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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. When you say “the protestors are shouting….death to America”. Do you mean the majority of the protestors in all 50 protests are shouting it, or someone on Twitter said they heard someone heard say….?
  2. In fairness, Florida didn't take away heat breaks. Florida passed a bill that said localities can't pass their own laws, and must follow the state and federal standards on safe working environments.
  3. I've always said we the people have the ultimate power in term limits. Vote their asses out. But we don't want to do that, much easier to bitch and whine.
  4. Maybe, and I'm just spit balling here, but maybe the point is we could go on all day and talk about the atrocities committed by illeagel immigrants, legal immigrants, born citizens, white, black, hispanic, etc etc etc. But nothing is going to get done as long as we only worry about the small pieces of the puzzle our 'leaders' on our side tell us to be mad about...
  5. Sounds like a pretty nice couple days. Where in Florida? I haven’t done a day at the smoker in a few months.
  6. I'm just saying it's more entertaining than those weeks when everyone is an expert on the climate, or immigration weeks, basically out of all the times everyone is an expert on that week's hot topic, virology has been the most fun.
  7. The last Olympic trials, I got married on day one. Shit happens...
  8. I missed those days where everyone was an expert virologist. I'm glad they're back even if only temporarily.
  9. That’s an awful long post of stuff you don’t like; to say you don’t want to type what you do like because it’s too much. You need find some joy in your life. Your are looking for things to find wrong, and looking for misery. Choose enjoyment and happiness, be grateful for what you have. You literally were just asked to post your positives, and refused so you could focus more on your negatives. Not a good vibe for life.
  10. Good cookin doesn’t have to be just for supper on Saturday. Man, not that doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun.
  11. Imagine a life where you put so much weight on how many times someone has posted on an anonymous message board. It’s an interesting world for sure.
  12. Seriously one of my favorite Marley tunes, great album all around.
  13. Nabbed a couple tickets for May 4. Looking forward to this one.
  14. You can believe what you want. You can believe how ever many coaches you want, however many athletes you want, whatever you want. But you and I both know that THAT coach did this in purpose. Very much on purpose so they could give me just enough rage to come on here and scream over and over about it. BECAUSE IM A PATRIOT!!
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