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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. And this is the post of the thread right here...LOLOLOLOL
  2. Ugh...sad...sorry to hear Yeah...very scary. Just don't understand why people refuse to even entertain the thought that the vaccine might have something to do with it. But they have no problem jumping to conclusions about what sort of ailments Covid causes without any scientific "proof".
  3. My teenage son didn't and will not ever get the Covid vaccine. HIs and his parents' choice. Had Covid once and the only reason he knew was because he lost his sense of smell.
  4. So we should take what some dictionary says over what the military and gun EXPERTS say...got it. Guess if you look hard enough you'll find something that fits your narrative vs. what reality is.
  5. I am all for following the science, but this is eerily started to sound like all the Covid crap a year ago where people pick and choose which "science" to follow. Funny part is that a lot of the "conspiracy theories" have been proven true in regards to Covid...yet here we are again. Just interesting how people are so quick to just dismiss the vaccine as a cause...wonder why that is? As for the cardiac arrests...not sure what to think of it, but it sure is alarming.
  6. There it is...once again we all marvel at the pure brilliance of GWN...thank you for being here...just think how many "e's" would be lost if it weren't for you...you deserve it, go pat yourself on your back and keep repeating how smart you are in that mirror. Did I forget any "e's"??
  7. Please ole wise one...we are not as smart as you so can explain what in the hell this means?? We just dum dum's whu cant tink so gooder
  8. This just seems so shady and weird...does this happen a lot where the judge rejects the plea deal?
  9. Ugh...seriously...funny how people read a dictionary and then think they know everything there is about guns. And if you knew anything about guns, the dictionary describes pretty much every semi-automatic gun out there. So in your opinion, ALL semi-auto guns should be banned?
  10. Funny listening to people who don't know anything about guns try and talk about guns and just spew the crap they hear on tv...
  11. Here we go again...what are "assault weapons"?? What do YOU think they are??
  12. I also wonder what "military grade weapons" are that he is mentioning??
  13. People of different political affiliations have always been seen with politicians from the "other side"...and ARE NOT making a political statement. And now Vack is calling Bo a liar just because he golfed with Trump and said something positive about his golf game??? SMH...can't make this stuff up. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing folks...it's okay to recognize it and get help...many mental health facilitates out there.
  14. There is the word again..."ban". SMH IF the fundamentals of how our country and culture were formed and developed is centered around freedom and the tenets of our constitution (including gun ownership!!), how in the heck do people think banning guns is the answer??? It is such a weak and simplistic look into trying to solve one of the most complicated things we face. I as a gun owner and a strong believer in the 2nd amendment and the constitution for one second thought banning guns in the USA would stop un-necessary deaths and make our society stronger and safer I'd be the first one in line to turn in my guns. However, it will NEVER happen...one, because it wouldn't make it stronger and safer but rather the complete opposite, and second, gun owners would never ever turn in their guns.
  15. I'll give you an F for this post. I have shot my guns probably hundreds of thousands of times and probably only killed something about 10 times. But hey, let's not let that fact which is true for probably 99.99999% of those who own guns. Keep on keeping on with the political rhetoric.
  16. To me the culture that is bad is the one where people think they can do whatever they want with no consequences. The culture that is afraid to talk about and address mental health. The culture that feel that parents aren't and shouldn't be the ones teaching their kids right and wrong, hold them accountable, or have a say in their education. The culture where people are victims and it's always someone else's fault for what has happened to them. And finally the culture that blames an in adamant object for the bad caused by bad people.
  17. What is truly odd (and absolutely ridiculous and stupid) is for you to somehow link the message in his song to a psychopath killing a bunch of innocent people. But coming from you...guess I am not surprised. Sad when political ideology gives way to common sense and logic. Let's summarize what has happened on here in regards to his song...it has been called racist because of where it was filmed...but no other video's, commercials, or movies that have been filmed in the exact same spot were called racist. Then it is about celebrating guns and gun culture because of one piece of lyric in the whole song that mentions getting a hand me down gun from his grandfather? Next it is about somehow promoting violence....yet the same people have no problem with ALL the other music out there and politicians that, in fact, actually call for violence against innocent people and police. Not to mention the song is about trying to stop people that are causing violence and breaking the law. The great thing about all of this, is that in spite of all the idiots out there, he won't be cancelled and he will make a ton of money...all the while the idiots are crying with their selective outrage looking stupid.
  18. Aaaannnddd??? First off...no shnit! Second,..why bring it up here?
  19. Thanks for responding. Interesting take on what he said and the meaning behind those things. Guess it is all perspective. I read those things in a little different light. Not that he was calling for people to storm the capital but rather he was speaking Mr. Tough Guy about Congress and for them to take action. Again...I can't stand the guy, although I did like some of his policies, but sometimes things get twisted to mean something it probably doesn't based on someone's biases towards or against someone.
  20. The more I am learning about Tim Scott the more I like.
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