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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. 125 lbs ------------ Wrestle Stat - Intermat - Open Mat - Flo Wrestling - Average Kaylor - Oregon St. - 17---------------17--------_____--------11-------------15 Provo - Stanford----21----------------16-------- 18----------19-------------18.5 Figueroa - ASU----- 28---------------18---------17----------31-------------23,5 Mendez - Cal Poly---36--------------30--------____---------____------------33 Reno - Little Rock---35---------------___--------___----------___------------35 Castro-Sandoval CSB - 52-----------___--------____---------____------------52 Renteria - Oregon St.--56-----------___--------____---------____-------------56
  2. Arizona State is (IMO) in dire need of someone at 197 lbs and they have a PHD program in Urban Planning and they also have a graduate program in Urban and Environmental Planning: https://sgsup.asu.edu/degree/graduate/urban-and-environmental-planning-muep https://sgsup.asu.edu/degree/graduate/urban-planning-phd
  3. FRIDAY - FEB. 9th Arizona State @ Cal Poly - 8 p.m. MT (7 p.m. PT) - Available on Flo Sports ($$$$) - Have to wonder why this isn't on the PAC 12 channels. SATURDAY - FEB. 10th Oregon State @ Wyoming (6 p.m. MT) - Available on Flo Sports ($$$$) SUNDAY - FEB. 11th Cal State Bakersfield vs. S.I.U.E. @ Little Rock - 8:30 a.m. PT (10:30 a.m. CT) - No television or Live Stats Cal State Bakersfield @ Little Rock - 10 a.m. PT (Noon CT) - No television or Live Stats Cal Poly @ Stanford - 11 a.m. PT - Televised on the PAC 12 Bay Area channel S.I.U.E. @ Little Rock - 1:30 PT CT - No television or Live Stats
  4. The score of the heavyweight match was actually 5-2 Hill over Tinker. # 20 ranked Little Rock is now 4-1 in PAC 12 matches this season with only Cal State Bakersfield remaining on their PAC 12 wrestling schedule for this season.
  5. The WrestleStat dual comparison has Arizona State beating Oregon State 19-14 and that's with Cody Foote at 141 lbs for ASU (not Jesse Vasquez - who is said to be returning to the ASU lineup). If Foote is replaced with Vasquez ASU still loses at 141 lbs but by decision and not by MD with Foote in the lineup, i.e., score being ASU 19 - OSU 13. https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/59/oregon-state/4/arizona-state This dual will be televised (oddly enough) on the PAC 12 Oregon channel (and not on the PAC 12 Arizona channel?).
  6. Yeah, if my college was about to take on Penn State in wrestling I'd have an "upset" stomach as well. Try some Pepto Bismol.
  7. Friday Feb. 2, 2024 - 6 p.m. MT / 7 p.m. CT - Arizona State at Oklahoma State - Televised on XII Now and ESPN+ Saturday Feb. 3, 2024 - 12 p.m. CT - Cal Poly S.L.O. @ Little Rock Sunday Feb. 4, 2024 - 1 p.m. MT - Oregon State @ Arizona State - Televised on the PAC 12 Oregon channel Sunday Feb. 4, 2024 - 4 p.m. PT - Cal State Univ. @ Bakersfield @ Stanford - Available on a pay per-view Stanford live stream via the Stanford wrestling schedule.
  8. You can "love" whatever you wish to............but a reading comprehension course would do you some good nonetheless.
  9. You're right about that but when they began their wrestling program about 5 years ago the PAC 12 was desperate to find a sixth wrestling program and Little Rock accepted their offer to join the PAC 12.
  10. You need to take a reading comprehension course. The question ABOUT LITTLE ROCK.
  11. The question about Little Rock that I'd like to know is what happens to their very improved wrestling team after this season? With the implosion of the PAC 12 where do they go with their wrestling team?
  12. How I see tomorrow's dual Little Rock @ Stanford: 125 - Reno vs. Provo - Provo by Dec - 0-3 Stanford 133 - Bailey vs. La Joie - Bailey by MD - 4-3 Little Rock 141 - Keck vs. Miranda - Miranda by Dec. - 4-6 Stanford 149 - Dutton vs Abas - Abas by Dec. - 4-9 Stanford 157 - Matt Bianchi vs Cardenas - Cardenas by Dec. - 4-12 Stanford 165 - Joseph Bianchi vs. Garvin - Bianchi by MD - 8-12 Stanford 174 - Abdon vs. Norman - Norman by MD - 8-16 Stanford 184 - Wills vs. Darrah - Wills by MD - 12-16 - Stanford 197 - Little vs Stemmet - Little by Dec. - 15-16 Stanford 285 - Hill vs Ming - Hill by Dec. - 18-16 Little Rock Again this dual will be on the PAC 12 Bay Area channel at 3 p.m. PT.
  13. The Little Rock story on their upset win @ # 16 Oregon State yesterday: https://lrtrojans.com/news/2024/1/26/wrestling-little-rock-takes-out-16-oregon-state-moves-to-2-0-in-pac-12-competition.aspx
  14. Final score of last night's dual between Little Rock and Oregon State was Little Rock 20 - Oregon State 17 (forgot to include that earlier here).
