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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. Watched and they seemed content in not going for a pin. Nagao & the next guy... almost a joke on he mat considering the opponents. If Starocci wrestles like the first match he will end it as a 3 timer.
  2. Looks like a few Penn State guys spent the past week reading their press clippings instead of working hard in the room. A team that in the past has been kown for Bonus points looks like they don't believe they matter.
  3. If illegal & performance enhancing drugs are a problem have everyone tested the week before the tournament. Winners after.
  4. It is the difference in Donald Trump having filed 6 business bankruptcies and calling it "smart business using loopholes" and finding the best pricing and suppliers. May be technically legal but it is not OK.
  5. Mark Manning doing his Nikita Khrushchev imitation of getting mad, taking off a shoe and banging it on the chair/podium in protest?
  6. How about we make it "Minutes on the Mat" rather than total matches? Twenty matches comes out to 140 Minutes of wrestling - if all go the limit & no overtimes. So, 140 minutes of actual mat time as shown on the clock. Injury time, lung time, shoelace reties and blood time doesn't count. Only that time after the ref says "Wrestle" until the end of the match counts. If you get a quick pin - you know you have to have some matches go into overtime to get your minutes. If you are an overtime type of wrestler - maybe you get along with fewer total matches? If you are Cael you search for ways to work the clock or find loopholes - and then only spring them on the competition when you wrestle Nebraska?
  7. I am one who has been on Spencer Lee for quitting the way he did after losing last season. From the Iowa board: " You think if he would have beat Ramos in the semis, he would have said, “you know, I can’t go in the finals, my body is too beat up.” and "Spencer said on his recent interview with Bader that his body was too beat up and it didn’t make sense for him to compete on the backside." ----------------------------- He quit, plain and simple. I believe he regrets it but the fact is it now defines him no matter what his career brings in the future. But to come up with This? That others are going to do it also? IF they can't make it I would expect them to at least walk out on the mat and take the loss like men, not run and hide. Or to have a good reason that is made public via the coach/school so we know what happened. The way you have this topic is Cinnebutt at the sewer dipping your mug in for a big drink.
  8. Two who can do it. Real Woods of Iowa. He seems to have pulled back a lot on offence. Maybe he can rely on defense and counters? Aaron Brooks of Penn State? Doesn't give up takedowns so can counter off the shots of others as he prevents them getting in deep as the match goes on and they get frustrated?
  9. Might get there early & check out Flint Hills State Park and the trails in the area. Don't know if any early wildflowers will be blooming but the area is nice and a quiet place for a visit.
  10. If you actually thing "god intended" - does this hold true for rape victims, starving kids and the like?
  11. As we speak Cael has the team in the basement instructing all of them to tell their relatives who may attend "Do NOT wear eye glasses at the tournament".
  12. How many different wrestlers at 125 lbs were ranked #1 this year? More than 30, maybe? What are the odds one of these #1 guys wins it all? Is there a 125 lb wrestler who was not #1 who is an actual threat?
  13. If you can't nit pick Iowa coaches - what is life worth?
  14. Remember Cael & Cody wearing their funeral director suits earlier in their coaching careers. Sunday Mormon go to meet'n clothes. ----------------- At that, dressing better as coaches does look more professional. ----------------- On matches. Poor Ed Banach. Hyped big time as a 4 timer before he has Three.
  15. "Gable is just as good as Taylor" Liz Taylor? He should be, considering her age.
  16. Not if Cael's group is right. Their version is a polygamist. He was a man, lived right and progressed to the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom and became a God with many wived becoming Heavenly Mothers - a ton of them having spirit babies to populate the worlds he creates. He came down and had sex with Mary to produce Jesus... Wonder if Brooks will take this one on after he wins it all?
  17. Moose are very dangerous animals. Can walk completely silent through forest floor covered with dry leaves in the fall. You never know what sets one off. They can run faster than you and will track you during an attack. Climbing a tree isn't even a defense as they might sit below and bash into the tree over and over trying to knock you out of it. Big, fast, mean and the meat makes great pepperoni.
  18. The holy roller beats Hidlay by calling on his higher power, Bo Nickal.
  19. Can we exclude 125 since every wrestler at that weight has been ranked #1 at some time during the season?
  20. He & Crooham are going to partner & become the Martin & Lewis of wrestling comedy with Jimmy Cinnabutt managing.
  21. Iowa looks down. They really did before wrestlin Oklahoma State... didn't they?
  22. If they want to believe in fairy tales and invisible bs - it is their right. I agree it is asinine with all the crap about God on he mat & fields of competition.
  23. Going by historical precedent it was smart of Cael to have his guy do this. Save the knee for the big dance. Maybe this allows him to rain and do just fine. Maybe he tweaks it in preparation? Maybe he slips on wet flooring and doesnt wrestle at all?
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