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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. That's impressive @WrestlingRasta! Bit on the jealous side right now! I started with an electric smoker which did the trick for small things, but the meat stalled bad in it mostly because there was no air circulation. My brother who had been smoking for a long time talked me into an Oklahoma Joe smoker...WAY better and has multiple uses such as grilling and a sear function...absolutely love it. My brother recently moved up to the expensive Traeger smoker with the wifi stuff and it is pretty slick. Will probably be my next purchase once the Oklahoma Joe poops out. Have a 16lb brisket in the fridge that is getting smoked this weekend for a family gathering on Father's Day.
  2. LOL You really do have an overinflated sense of self don't you?? Anyone that tries to say how smart they are, and how they know more than anyone else is...well...probably really dumb. Next are you going to tell me how much money you have? Funny part is, even IF you are in the automotive field, you still at no point addressed what I said. You somehow turned it around into how bad gas vehicles are for the environment...again, no schnit. That is one topic. The other topic is, electric cars aren't the greatest for the environment either. Now show me that great big brain of yours Mikey and discuss how that is or isn't true.
  3. No shit moron! That wasn't the point...you and your ilk always try and twist things around and change the goal post when someone makes you look like an idiot...which is a lot. Point is that electric cars aren't that much more environmentally friendly like people claim they are. Fine if you few morons don't want to believe that...but in your own words...you can't be this dumb. Now go back to mommy's basement and continue with your Trump obsession...
  4. Or....you want it to not be true so bad you refuse to look up anything for yourself and then try and say I made this up and that I am easily swayed by Fox News...thanks for giving another example of how you can't make this up with such a ridiculous response. Absolutely adore...able! World reacts as Joe Biden makes unvaccinated athletes wear masks (msn.com)
  5. The Biden administration has implemented COVID protocols for an Athlete Day at the white house...masks and social distancing for those that are not vaccinated. The absolute stupidity makes my head hurt.
  6. Have you thought through the full life cycle of the production of these batteries (mining the chemicals) through the disposal once they can't be used anymore? Funny you don't see any information on that come out.
  7. Wow How is this better for the environment???
  8. That is a great question that should be asked...answer = they ALL should have been charged just like Trump. And they "why" for them not being charged, please don't be disingenuous, you know for a fact that justice is applied unequally. What absolutely sucks about all this is the next time a R is in control of the justice department/FBI it will be used against the D's...it will become a vicious circle. To not see that is putting your partisan glasses on and then burying your head in the sand.
  9. I was able to read the article that DJT sent...I assume it said very similar things to the one you posted. Thanks!
  10. Shoot...wish I could have read the article...said I had to subscribe.
  11. I'm really disappointed Mikey...no links? No twisting this to be about your secrete man crush Trump? But what is hilarious is your feeble attempt at a rip on me...in honor of @LJB "*I have used this word too much*"...come on, you can do better.
  12. I agree that one of the bullet points could be argued and probably is a matter of definition of "glorified" The second bullet though...you don't think it is fact that we are talking about a very small segment of the population? Maybe it is the word "very" that gets things hung up? When I wrote that I was thinking of the trans community not the full LGBTQ+ community...in that case I concede and remove the word "very". Regardless, the point still stands...I'd be just as annoyed if there was a Heterosexual Month with parades, Heterosexual Flags, etc.
  13. I'm sure that is true...but it's still ridiculous
  14. I have no idea...I am sure there were several reasons...but I was not sitting in the meeting when it all went down. Pretty sure no one in the general public knows for a fact what actually happened. And quite frankly I don't care why he was fired and/or quit. To deny that he was popular and still is, is letting facts and reality get in the way of what they choose to believe.
  15. Read whatever you want to read in what I said. And keep on keeping on letting facts and reality get in the way...
  16. Shhhh....a little secrete, ALL of the major network news "shows" spew trash and lies...ALL of them!! Another instance of facts and reality getting in your way if you don't believe this. And if you think going from #1 to #2 is a notable decline and why he was fired, then wow, and yes, again you are choosing to let your narrative get in the way of facts and reality. But hey...you are intitled to your own opinion and narrative. Back to Tucker...I stopped watching him, well and news in general, about 5 years ago (I visit multiple news sites online to get my "news"). He got too extreme for me. In my opinion, he went from fact-based arguments and calling people out, to sensationalization of topics and going to the far extreme to pick arguments and try and make people look bad.
  17. Still doesn't address one of his main points...why not just leave people alone? Why shove people's sexuality down everyone's throats? I have said many times, I couldn't care less what adults do in their private lives as long as it is legal, I don't judge them for who they choose to love, and everyone should be treated equally and based on their character and nothing more, but this obsession with glorifying a very small segment of the population is ridiculous. I get it they were/are oppressed, and that sucks, but glorifying their sexuality and sexual identity will not change the past, and in my opinion isn't helping them for the future. I think if more people had the attitude of just leave each other alone, we would be a much happier society and there would be a lot more tolerance.
  18. I personally don't like Tucker anymore but statements like this always crack me up...you'll see if the numbers are sustainable?? So disingenuous...the guy has had amazing ratings consistently. He was No. 2 in 2022 and No. 1 in 2021 for crying out loud. But hey, don't let facts and reality stand in the way of your narrative.
  19. I have no doubt some people are bigots, but because people don't agree with celebrating anyone's sexuality does not make them a bigot. Choosing to support a product or not does not also make someone, in of itself, a bigot. Funny how it seems that mostly one side of the political spectrum always choose to call people, that they disagree with, derogatory names. So much for the party of inclusion and tolerability. Today's society and political crap is absolutely nuts!
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