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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Be careful Rasta...you may get labeled a conspiracy theorist.
  2. I watched a clip of our VP talking about AI...YIKES!! Remove the letter after her name, how can anyone NOT be embarrassed for the US?
  3. What is sad is the "theater operators" are on both sides! Those claiming Jordan was nothing but theater this week in the hearings are the same ones that thought Corey Booker was totally legit during the Kavanaugh stuff....and vice versa. We...the lay people...have NO clue what truly is going on...we get half-truths from both sides...and the real answers are probably somewhere in the middle if you are willing to remove your D or R and look
  4. Different Opinion = Conspiracy Theory/Hate/Violence/all the other labels you can put on someone
  5. I thought when you disagreed with someone's take on something it was "Fake News"....seems now it is if you have an alternative take it's "conspiracy theory"?? What happened to I don't believe you, this is what I believe?
  6. I am not a conspiracy theorist but, in my opinion, we would all be pretty stupid to think that voting fraud doesn't happen more than we know. Hell, there is cheating in every single thing people do in the US if there is a chance for financial gain, so why wouldn't there be cheating in regard to one of the biggest money and power grabs there is...the presidency of the United States?
  7. It wasn't pretty...just as it wouldn't be pretty to see trump on the beach with his shirt off.
  8. Funny how people's perspective and interpretation of things can be so different...I never once thought Husker's posts were "angry" or that he is full of "hate"...I take his posts as he says it how it is with a little side mouth smirk as this is fun debating with others. Then he belly laughs when some on here get all bent out of shape and start the name calling...or maybe that is what I do.
  9. Did you all see the Biden at the beach video?
  10. I'll admit I could have worded it better...should have said COULD have someone in jail within an hour. The bigger point is how people on here downplay it just because of who is currently in office. And even more ridiculous is some on here speak like they know the inner workings of the secret service and where all the security cameras are....it's actually laughable on some on here think they are so much smarter than everyone else, but really aren't smart at all. I guess I'll take more stock in what my buddy has told me as he is an FBI agent and has been to the white house many times on official business...they knew who's coke it was very shortly after it was found. But because like everything else in our society right now, it is political and thus it will be swept under the rug because of who is currently in office.
  11. I read fox and cnn and to get a laugh...
  12. Here is what is so stupid about this whole thing...the selective outrage AND the selective no big deal attitudes because it happened when a certain political party is in office, and the complete absurdity of thinking that the area isn't secure, there weren't enough camera's, it's where tourists are so it could be anyone, and that there isn't a way to find out who the coke belongs to...for F'sake if this happened at a freaking gas station the cops would be able to find who the person was in 10 minutes, and some think the WH is LESS secure?? Finally...my guess is that there are more people that work at the WH that do coke than don't. My opinion, the whole thing is political so nothing will be done about it. Happens at a gas station and someone is in jail within the hour. THAT is what people should be pissed about. Finally....I cant's stand coke, but I don't mind the smell of it. (Can't not use that "joke" whenever coke is brought up)
  13. Doesn't the same company own bud lt and Modelo?
  14. I would pay money to watch Charlie Kirk debate against Vakattack
  15. And the Brands still kept taking his money...zero integrity or morals
  16. Oh man @WrestlingRasta I bet the black cherry/cranberry juice thing adds great flavor!?!
  17. Well...what he is commenting on is not that HE wants no regulation, rather you saying because of the NRA there is less regulation, when in fact, historically we are drastically in the complete opposite direction of "gun ownership shall not be infringed" as indicated in the 2nd. I am not saying I am a HUGE supporter of the NRA as I don't like some of the stuff they do, but to me they are an important part to balance out the two extremes...i.e., those who want to ban ALL guns and those that want absolutely NO regulation on guns and gun ownership.
  18. Just like most things...I'm sure most of us agree on 85-90% of things at the macro level...it's the minutia that trips everyone up. Wanted to make some clarification on my thoughts on holding parents accountable...I was and am speaking of minor children. Unfortunately, it would be nearly impossible to hold someone who is over 18 parent's accountable. Unless, like you said, while he was 18 they provided the guns to the kid who committed the crime.
  19. Why do so many people on "your side" go here when it comes to discussing guns? Where has anyone ever on here said anything about how they would like "no regulation at all"?? SMH
  20. Commend you brother for noticing it...trying to keep myself from getting there...work and women though...LOL I have implemented a "rule" that I don't drink at home unless it is a cookout, get together, etc. And when I am out and have to drive I don't drink vodka as it is the "forget" sauce for me as I am fast drinker, and that stuff goes down like water for me. I have gone to this seltzer called Carbliss (black raspberry), mostly due to doing keto, but they are tasty as well. But man are they expensive and not a lot of places have them.
  21. I too am a vodka guy and trying to not become too much of a vodka guy. I am also no help as I do not like the brown stuff.
  22. I did a brisket this last weekend for Father's day and my meat got done about 3 hours earlier than I planned so wrapped it in foil and two towels and it stayed warm until the guests arrived. I heard the cooler will keep it warm nice and long too. For grilling corn in the husk, you can put crumpled up newspaper in a cooler and throw the cooked cobs in there and they too will stay warm for many hours.
  23. I use a pellet smoker and have done a lot of pork butts. Here is my process - I add my pellets, I have used apple wood pellets in the past and those are good, but have switched over to a competition blend, which is just a combination blend of wood pellets. I set the smoker to 225 and while that is heating up I wash the butts, pat dry them and then apply olive oil (you don't need to do this but I just do it) and a rub. I have started to dabble in my own rubs and they have turned out really good, but another really good go to is the Kroger brand pork rub...it has great flavor. Side note...applying the rub the night before also is a good practice, cut sometimes I don't plan very good. I then put the butts in the smoker and let it smoke until 160 and then wrap it in the brown butcher paper and then continue smoking until 200 -205. I then take it out and wrap it in 2 towels and let it rest for approximately 45 - 60 minutes. Comes out and has a nice bark ( @mspart waiting until 160 to wrap may help with the bark part) and is absolutely fall apart. I serve the pulled pork in a crock pot and add 7-up soda to it to keep it moist. The leftovers (which is usually a lot as I normally don't do just one butt) I seal pack and put in the freezer. I found the best way to reheat it is to put the frozen stuff in a slow cooker and bring it slowly back up to a warm temp...again I add 7-up soda to keep it moist...and it still is nice and tender.
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