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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. Odd, since Jacob Cardenas is a senior this year.
  2. Tell me you are NJ Dan without telling me you are NJ Dan. Did you see this post?
  3. Won't happen. Cornell already has tOSU (and NC State) on its schedule.
  4. Your user name is appropriate when talking about Shapiro. Does he have the most lethal ankle pick in the tournament (he had five TDs off of an ankle pick)? I can't recall him ever getting stuck underneath after his own shot. Did anyone notice that he's at least 3-4 inches taller than Yianni?
  5. Yeah, copyright infringement is the only issue here.
  6. What part of "It's not a matter of copyright infringement" was not clear enough for you?
  7. It's not a matter of being offended. Why does anyone think I was offended? It's not a matter of copyright infringement, either. It is a matter of doing the right thing. The point of their Terms of Service is to prevent the content, *that they worked to produce*, from being copied *to other sites* (apparently, nhs67 just doesn't understand that, and it really doesn't take an Ivy League degree to understand it). How much of Flo's content is it okay to copy and post elsewhere? All of it? Most of it? Some of it? How would the owners of this forum respond if someone who had a Rokfin subscription started copying their for-pay content into this not-for-pay forum, so that everyone could see it without providing any compensation?
  8. ***duck duck goose** off. Do whatever the ***duck duck goose** you want.
  9. Nice tone. It's called "doing the right thing." I'm sure that if you were a content creator whose livelihood relied in part on how many people came to your website, you'd have no problem at all with people copying it and pasting it elsewhere. Amirite? Oh, and by the way, FloSports has the following in its Terms of Service: So *this* site may not mind, but FloSports *explicitly* says that you can't just copy its Content. It's unlikely, but it may be that the moderator/owner of *this* site really wouldn't want such Content copied here in violation of the Terms of Service of FloSports. It's pretty apparent that the moderator/owner of that triathlon forum doesn't want that to happen there. Maybe that's because he is also a Content creator, and he understands the situation. And wants users to "do the right thing."
  10. If you quote, then you deprive the source creator that additional hit to his/her web page. It's not about what is convenient to you, the reader: it's about what is appropriate compensation for the use of someone else's work. Here's a policy from a triathlon forum I frequent: The owner/moderator takes this very seriously.
  11. Much better than quoting would be just to link to the original source.
  12. "Odd" is one word. "Batshit crazy" might be more apt.
  13. I'm guessing that mspart wasn't actually planning on doing the puzzle.
  14. Themed puzzle. 36A Kind of wrestling ... or a hint to four pairs of crossing answers in this puzzle GRECOROMAN Each pair of crossing answers are the Greek and Roman name of a particular god (e.g., Poseidon and Neptune)
  15. Opponent took <checks notes> zero shots. Vito got to his legs once, and attempted attacks continuously. Vito hit with two passivity calls. Go figure.
  16. But the two photos posted by DJT of bathroom messes were okay by your standards? Really? They were up for quite a while.
  17. Fun fact: college wrestling is already a niche sport, one four day span in March notwithstanding.
  18. Anthony Knox posted a video of him getting his first recruiting call at midnight. From Mike Grey, of course.
  19. What's the evidence that there is this issue at these schools? Out of curiosity, I checked Flo's class of 2023 recruitment list for top 100 recruits: Brown: 2 Columbia: 0 Cornell: 4 Harvard: 1 Penn: 1 Princeton: 5 Stanford: 4 Something less than 10% of the D1 schools with 17% of the top 100 recruits. 2024 Cornell: 3 Penn: 2 Princeton: 2 Stanford: a whopping 7
  20. There have been a number of Cornell wrestlers in the College of Engineering. Dom LaJoie, now a graduate transfer to Stanford, is but one recent example. Hatcher is there now. Cardenas, Foca, and Fernandez are in the Architecture College, which is no walk in the park.
  21. Provo, Cardenas, and Darrah (and perhaps others like Chayse LaJoie and Luthie?) all changed their commitment from Cornell to Stanford. Each of them, coincidentally, saw better guys at Cornell in their weight classes standing in the way for multiple years.
  22. I didn't say he would (or even could) do it: I said it would be interesting if all that stood between Starocci and being a 4xer was a Cornell guy. (Foca made a serious jump this year, obviously)
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