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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Or maybe not even the idea, but just the platform to scream “I’m a patriot”, even if their beliefs/behavior doesn’t match up.
  2. So….youre not talking about what actually happened. Just manufactured anger. Glad we cleared it up. And there is that pesky little fact that you started this thread advocating for then to have their scholarships taken away. So, I mean, there’s that…..
  3. And that’s fine, you have every right to. I don’t like it either. But you are taking it a step further by calling for punishment, from a state institution, for a peaceful protest 100% within their rights, and have something taken away from them that they EARNED, because you don’t like their idea. That’s not patriotic at all. That is the exact opposite of what America stands far. You can stand on top of a mountain and scream I’m a patriot all you want, but when you say I don’t agree with how you’re exercising your rights peacefully so you should be punished, you are behaving as unAmerican as it gets.
  4. Well….if someone truly wanted those answers, they could seek those answers out at other sources than anonymous wrestling message boards….
  5. This is literally the most self contradicting post on here. How can you supposedly be a person strong for individual freedom while also at the same time expecting foolishness (or in this case something I don’t agree with) not to be tolerated? I ask you to square those two completely contradicting philosophies with each other please.
  6. As I said, exercising that right IS appreciation. It is exactly that. You or me not agreeing with that particular form of protest does not make it so. Not having the wherewithal (or balls for a better term) to use what you were given to try and better something, is the opposite of appreciation. That’s taking it for granted and believing we shouldn’t have to do any hard work for that freedom, because someone already did it for us. Don’t take my stance as liking it, I don’t. But the ‘hard work’ is doing the things that aren’t popular and getting people to talk about them. THAT’s America.
  7. Because women don’t believe talking shit on a message board is a measurement of their dick. Pretty obvious…
  8. Coach could do a lot of different things to prepare their athletes for high level events. Lots of coaches do lots of different things. Thats the beautiful thing with freedom. When you are preparing your athletes for high level events, you will enjoy that freedom too.
  9. Not at all a fan of of someone leaving the court during the anthem, but am a big fan of people exercising their constitutional rights of speech and protest peacefully. That IS support for the government entity. Our history is filled with protest against the government to improve it. We wouldn’t have become the greatest country in the world without it. And it doesn’t work if we only pick and choose the specific instances in which we are okay with someone exercising their individual rights peacefully. To be okay with this is to be okay with taking something away from someone that they earned, because you don’t like their idea. Not because they’re violent, or doing drugs, or harming children, or committing other crimes, or cheating on exams…..but because you don’t like their idea. ‘Merica!
  10. You didn't *just* say you weren't convinced. You added, and actually emphasized your entire post, by saying people who were convinced only said that because they don't have a good reason. Hold up to what you actually said at least, especially if you're going to talk about "it all comes back to accountability" a few posts later. (kind of proving my point for me)
  11. ...or....when you know you don't know all the details but have a strong belief there's something bigger than me. Why is it people who talk the most about being open to other's ideas and ways, are usually among the first to shut any idea out that they don't understand?
  12. I didn't even know it was visibility whatever day until I saw a bunch of people looking for something else to gripe about on this board. If only we lived in a place where we had a right to choose what to participate in, and not be bothered by people who do things we don't agree with if we don't want to.....
  13. When that happens I pull up the video of the Wailers ‘catch a fire’ recording at BBC studios, particularly Concrete Jungle. Jah Bless.
  14. So you’re saying the rich don’t invest? They just earn all their money through big salaries and tuck it away? Investment, return on investment, invest more. Typically what creates that return on investment is jobs being performed, goods being made, manufacturing occurring. Most ‘rich’ with more of their own money to invest, will invest more.
  15. I believe in one tax rate regardless of income that is accurately enforced. I know, shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one gathers first. But, I don’t believe in “you make more money so you owe a higher ratio of your money. Even at a single rate if a person makes more money they are contributing more in taxes. I don’t make a lot of money, but let them do their thing. I believe most would be less likely to try to ‘cheat’ the system if the system was the same for everyone. then again I’m smart enough to know I’m not smart enough to have it all figured out….
  16. You have an interesting way of perceiving thoughts and messages that are not “on your page”.
  17. I already did. We get no where talking in circles for days. You will see that one day.
  18. There’s not a whole lot of shade in between right and wrong. You’re making my point for me. One persons perspective may be….its okay for me to walk in to my neighbors house without knocking and see how they are, my last neighbor didn’t care. That perspective does not make it okay.
  19. In this context, what someone wants. So as it relates toy response, if the values of the society of which I’ve chosen to belong as an adult does not fit what I want, I will twist and turn to make it fit what I want because….its all about me. I don’t know how to answer your second question. Seems not needed to be answered.
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