You may make more sense. Maybe not, but it will at least increase your chances.
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