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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Raised 50 million in a few short hours and was lauded in front of a packed house at a UFC event.........from all those suffering folks who can't afford gas and groceries in this America!!! What will be interesting to see is if he ends raising more money by saying "Lock her up" 8 years ago, or by saying "It's a wich hunt, I never said lock her up!" now.
  2. You would have to ask the MAGA flock on my feed why they are crying and whining and obsessed with Biden and Pelosi (....but......TDS.....right??), I am simply making an observation. If you would like to prepare a list of questions, I would be happy to send to them. They are all friends.
  3. It was certainly an emotional weekend for the MAGA flock. I hadn’t seen so much crying and whining on my FB feed about Biden and Pelosi in quite some time. Quite the productive weekend in our little study. Happy Monday!
  4. There’s no talking it back (especially by doubling down and equating the United States government with Hamas). One of the most pathetic comments I ever written on this board.
  5. This has been one of the more interesting things in this little study of human behavior, how he could run up this phrase ‘RINO’, and watch the MAGA flock run with it, blindly ignoring the fact he is the original RINO.
  6. You tell us more more about yourself in these posts than you realize. PS, if you ask the clerk while you’re there, I’m sure they can point you to the Kleenex as well. We can see it’s been a rough day for you and your emotions.
  7. They did. Look what happened. He committed more crimes, and influenced hundreds upon hundreds to commit crimes as well, in large part by lying about our government processes, which he is doing all over again while being held to account for the crimes he has commiitted. Does that make it less of a “political witch hunt” or more?
  8. The fact that it has struck a nerve, to the point of seeing me as angry all the time, speaks volumes.
  9. Not sure Biden is really able to comprehend what is going on, but his staffers I think, if they put all their faith in information from twitter, tik tok, and other resources so popular to the flock, they would be very very nervous. I'm guessing maybe that's not the case though.
  10. If the emotions weren’t at such a high level this morning and calmer, clearer heads prevailed and allowed for that whole, reading comprehension thing, one would be able to see that I have not opined on Trump one time in this thread. But rather, my observations are on the members of the flock, who are in such a tizzy this morning they can’t even see straight apparently. You are correct. TDS is very real (its also a lot of blind projection, particularly from the folks who just can’t keep Hunter and Joe Biden off their brain ) PS- Nikki would get my vote in a heartbeat. Pretty much anyone but these two clowns would.
  11. There's an ad in the paper for BOGO at Walgreen's. Better stock up, by the looks of all the TV pundits, its going to be a very emotional weekend for ya'll. But it'll be okay, you'll feel better once the fever breaks.
  12. Well of course, I can read. It’s that whole comprehension thing I keep trying to clue you in on. Just read some of the posts in this thread (yours are some of the most interesting by the way), then understand this thread is but a small sampling size, then understand extrapolating those numbers to percentage of Americans who, like you, are butthurt idiots. And you can understand tight sphincters, as you are showing us here tonight, all over the country!!
  13. Someone that comes to an anonymous wrestling non topics message board to ask that question is not seeking that information, they are here to cry. They know full well that information is readily available, and exactly where to go. Human behavior is a fascinating thing.
  14. Sphincters all over the country are going to need some extra Vaseline tonight!
  15. PS-no, I’m not trying to do anything of that. I just strongly disagree with you that’s what’s going on here.
  16. Is Truly quoting actual full court transcripts, or is this just what Turley is saying on his website?
  17. Can you find an example in history where an ex-President running for President has faced the level of charges/claims, in multiple states by multiple jurisdictions from multiple agencies, having passed through multiple appellate courts, of the individual's appointing,....to qualify this 'same thing' argument. Of course it is not the same thing, because there is absolutley no example whatsoever of the same thing as above to try and compare it to. Just because someone is an ex President running for president does not automatically mean charges and claims are false or nothing more than political motivation. (Again, look at the countless number of republican's, people on his staff, who are involved in some way in all of these many many many claims and charges) If you are all for someone being found guilty if they are guilty, then why don't you wait for the justice system to fully play out and form your opinions, instead of forming them as soon as he has to sit in front of one of his many many many claims and charges, because your news media told you it was political. Because lets be honest, you (I'm going to assume) have not and will not sit in a courtoom for one day of his many many many claims and charges, so the only information you have is from your news media. Which, you have agreed on here several times, is incredibly slanted and bias beyond all trust. But when its convenient or fits....
  18. It is extremely regular to have alternate jurors, you don't have to take a law class to understand that. But......anything to stir the flock, and boy can they get stirrin easily..
  19. While having full expectation that people answer your questions whether they are comfortable with them or not, you are at the same time making the following statement: "If the examples are worth their salt they should stand up to my scrutiny." Indicating yourself as the ultimate authority on whether or not a question/example in a dialogue is worthy. By doing this, you make it very easy to dodge questions/examples you may not be comfortable answering, all while expecting others to do just that, by simply claiming it is not worthy of your salt, which is very easy and self fulfilling to do if you don't want to put yourself in the discomfort of a particular question or example.
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