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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. I think he is both a symptom and disease. Something was wrong at OSU before the arrived, but he brought in new problems.
  2. Hold on. You can't judge anyone without having the courage to face them?
  3. I guess you're right. Idk why I get the idea that the brand is damaged. The Ferarri fiasco might have something to do with it. It revealed some serious issues with the team culture. It also made the Fix doping stuff less easy to forget about. J7st bad mojo. Btw is it true that the guys really like Chris Perry? I have a feeling they do. This might not be a good thing.
  4. You know what? It's kinda a bummer to think about. Other than a fantasy hire like David Taylor, I can't see how they stay perinially on/near the podium. Even then, the guy has no record as a coach.
  5. The 34 and counting thread had a few (predictable) fantasy picks. If you're a fan, who would like to see come in? Better, other than former-OSU guys,who would you like to see?
  6. Idk. I think it was the shock of Bodily getting teched in the first round on the NCAAs -- and the dude he beat in the high school state finals finishing runner-up to the great Jack Cuvo -- started the ball rolling. *** obviously, this is absurd. But, that's the point. The enforcement of Title IX is absurd..***
  7. Chris Fleeger during that highlight montage soundtracked by the Chemical Brothers' hideous "Out of Control."
  8. What does the label (?) "BRAINS" mean on your profile page? This label has bever been attached to me my entire life, so it must have some esoteric meaning. So, I started looking, and every (?) profile has a "BRAINS" label. Have we unwittingly signed-up for some zombie meals-on-wheels program?
  9. Word. While you're at, it look up "SZA" and "rollin' coal" for me.
  10. Dude's not brittle. I've seen him practice since he was little. He would have to have a coterie of fresh, willing partners rotate in on him.** Most would end up finding a way out of the rotation after half hour or so. He just chewed them up. **I'm sure this is this case with most DI-level kids in a typical club/high school room. Impressive nonetheless.
  11. Askkren stole it from a Korean whose name will come to me in a second.
  12. Unsung innovator. The cross-wrist tilt is a now ubiquitous technique, and Toler invented it.
  13. No doubt. I'm just over the Lee-talk. More outlandish claims to follow.
  14. He is not even the best with the cross-wrist tilt (pioneered by Chuck Toler); that would be Peppelman.
  15. But he has one pinning combo, no? When you read about how exciting he was, you get the impression that throws are coming from everywhere. When you watch him,it's just the assassin.
  16. Fleeger is the GOAT on top in folkstyle (via near wrist / far claw ... some mutant version of the Blair ride. (I don't want to hear about Schalles or Ruth or any other cradle people.)). Satiev is the GOAT on top in freestyle (via West Point ... I wonder what he called it) John Smith is the American GOAT on top (via rollin mfers like logs).
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