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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. Sure, but not like buy-a-condo-in-Tribeca-money. In any event, I was just thinking that the NIL money would be temporary. I hadn't consider that the networking would help him after he left his shoes on the mat. Shows why my bank account us what it is.
  2. I don't know his story beyond saving Stanford wrestling headlines. Impressive, but I imagine folks don't go to Stanford with an eye toward making a life as a professional wrestler (e g. World Team member or college coach). I would assume he had other life goals. So yada opportunity cost yada, his decision to chase this dream is ... something.
  3. I agree, but I have skin in the game. One thing that is true about Killian is that he battled injuries for three years AND this is significant bc 1) he did it without much fanfare which 2) makes him like most DI kids. Kid was/is an everyman, blue collar hero: most of us busted our ass, wrestled hurt, rolled with the punches. But he just gritted it out for those of us without the skill, slickness, intelligence, grit, and dope coiffure that he had.
  4. Word, but do we weigh Cormier's post-NCAA MMA accolades the same as Taylor's World titles?
  5. I guess he forgot to tell his brother about it re 1996 ott vs Cross
  6. Never. Honest mistakes are the life blood of fora.
  7. Gotta go with Smith's calendar year + 1 month from July 86's Goodwill Games to 87 Worlds. Starts with a win over Isaev, torches Sanchez with a chest wrap in the NCAA final, throws Alexeev on his head with a Metzger* in a dual, and ends with another win over Isaev. *when John Smith is so much better than you that he goes upper body, you're in some serious trouble.
  8. This is either incorrect or a joke so heavily meta that I lost my way after the first few phase changes.
  9. Vortices, man, VORTICES!. Btw, Macchu Picchu is the real deal. Climb that rock and tell me you didn't commune with the many-faced god. Speaking of real scams: I just got Tidal and for the past 48 hrs have been convincing my ears that I hear the unparalleled clarity of lossless. It has something to do with ... Well, I haven't mastered the jargon yet, but I'm sure I will after I get my Boenicke p1 and w5's. I figure 10 more G's, and I'm set. After that, I just need to upgrade my stylus. Then, a new belt. Then, banana clips. Then
  10. Come on... I'm not saying it was you, but some of your orange brethren had crafted some pretty thorough apologetics.
  11. Idk. Keeping momentum seems like a real thing. If you score at the end of the first and ride out, going down immediately to keep the ball rolling and stretch the lead seems like a strategic advantage. Something about 4 - 0 on the scoreboard is confidence building .. one more takedown and you're close to a major. Whereas, if it's 3-0 at the end of the first, the other guy goes down, and then escapes, he's making a comeback. Might sound like bs, but that's how it worked in my pea brain.
  12. When you have 5~kids raked #1, every team is weak.
  13. C) Drawn to -- he was a kid. A = violent, misogynistic narcissist B = violent narcissist D = megalomaniac fueled by possible Geshwind syndrome
  14. Sorta lost in this discussion is the fact that there's no way AJ competes with Brooks.
  15. I coached for a long time and like all coaches had to deal with parents who defended their kid's outrageous behavior. But, I never had an athlete whose behavior got close to this (I had a kid steal an i-pod from a locker room; I never had a kid decorate one with his own shit). Question: What do these parent's say about this. I know it's sorta beside the point bc their adults. Still wonder.
  16. Here's an obligatory Wu-tang objection.
  17. Some strange Myrtle Beach / Indaniola / New Brunswick gene splicing going on.
  18. Your reply was a little aggressive, so here's a snarkier go: the fact that this omnipotent, immortal God wants to be worshipped for a self-sacrifice through which he sacrifices nothing -- he comes out immortal, omnipotent, perfect on the other end -- is an affront to all the mortals who sacrifice themselves in service to and honor of their families, friends, nations, and traditions.
  19. If he's omnipotent, maybe he could have just forgiven us?
  20. "Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross is a payment for the sin debt of mankind." Gotcha. This is certainly the message in Mark. I just don't have much respect for this kind of god. You do. Fair enough. In any event, safe travels.
  21. My bad. This summary of the loan agreement is missing a clause: In addition to Christ's payment in blood, each individual is required to pay in the trifecta a beliefs you stipulate. Again, it's hard for me to understand why an omnipotent and benevolent diety would require such payments when we forgive our children as a matter of course. Certainly, Jesus teaches something radically different.
  22. Youre gonna have to walk me through this: according to the verse, we need(ed) to be "reconciled" to God. I assume this means that we are in His debt vis a vis sin (Original or otherwise). So re debt, the debtor has two paths towards recolliation: forgiveness or atonement. If God wants to forgive us-- being the omnipotent being that He is -- He just clears the debts, no questions asked ... you know like we do when our children f*@&% up. I.e. there ain't no need for a mediator. Atonement, on the other hand, requires a repayment of a debt. In the passages you quote, this repayment, the atonement is taken care of by Jesus. And the atonement is made "through blood on the cross." So, your exegesis is in a bind: you claim both that God forgives our sin (I.e. rents the veil in the Temple before Jesus expires on the cross as in Luke, if I remember correctly), and at the same time that God accepts atonement for our sins with Christ's blood as tender (i.e. rents the veil in the Temple after Jesus expires on the cross as in Mark). Forgiveness and atonement are mutually exclusive ideas, and this is made explicit in this context by the discrepancy about when the Temple veil was torn. So, again, walk me through it. I just can't understand why an omnipotent diety would demand atonement, a blood sacrifice of his own son, when both Jesus and lowly sinners like myself can forgive "for they no no what they do," etc.
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