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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. 125 I don't trust Figs or ASU. Going with A tale 133 Vito w/ at least 3 takedowns 141 Bartlett. OSU gets out over his skis, gives up an early takedown, and has to play catch up ... can't 149 Henson. 157 Haines. Again, I don't trust ASU. 165 Carr. Ugghh ... I'm a moron for not picking the team and kid who always show up and exceed expectations 174 CStarr 184 Keck. Not as brutal as Big 12 but never in doubt 197 Brooks with at least 3 takedowns HWT psu
  2. How many AAs does Askren have this year and how many team points would Askren U have scored?
  3. Better question: Will the Cowboys even get an opportunity to throw a brick ... or beg for the brickless review? I say no. There won't be any opportunity for Fix to question a call.
  4. Smith and Co are shameless.
  5. Sanderson did what to the National duals?
  6. No, I mean his refusal to open up in big matches. They were all elite, yet they all wrestled tight in big matches. They wrestled like they were scared to make a mistake, like if they gave up a takedown it was over. A boost in confidence didn't seem to come along with those national championships.
  7. I am assuming this is hyperbole, but real question: A what weights are the top three in the PSU room nearly equivalent to the top three at the NCAA tournament?
  8. No need to hedge with "I think." DDF has a much more advanced case of whatever mental block JO, Chris Perry, and Dean Heil had. As I once said of JO, I wouldn't wish his head-space on anyone.
  9. Same thing happened to him in the last 10 sec vs Cardinale last year (?)
  10. What are some scenarios that could doom your lock. Obviously, no actual wrestling results will change it. So, what happens if tge NCAA cxs the event? Is the bet off? Would it need to be a situation where only psy can't attend? Idk how it works.
  11. Re psu: This bet is one that tells me that gambling just isn't my thing. I KNOW that psu will win. Everybody else KNOWS too. If I had a 100k to bet, I would be a moron not to. Yet . . . there's something in me, bone deep, (economic trauma?) that wouldn't let me.
  12. Here's a D3 guy beating a Yarygin bronze medalist and Olympian. Granted the Kazak may or may not be hungover, jetlagged, indifferent, etc., etc. But what did Arujau say? ZR had more numbers. https://www.flowrestling.org/video/6161576-125-kg-quarterfinal-zachery-roseberry-navy-marine-corps-rtc-vs-ibragimov-mamed-kazkhstan Edit: Hell, for all I know, this might be a different Mamed Ibragimov
  13. Word. And Jesus is just a rebranded Dionysian love/wine god. And Xmas is Saturnalia. And don't even get me started about the Eleusius Mystery cult. Conclusion: there are still a lot of Christians.
  14. We often forget the context for this passage. Jesus is answering his disciples' question about how it could be possible to carry on with your life if you do what Jesus has just said and sell all your possessions and give the proceeds to the poor. It's a legit question. Jesus, as is his won't, responds with the esoteric aphorism quoted above "For mortals it is impossible; but for God all things are possible." Understably, Peter is not satisfied with this non-answer; so, he says, "Look, we have left everything and followed you. What then will we have?" Jesus responds that they will receive abundant recompense, I.e the "manifold" and "eternal life." However, it is not clear what this "manifold" is or if it is to be received in the here and now or when. It doesnt help that Jesus closes the chapter with "But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first." (Thanks for the clarification!) The issue with reading this passage as an assurance that God will repay the sacrifice with worldly glory and riches is that Jesus's whole point is that these things should be abandoned. Why would Jesus reward a rejection of worldly achievement with worldly achievement? I think a better reading of "through God, all things are possible" is faith and keeping the law will show you the righteousness of giving everything away . . . even though you can't actually do it.
  15. I thought he got better once he stopped shooting.
  16. All you say is true. All I said was a joke.
  17. It's a bifurcated God: Nickel and PennState:
  18. Idk. He doesn't even break a sweat... And he doesn't care about the match. Next theory.
  19. Again, if true, this is so strange. He beats people up for a living. I see no way to square this with the teachings of Christ. (Not that he is under any obligation to justify himself ... to me or anybody else.)
  20. What does Brooks think about the Jesus in America stuff? It might make for sone interesting post-practice bible study.
  21. Yeah, turning the other cheek would be problematic in his line of work.
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