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Everything posted by forkemaz

  1. "If you criticize flo you are a fat abusive loser". Sweet argument. I'll give you props though, that reads like the cynical Gen z version of a playboy article. And we all know Gen z loves to be miserable as much as former generations loved hot women taking their clothes off. You have real talent as a journalist in the year 2024 where the writer is meant to defend the establishment or corporation while brow beating the reader without addressing any bit of reality. You're great at it.
  2. Too fresh still. Check the handle. Their first match was wild too.
  3. There is a high light of that match with horrible music available but better than that Flo posted JBs entire cklv run
  4. I'm not sure what you are asking me. I agree with knowsnothing here. You said something was likely to never happen again and he gave you data showing that scenario is very often hanging in the balance and is basically a coin flip probability at the point the 7 seed is in the finals not accounting for the other wrestler in any way.
  5. No room for hyperbole when you're dealing with knowsnothing. He brings the the goods with precision.
  6. What are some of the best matches between two prominent double leggers? I do not have the wrestling memory or knowledge to answer the prompt myself. So I will just name some of the very easy to think of double leg guys. Jordan Burroughs Brandon Slay Aj Ferarri Nate Jackson? I've seen a double high light but am not super familiar
  7. You can win ugly against anyone just like you can win big against anyone. What you're saying doesn't even make logic sense.
  8. Shutting it down early and running away, getting called for stalling and then the over the top celebration. It was ugly. And I did not like it. I'm an ASU fan just like you but I'm not going to be served crap and say it tastes good. That's not what you want to see right before nationals. Richie has fallen a lot since his potential last year.
  9. Perfect breakdown of the useless video where Christian said absolutely nothing for 10ish minutes.
  10. Wow you are right. That ruins my whole day lol. Welp the anticipation continues.
  11. Didn't know I could and don't know how. Sorry.
  12. It's match day. Who is winning? Carr looks to have the hotter hand right now and I'm going to pick him today and root for O Toole in march.
  13. And Flo chooses not to share. It's all relative. They do not have to. But if it was on free TV and they pulled it off that's not a good look.
  14. Like you said they expanded the market right? They didn't make enough? They preach all this grow wrestling and they don't share or play nice. They sued a former employee and tried to ruin his lively hood they're trashy business people, not good faith wrestling folks. And that's fine but let's ALL stop pretending.
  15. It's almost like flo could have still let them have it free locally then right? But they didnt.
  16. To give my opinion on question three my answer is to emphasize the turn. We just did it with the take down moved it to 3 points. The turn is the most important scoring incentive because the pin should be the ultimate goal. I say make nearfall 2-5 points 1 point per swipe. We will have to move tech and major Criteria around but you get bigger scores and highly emphasize turning the bottom wrestler. Especially If you are behind and get a takedown. I have sent this idea to Christian Pyle personally several times and he never talks about it. He just takes my verbiage and steals if for his garbage opinions.
  17. And now I've watched the FRL 1000 portion where they kiss and make up. Cathartic.
  18. It's absolutely pathetic how petty all of that is from top to bottom and the fact there was a court case is embarrassing. There is good and bad things about flo but this makes them look like stupid bullies who are all about brand. It also makes the coaches look like giant cry babies. Gross stuff.
  19. After watching some of that stalemates it appears the tweet may have been over something way more innocuous than the Ohio sex abuse scandal, which makes the whole thing more pathetic. But I haven't heard anyone spell out what Willie's tweet was saying.
  20. I watched it. If he's talking about what I think he's talking about then he's essentially saying he posted a fairly cryptic tweet about decades of abuse in Ohio, much of which involved wrestlers, the school called flo, they bitched him out, he found that morally wrong so he left. From that explanation I think he did the right thing. And I don't doubt that happened because a common criticism of FRL is tap dancing and beating around the bush on rumors or serious topics. They're too scared to do any journalism so it's all rankings, picks, and banter. Which is fine but it's not news.
  21. That's a legitimate concern and also gross. The ugly gamesmanship of wrestling is... well ugly.
  22. So you're complaining about one match? Presumably after the first round the brackets would run as normal unless the seeds were totally ***ducked** right? The top guys should still hit in quarters, semis and finals.
  23. Wouldn't seeding naturally do this anyways? I guess I don't understand.
  24. I am also pessimistic and think we see next to no growth for college wrestling outside of the female side of things.
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