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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. The problem with the strong Kuhnian reading is that the "fantastically incomplete" parts of "our current body of science" are liminal. It's a baby bathwater situation, and Kuhn himself was disturbed by the post-structuralists who read SSR this way. I mean science didn't stop sciencing just because Heisenberg said the better you know the position of an object the less you know about its momentum. Yeah, the "new atheists" and their kind are insufferable. But...
  2. I like this line of thought, but I imagine Brooks will win both meetings. I see AJ seeded 4th at best.
  3. So, God didn't actually forgive us of our sins? Jesus was sacrificed as atonement? Kinda lame that an omnipotent diety demands a blood sacrifice.
  4. Do you think that certain coaches play the long game and see their athletes and assts as future rivals? I ask bc I remember an old interview with Alan Fried where he talked about showing up at OSU and feeling that Smith was his rival. Obviously, the rivalry never panned out bc I think they only wrestled the one time, and Fried -- prone to some bizarre thoughts -- might have imagined the friction; but, I wouldn't put it past Smith to keep the guy at arm's length. Idk, maybe this is why Smith hirers idolators.
  5. No doubt. I was responding more to remind myself of this fact. He's sorta like the board's chatbot.
  6. At first, I was put off by the silly username, but you write well. Good luck in your travels.
  7. "Superior Belief in Godand Jesus Christ " It's St. Anslem come back to re-spread the ontological proof. If it's good enough for Jean Luc Marion to have another look at, I won't fault Ferrari for it. Plus, there's all sorts of other things to fault him for.
  8. Not sure of your tone; but, if youre up to it, take a swing.
  9. How do you think definitions are made? The Holy Spirit?
  10. Yeah, Idk. That's the deal with this sorta behavior: his input might not be toward some rational end. The input is the end. I mean Delfino was loony, but he wasn't pretending like he was having a conversation. BigApple was monological, but again he didn't pretend not to be. Same with KentuckyMudflap and he was funny. LIMarty was more than willing to have a conversation, a real conversation; he just had the same conversation over and over. This guy is weird.
  11. JC reminds of this guy -- "parity boy" ... Rich somebody ... Jason Bryant would know -- who used to haunt the virginiawrestling.com discussion board in the late 90's/early 00's. This guy was legitimately sick and needed help. I won't presume to know what's wrong with our guy, but JC is the same in that his shtick is pathological. He asks questions, creating the illusion that some conversation with him might ensue. But, no. No dialogue, just the eternal recurrence of the same.
  12. You bigoted lemmophobe: https://www.britannica.com/story/do-lemmings-really-commit-mass-suicide#:~:text=Lemmings do not commit suicide,search of a new home.
  13. Suck it up, don't be such a loser, get over your panophobia, Charlie Brown. The best part of the Xmas Special is when Schulz goes all Kafka and has God turn his back on Charlie Brown in the penultimate scene, the true final scene before net execs Hollywooded it: Linus tells the true meaning of Xmas -- the Jesus savior bit -- Charlie Brown's spirits are lifted and then ... he kills the tree. God has abandoned CB. Edit: Wait ... I might be misremembering the order. This might explain a lot. Scheduling therapy appt now. Edit 2: Nope. I was right.
  14. "Race" is about more than skin as the George Hamilton pic above makes clear. Racial identity is about ideas, a bunch of ideas, bunch of incredibly complicated and contradictory ideas.
  15. Yeah, I guess I sorta missed the point of the thread. We were wondering whether this fan base is particularly racist. I would say that we are like everybody else Re demographic data: Bad euphemism on my part. We just note if the dude is a white guy or a brown guy. This kind of descrimination is more or less racist, too. I'm not claiming immunity.
  16. Yeah, I guess I sorta missed the point of the thread. We were wondering whether this fan base is particularly racist. I would say that we are like everybody else
  17. Here's a disheartening game that my wife and I play when we watch duals on Sunday: keep a tally of times "explosive" and "athletic" are used to describe a wrestler, making demographic notes as you go.
  18. Are they "magic" in the Harry Potter sense? No, but depending on how you define "actual injury" certain combinations of syllables are more powerful than others. I'm not sure if recognizing this relative power is a sign that we are moving toward a more just way of dealing with each other.
  19. Re animation not the greatest: pfft. Frieda and Rerun trill af
  20. Where parents were in the late-60's/early-70's: leaving their kids to their own devices. Believe it or not, we (kids) played unsupervised for most of the day, everyday, including Thanksgiving and Christmas. Note: the parents did show up to WahWahWah all the way to Grandma's house
  21. High on a hill was a lonely goatherd Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo
  22. Old rebuttal, but here goes: Milo got beat by a tree. How is he gonna take out an opponent who can move and is sentient?
  23. Re Smith: Maybe through a series of senior moments, he'll forget that he hates his team.
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