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Tom formerly Tofurky

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Everything posted by Tom formerly Tofurky

  1. Love 'im or hate 'im, PD3 is a recent example, too. Admission standards have changed in the decades since the 1990s, when guys could still start at a NJCAA program and then win a D1 title, but I believe that D1 college coaches have communicated MUCH better with potential student-athletes that they want eligible, retainable guys for five years, not two. That means, if a top PSA isn't recruitable right out of high school, don't expect to hear from many D1s after your JuCo days are over, as their investments tend to be long-term, not short-term. There are exceptions to that rule but not many. However, Oregon State did hire former Clackamas Community College head coach Josh Rhoden a few years ago. Josh was a master at finding former four-year school castaways and building an empire out in Portland with said guys. The Beavs have landed some tough JuCo champs, but the true test of their viabilities are yet to come. All that being said, the JuCo ranks for D1 talent are WAY thinner now than they've ever been, even if some of their coaches tell you otherwise.
  2. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is on the SUNY "side of the house", right? I imagine that changes things for people seeking transfer options.
  3. I felt like I was watching my youngest play Mine Craft. Is that an existing structure on campus that is to be renovated or a completely new build?
  4. That stadium and the attached weight room are friggin' sweet! We held the seeding meeting for the 2023 Super Regional in their VIP boxes overlooking the stadium, and it was nice. UCO's wrestling room and coaches' offices would rival most D1s, too. If that guy is supporting OSU wrestling now, DT better keep him close.
  5. One might also include Esposito and Guerrero in there before Scott.
  6. "... after the university recently moved forward with plans to offer buyouts to help stave off a projected $40 million budget gap." That's no bueno. I don't see how the Athletics department makes it through this unscathed.
  7. I don't know that he was resigned to his fate, if you will, as much as the Penn State influence of wrestling not being your identity plays a role. He talks about gee-oh-dee a lot now, which is part of the PSU/NLWC play book. My guess is that he gave it his all, but sees the bigger picture of life.
  8. https://signalcleveland.org/we-are-at-a-point-of-reckoning-inside-cleveland-state-latest-meeting-about-its-financial-future/
  9. Yes; make the switch, but... Add a "turn clock" for a real full 10 seconds after a takedown is scored. The clock would reset when exposure points are awarded. The time after takedown is too subjective for me right now, and a "turn clock", if you will, nearly takes the ref out of that decision. I wouldn't mind overtime coming back, but I do understand the rule as it exists and how it promotes action. Do a little more tightening up on who is initiating the action and thus who is awarded points. Address grounding as negative wrestling and have it scored as a caution and one each time OR have the offending wrestler receive a caution and be placed on the activity clock. A move to adopting Freestyle at the youth, high school and college ranks would make college tournaments more exciting with post-grads coming back to compete domestically. More international kids might take a chance on coming to the U.S. to earn a degree and wrestle for your favorite team. In reality, nothing for the sport (except the rules) would change significantly except creating more competitiveness and depth at each level.
  10. Any news on other candidates? Would Bolyard leave the maize and blue for a shot at heading up his alma mater? What about Jason Borrelli?
  11. I really wish there was parity in the sport, but if you're among the best in this country coming out of high school, why wouldn't a young man consider Penn State University/NLWC as his best option for career longevity?
  12. In the last few years, a good number of IHL athletics departments have made/are making the jump from NAIA to D2. Anyone in the know care to share why this is taking place?
  13. It won't happen in what's left of my life, but I hope that the U.S. can move the sport to Free and Greco. Imagine how much more depth would be created, how much more competitive and how much larger WTT/OTT brackets would be as a result. Wanna see weight classes added back to the Olympic Games? Go Free and GR in the U.S. (instead of collegiate) and watch more nations become competitive on the World stage as many of those young folks wrestle for other countries. More eyes on the sport means more viewers means more money means greater leverage power for UWW.
  14. That was hard to watch. Regardless of your affiliation, Jordan Burroughs has brought positive light to this sport in this country. The dude competes hard, as it is how he feeds his family and pays his bills. If you can't understand that winning truly is his business, then you might not understand the level he is at even now. I know it's unlikely, but I hope JB sticks around for a bit longer. He is GREAT for wrestling's image domestically and internationally.