  15. Next up for Little Rock @ Stanford scheduled for 3 p.m. PT on Sunday (4 p.m. MT - 5 p.m. CT). This dual will be televised on the PAC 12 Bay Area channel. If Little Rock wins this dual they will have swept all three of the actual PAC 12 wrestling teams this season. WrestleStat's dual comparison feature is projecting a Stanford win in this dual (21-10) but I see this dual as much closer. Two of the ten weight classes appear to me to be toss-ups (either team could win) and at one weight class (165) they have Stanford's Hunter Garvin winning by decision over Little Rock's Joseph Bianchi yet Bianchi beat Garvin by MD (9-1) on the first of this month.
  16. I thought this was going to be a close match and that did indeed turn out to be the case. Little Rock was helped a great deal by the win by FALL in the first match at 125 lbs with Little Rock's unranked Jeremiah Reno pinning Oregon State's # 15 ranked Brandon Kaylor to go out to a 6-0 lead at the start of last night's dual. Little Rock is now 2-0 in PAC 12 duals this season with wins over Arizona State and Oregon State. Surely this must be one of the signs of the apocalypse............right? (J/K) 125: Reno FALL #15 Kaylor (4:26) 133: # 13 Bailey MD #28 Whisenhunt 13-4 141: # 18 Belton DEC Keck 7-5 149: # 18 Singleton DEC Dutton 11-8 157: Crosby DEC # 27 M. Bianchi 9-7 165: # 26 J. Bianchi MD Fouret 10-0 174: Olguin TF Abdon 20-4 (Olguin up from 165 and Little Rock without # 18 ranked Tyler Brennan) 184: # 4 Munoz DEC # 18 Wills 11-8 197: # 11 Little DEC # 28 Rademacher 7-2 HWT: # 28 Hill DEC # 17 McDermott 4-1 Ranking from Intermat other than Josiah Hill at 285 lbs (from WrestleStat) and Triston Wills at 184 lbs (also from WrestleStat)
  17. I think you give yourself too much credit when you say "I think".
  18. The PAC 12 individual weight class rankings (On WrestleStat) - First thru sixth - are interesting especially in regards to Little Rock. If you attach 10 points for each wrestler who is ranked first in their PAC 12 weight class ratings with 8 points for second, six points for third, 4 points for fourth, 2 points for fifth and 1 point for sixth and then add up those team points you get the following: 66 points - Little Rock (2 first - 3 second - 2 third - 2 fourth - 1 fifth 64 points - Oregon State (4 first - 1 second - 1 third - 1 fourth - 3 fifth 60 points - Stanford (2 first - 2 second - 3 third - 3 fifth 59 points - Arizona State (2 first - 2 second - 2 third - 2 fourth - 1 fifth - 1 sixth 47 points - Cal Poly (2 second - 2 third - 4 fourth - 1 fifth - 1 sixth 14 points - Cal State Bakersfield (1 fourth - 1 fifth - 8 sixth)
  19. How anyone can rank Mesenbrink at # 7 is beyond me. Definitely too low for that guy IMO. Also I think Kasak will be in the top 10 soon. His only loss this season was a 4-1 loss to his Penn State teammate Beau Bartlett at 141 lbs (back on Nov. 19th at a tournament). His highest ranked opponent to date at 149 lbs (Graham Rooks of Indiana # 46 on WrestleStat) was beaten by Tech Fall (15-0 in 6:59)
  20. It's too bad it's not being televised. The WrestleStat dual comparison feature - when you plug in Little Rock vs. Oregon State - is shown as a 20-13 win for Oregon State. However they have Oregon State's # 82 ranked Nash Singleton beating Little Rock's # 48 ranked Kyle Dutton at 149 lbs. Switch that 149 lb match to a win for Little Rock and it's a one point win for Oregon State - 17-16. Their only common opponent is ASU's Kyle Parco and Singleton lost by MD (14-3) last December and Dutton lost 4-0 to Parco on the 19th of this month, i.e., five days ago. Every other match in the dual comparison has the higher ranked wrestler winning the match but for reasons unknown at 149 lbs they show the much lower ranked guy winning that match. Also at 157 lbs they have Little Rock's Matt Bianchi winning 8-7 over Oregon State's Isaiah Crosby. Yet the last time these two wrestled each other Bianchi won by MD (16-7) at the 2023 PAC 12 tournament. To me this appears to be a pretty evenly matched dual. Too bad only local (Corvallis/Salem/Eugene) area Oregon State fans will be able to watch it.
  21. The other three PAC 12 teams (Arizona State, Cal Poly and CSUB) have no wrestling events this week.
  22. FRIDAY - January 26, 2024 - 6 p.m. PT Little Rock @ Oregon State - Not on any PAC 12 network apparently SUNDAY - January 28, 2024 - 3 p.m. PT Little Rock @ Stanford - Televised on the PAC 12 Bay Area channel
  23. at Cal State University @ Bakersfield. This news was broken 9 days ago on the CSUB wrestling website but since nobody else mentioned it here I thought I'd do so. https://gorunners.com/news/2024/1/12/wrestling-smith-welcomes-assistant-coach-anthony-valencia.aspx https://gorunners.com/sports/wrestling/roster#sidearm-roster-coaches
  24. According to the dim-witted 3rd grader here just about EVERYONE is "an idiot". Someone who repeatedly goes around calling numerous others "an idiot" is someone with a GIGANTIC inferiority complex. Also the word PATHETIC springs to mind. Now if I only had a million dollars for every time that this GIGANTIC TOOL has called someone on this forum an idiot................. All he really has to do to see "an idiot" is look into any mirror. Any mirror will do.
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