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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. No, sorry. Vito retweeted the photo that someone else had marked up.
  2. He should have followed up with "What about Joseph Smith and the Mormons, Aaron? Where do they fit into all of his?"
  3. "His mother, Zhanna Arujava, and his father, Vougar Oroudjov, were both remarkable athletes who competed for former USSR, as well as other countries including Belarus, Azerbaijan, and Russia. Zhanna was on the USSR national team for solo’s kayaking"
  4. Triceps are for pushing things away from your body. So, yeah, he could probably learn from Iowa-style wrestling.
  5. Well, he did beat Flo's P4P #2 (decisively) and #8 (with a major), and we saw what happened to #1, so there is *some* argument for it. If RBY had won, Flo would have ranked him #1 P4P, right?
  6. #15 Ungar: R12 (exceeded) #3 Vito: way exceeded #7 Cornella: did not meet expectations #1 Yianni: met expectations #4 Ramirez: did not meet expectations #4 Foca: exceeded (seeding) expecations #10 Cardenas: 8th place, exceeded expectations
  7. Go watch Vito's post-match interview: it's great. He and his dad (the former word champion and Olympic bronze medalist) have digs at each other, and show true affection.
  8. I gather, then, that you approve of what he said. Got it.
  9. Stop with the "what if" crap. Again: Brooks insulted the religion of almost two billion people. You are defending the indefensible.
  10. Again: Brooks insulted the religion of almost two billion people. You are defending the indefensible. A review of Matthew 5:38-39 might help here.
  11. At least I think it was 8th grade. Vito's only loss in HS. Vito posted this to Twitter at 2am today (probably still can't sleep!).
  12. Brooks insulted the religion of almost two billion people. On national TV. Are you and others defending that? In what world is that okay? Whether any particular religion is "true" is utterly irrelevant: no religion can be shown to be "true," by definition. Isn't that why they call it "faith?"
  13. Why? "whether or not the worldview or religion put forth is true or not. " (and not because of the poor grammar) Any argument or discussion that is based on whether a particular religion is true is a non-starter. In fact, that's pretty much the reason for this whole thread.
  14. Really? He is infamous for both his lying about golf and his cheating while playing golf. The most recent laugh-fest was his claiming he won his club Senior championship. When it was pointed out that he wasn't even there on the first day of the tournament, he said that he played a round prior to that and used that round for his tournament score.
  15. Or with respect instead of disdain. As Brooks did not.
  16. It's more a question of Ivy eligibility than NCAA eligibility. They can't graduate and stay at Cornell, so the question is how much time off did they take, and how much more are they willing to take? Yianni, Vito, and Max did not enroll while in their two years off, as you suggested. It's not clear if all of Foca/Ramirez/Cardenas/Fernandes took those years off, but after this weekend, I'll bet they want to use as much of their NCAA eligibility as possible (two years each) at Cornell. Which means a bunch of fall semesters not enrolled. (On the Hawkeye forum (aka the "cesspool" for good reason), some were thinking that Vito will have graduated and not be able to compete for Cornell next year, and if it were possible to get him at Iowa next year. Yeah, fat chance. I disabused them of that fantasy)
  17. He'll be pushing 25 next year, if not already turned 25.
  18. You really are that dense, aren't you?
  19. Because the other wrestlers didn't insult nearly two billion people? Just spit-ballin' here.
  20. Nobody cares that he is religious. What people care about is his hateful attitude towards the faith of others. The pomposity of believing that his is the only true religion is typical of true believers, and pretty much the antithesis of what his religion actually teaches.
  21. There's some other guy whose name escapes me who doesn't have any more eligibility...
  22. Some of the Cornell guy's had some of the highest RPIs in their weight classes. Ungar #2, Arujau #2, Cornella #6, Ramirez #5, Foca #2.
  23. The coincidence being that the two 4xers at Cornell both trained at Cornell prior to matriculating at Cornell. This in response to your question about whether their freshman year wins had anything to do with Cornell:
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