  15. He's such a nice guy, that it is tough to watch his career (potentially) come to an end. Whatever his path is from here, I'll remain a fan.
  16. Did PD3 really post that on twitter/X today? If so, that boy needs serious help. I think I am in the minority here in feeling that a top-performing PD3 makes at least the quarters in most circumstances. It's just that everything else makes him a villain within this sport. Come on, PD3, be better.
  17. https://hurstathletics.com/sports/wrestling/roster/coaches/mike-wehler/2762
  18. Mike wrestled for Lock Haven back in the day. He's a well respected guy in the sport and is able to coach student-athletes beyond D2.
  19. I hope it works for them. Mike Wehler seems like a really good dude. However, with them being a Catholic University, what is the cost for a school to move from Division II to Division I? Mercyhurst has an enrollment of somewhere between 2,500 to 4,500 (the data isn't clear), and with an all-in cost of just south of $60,000 a year (this year), and an endowment of around $40 million, they may have to look at "trimming the fat."
  20. Dillon's high school coach may have had some sway there, but I cannot confirm that. Certainly when Fitzgerald was relieved of his duties at NU, the Johnsons weren't waiting around to find out who was going to replace him, as his football career is very important to him.
  21. I forget hot to do the multiple quote box reply thing, so I'll do my best to reply to what seems appropriate. Your initial message was very narrow and mentioned "Top 25" guys only. In my mind, since we aren't talking about PSU in this case, since they are head and shoulders above everyone else at this time, I don't think Top 25 is the lone measuring stick to success, as you point out in your first numbered point. As we know, rankings are subjective. Maybe T&T&Co. are homing in on the kids who have proverbial chips on their shoulders and telling them that they are better than some goofball's pretend number assigned to them on some goofy ranking/recruiting service. Remember, these are guys who wrestled angry, so they know those kids and just how to work with them. I agree with point two. I'd say that they do it even better than PSU does. That being said, here we are discussing anyone who is not in the top 25. Speaking for myself alone, I believe that number is far too narrow as an indicator of success. Does it help? Of course it does. Is it the be all end all of recruiting? Not at all. Number three applies to every coach in the country who struggles to fill a weight class. Along with that, we don't always know why said kid went said place out of high school. Of the list of names you made above who transferred into Iowa from other universities, I do know the "inside scoop" on two of them and why they didn't go to Iowa out of the gates. It wasn't the coaching, but the financial support available to them at those times. Again, your assertion that anyone outside of the Top 25 is "second tier" rubs me the wrong way. We're talking about kids here who peak at all different ages. I'll push back on your "top three" assertion. PSU, that's a no brainer. Neither Ohio State nor Oklahoma State have finished ahead of Iowa at Nationals since before COVID. That was more than five years ago now. I'm not sure how they fall into the "top three" when Iowa is the second most consistent team in the country behind Cael & Company. To your last paragraph: Iowa State had the greatest college wrestler and 2004 olympic champion on staff. They were a top 10 team nationally, with two runner-up finishes in the previous five seasons. They were viable. To Zalesky, he is not the most boisterous outgoing guy who was going to grab you and say, "let's work on this." He probably resembled someone's dad, where T&T were the uncles who still had some pep to them. In short, Zalesky was "long in the tooth" and his personality didn't lend to the Gable/Iowa "style". There's a reason that Tom got the job after that, because he has that. Finally, similar to what you mentioned about Iowa State and their #1 recruiting class (again, look who was in the room and on a Wheaties box), Iowa was never built from in-state talent alone. Some of the greatest Hawkeyes ever have been from New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, South Dakota, Michigan, etc. I don't know that the administration put a lot of weight into where kids come from, and that they fully understand that PSU is an absolute monster these days with more resources than anyone else. I appreciate the discussion and your well-thought out insights. I still feel strongly that Iowa is a firm #2 team in all of NCAA wrestling, and this is coming from an Oklahoma State and Lehigh fan. #SaveTomBrandsJob
  22. I don't know how to edit this, so... "Not one of those teams you mentioned consistenly has finished in the top five of the team race since 2013, but Iowa has every single year. By the numbers, Cornell is closest, then Michigan since Bormet was elevated to Head Coach."
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