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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. I think it's odd that Arizona State has done next to nothing to promote their Intrasquad matches that will take place tonight at 7 p.m. MST. USUALLY they put together some sort of lineup to indicate who will be competing against each other and at what weight class. But not this year - for reasons unknown. It's probably just as well because those pre-match lineups in past years would invariably turn out to be wrong on numerous counts.
  2. It's a PAY deal. You have to sign up and pay one of several different options.
  3. I'm thinking the answer as to who will replace Teemer at 157 lbs for ASU will be answered this Friday night. When the ASU intrasquad matches take place. It could go several different ways. If it were up to me, and obviously it's not, I'd go with the following: 141 - Vasquez or Ramos 149 - Vasquez or Ramos 157 - Parco Back to Teemer tho. IF he is truly out for the entire season, and frankly I doubt that to be the case, as I've suffered torn pec muscles and they were healed within two months. If you look up torn pec muscle tear recovery time online a low-grade tear (which is apparently what I had) recovery time is 4 to 6 weeks whereas a high-grade tear recovery time is 3 to 4 months. He could be healed by the end of January or mid February (assuming it is a high-grade tear). Being out for that long obviously would have an effect on him but it IS possible that he could return to the lineup this season for ASU. P.S. I would add that that injury is very painful. Every movement is painful and sleep is extremely difficult to get at night because of the every movement is painful thing.
  4. Nov. 1, 2022 - Little Rock vs. Ouachita Baptist at either 5:30 or 6:30 p.m. CT today. The schedule for both teams list 6:30 p.m. but if you click on the WATCH button on the Little Rock you can see that it is listed as a 5:30 p.m. CT start. https://lrtrojans.com/sports/wrestling/schedule
  5. And many of them live here in the U.S.A. I think I'll edit my original post here to stress some of the KEY words. Maybe that will help some to understand the question that was asked. Nope - can't do that - apparently if you want to edit a post you have to do it IMMEDIATELY.
  6. Be nice.......after all some people can't read English. Or understand the written word.
  7. I subscribe to YouTube TV (for $65/month) and it has the following sports channels that sometimes have wrestling matches: ESPN ESPN 2 S.E.C. (ESPN) A.C.C.N. (the A.C.C. network) ESPNU ESPN News Fox Sports 1 Fox Sports 2 B1G network CBSSN
  8. Anyone care to put forth what they believe will be the lineup for their favorite college wrestling team?
  9. Take your complaints up with Michigan State.
  10. I'm seldom shocked by anything related to college wrestling. However I was shocked that theOpenmat.com and the TheMat have and are going to be shutting down their wrestling forums. Not so much theOpenmat.com. That place has been comatose for a very long time, i.e., very little sign of life. As to Van Ness beating Parco. Sure it could happen. I'll give you that. But Arizona State and Penn State aren't scheduled to face each other this season. And those two teams are not going to be in the same tournaments this season. So the only way those two guys could face each other this season would be at the NCAA tournament.
  11. Missouri wrestle-offs 149 – Nate Pulliam over Joel Mylin by dec. 9-4 157 – Logan Gioffre over Cam Steed by dec. 3-0 157 – Jerrdon Fisher over Mitchell Bohlken by dec. 6-2 285 – Seth Nitzel over Cole Gripka by fall 133 – Connor Brown over Zachry Seltzer by dec. 10-4 141 – Easton Hilton over Owen Uhls, dec. 4-0 141 – Allan Hart over Korbin Shepherd, dec. 9-3 149- Brock Mauller over Nate Pulliam, dec. 4-3 157 – Jarrett Jacques over Jeremy Jakowitsch, maj. dec. 22-8 157 – Logan Gioffre over Jerrdon Fisher, dec. 3-1 165 – Keegan O'Toole over James Conway, maj. dec. 18-5 174 – Peyton Mocco over Ellis Pfleger, dec. 5-2 184 - Sean Harman over Clayton Whiting, dec. 3-2 197 – Jesse Cassatt over Tommy Hagan, dec. 5-1 285 – Steven Kolcheff over Ryan Boersma, dec. 2-0 285 – Zach Elam over Seth Nitzel by fall 125 – Zachry Seltzer over Peyton Moore, maj. dec. 17-5
  12. Penn State vs. Arizona State 125 - Howard vs. Courtney - Courtney wins by Dec. 3-0 ASU 133 - Bravo-Young vs. McGee - B-Y wins by Dec. 3-3 tie 141 - Bartlett vs. Vasquez - Bartlett wins by Dec. 6-3 PSU 149 - Van Ness vs Parco - Parco wins by Dec. 6-6 tie 157 - Berraclough vs. Teemer - Teemer wins by MD - 10-6 ASU 165 - Facundo vs Negron - Facundo wins by Dec. - 10-9 ASU 174 - Starocci vs. Valencia - Starocci wins by MD - 13-10 PSU 184 - Brooks vs. Montalvo - Brooks wins by Dec. - 16-10 PSU 197 - Dean vs. Norfleet - Dean wins by MD - 20-10 PSU 285 - Kerkvliet vs Schultz - Schultz wins by Dec. - 20-13 PSU Obviously tho one injury in Penn State's lineup could alter this result quite a bit.
  13. Arizona State's wrestle-offs are scheduled for next Friday (Nov. 4th). According to their recently updated wrestling schedule it's scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. MT and they have included a link labeled WATCH. But seeing as how they have failed (monumentally) to deliver on things like this in the past I will remain dubious. As the old saying goes...........fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me twenty times...............institutionalize me. https://thesundevils.com/sports/wrestling/schedule?path=wrestling I also have to question their wisdom in scheduling this for next Friday night seeing as U.C.L.A. will be playing @ Arizona State in football next Friday night at 7:30 p.m. MT.
  14. I didnt' see Lara listed in the Oregon State wrestle-off results. Injured?
  15. Just proving my point for me. Thanks for that.
  16. I would vote against a politics forum. It's too divisive and polarizing and nobody ever wins in a "discussion" a.k.a. an argument over politics.
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