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Everything posted by forkemaz

  1. They look the same with Mr enthusiam
  2. This post is almost likeable and I would even say that arguing operation warp speed was good but the mandates and dogmatic attitude around the issue were horrid is a fair stance, even though I think it's wrong.
  3. Everything is black and white. And you're totally not now adding your own details like an insane person. Wow lmao.
  4. Yes yes, this made up scenario is much scarier than the amount of people killed by drunk drivers... this site has the dumbest people alive I swear.
  5. Do you think I cannot just go back and look at your post, which is the post I quoted and mine? I can. I did. Your post suggested operation warp speed was a good thing and that trumps supporters should like it. I had already explained why that's not true so instead of repeat myself I told you what Trumps real accomplishments were as president. Free of charge. I was then quoted and mocked by someone who I have already destroyed in an actual argument. So I don't know what your framing here is meant to prove but it's vague and pointless. Unlike this post which is specific and possibly equally pointless. On topic. I think wrestling changed my life is the best podcast but for recent events its FRL. Don't listen to basch, and can't stand blood round.
  6. The ref handed that to Truax with that stupid stalemate call. Let them wrestle what in the ***duck**.
  7. That wasn't a response to you so why are you trying to meme me? Is it because I just beat your face in on your actual posts with truth? Come at me with something of substance or get lost.
  8. His greatest accomplishment was stifling the war machine for 4 years and ripping the mask off of the American machine. He didn't do much else and it's kind of sad how low the bar is for what people think is a good presidency. Trump totally fumbled all of his biggest challenges and saw the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the elite in human history with the way we handled covid stimulus. Barrack was a kid killing bank whore. Good people like Ron Paul or even Larry Elder never get to sniff the office and it's by design. I'm not a Trumper. Rant over.
  9. Everything I said is true. Your earlier post was more conspiracy crap than anything I posted. You're slandering and belittling people to make you're idiotic world view seem more intelligent, unfortunately I can't stand for that, not even here. If you beleived everything you heard on the news during the pandemic than you're as dumb as the imaginary people you're mocking. A gullible fool. But anyways go back to repeating what you are told to for pats on the head and "you're such a smart boys" it's not embarrassing at all.
  10. Hahaha totally. The companies didn't try to seal the studies for 75 years or anything, there totally wasn't 13 pages of side effects, and of course we all know skipping through the testing stage at "warp speed" definitely creates new medical technologies that are completely safe and effective for 100% of the human population. Let's all laugh at people who don't just listen to the news like it's the pastor at their church! Ready? Hahaha hahaha. Oh yes, I'm finding reality quite funny today.
  11. Edited as it has been done better the jist was: Don't go to your exs house may be better advice....
  12. Christian gets a lot of Hate because he dances around what he really means or what is really happening constantly. Coded talk of rumors, that weird low tone he does when he wants to move on and not get into it. Also being such a freestyle lover hurts. He will constantly trash folkstyle rules and matches and then turn around and giving glowing reviews of freestyle trash. Don't you ever! Complain about top and bottom in folkstyle. It doesn't exist in freestyle, one guy literally lays there doing nothing and that's his objective, shut up about folkstyle top and go watch your exposure slop fest.
  13. Cael is wrong again start at 197. The last two weights generally suck. Let's start with the turds. I mean for all duels. Not this one specifically.
  14. Are you really suggesting we can't do better? You're right we are hatin, but to say we can't do better? Do not temp me...
  15. Wether you like it or not you're Jack now. At least to me. And I think we both kinda know where we stand with one another at this point yes.
  16. Colton Schultz has the best walk out in wrestling and he comes out to the guitar solo from free bird
  17. So you are jack. Good to see you bud. Also I don't give a shit who you are or what you have done. This isn't the mats, this isn't a practice, it's a forum. And some of the most intelligent and interesting posting done here is by a man who never wrestled. So save your "you don't know who I am kid" shtick for some one who cares. You came in here and picked a fight and never said one thing on topic. How is that anymore likeable than Jimmy?
  18. Are you jack from sherdog? You remind me of jack from sherdog. All you have done is cry and shit post in this thread saying it's not worth anyone's time. Well there's the door jack. I can't contend with some of the amazing posts on here so I will just say simply: should the Brands be on the chopping block? absolutely not.
  19. Both "beat the breaks" and beat the bricks" are sayings you are free to look that up and I prefer the latter for plenty of reasons but this isn't about proper metaphor.... O Toole won the last match handily, he is favored, this thread is a what if scenario where two favorites win and the wrestling community gets the biggest match in wrestling history. I can't beleive you're still crying about this and I also don't care if you are Carr's cousin, if you love wrestling you should be praying we get KOT vs Carter in a historic moment next year.
  20. This to the moon and back. I can't beleive people are in here praising Criteria. Ties for duels. And if you can't figure it out by the end of SV in a tournament setting I don't care about both guys going bottom. One go, winner takes all.
  21. I didn't ever say you were a fan. I said you were talking nonsense in their defense and you still are. Tom Ryan is all class as you said. On that we can agree.
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