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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. You mean Monday's *two* losses were to now-EIWA Champion Ramirez. No way Monday gets seeded above Ramirez.
  2. Yeah, I just started looking at that. The only thing I can think of is that some of the crazy mis-seeds are due to lack of RPI. Glory doesn't have 15 matches at 125, nor does Yianni. So if they have some automagic ranking system, some guys get dinged for that? I saw Ungar ahead of Glory and I had to look further down to see if there was some other sorting algorithm in play!
  3. Maybe it would be clearer if he drew some circles...
  4. FFS. Draw a circle. Write in the circle the name of everyone who has beaten RBY in a folkstyle or freestyle match. Draw another circle. Write in the name of everyone who has beaten Fix in a folkstyle or freestyle match. Are there any names in both circles? Vito's name is in both circles. Anyone else?
  5. Finesilver twisted his right ankle in their semi-final.
  6. Has anyone other than Vito beaten both RBY and Fix in either (folk or freestyle)? Vito beat both RBY and Fix in one of (folk or freestyle). You are really overthinking this.
  7. When the #1 seed is a 2x returning NCAA champion, and the #2 seed is a 3x NCAA runner-up, and all anyone is talking about for 133 (other than Tesskkeeiy) is whether RBY will hand Fix his fourth runner-up finish? Yeah, that'd be a sleeper. Has anyone other than Vito beaten both RBY and Fix in folk or freestyle? Definitely not in folkstyle.
  8. How many points would one expect from someone who is only on the edge of qualifying? If they get a seed below 30, will they likely score much if any?
  9. Wrestled 133 his first year, 141 his second year, COVID year, then 157 third year, now 149 final year.
  10. Do you see Mendez' legs here? Pretty sure he wasn't leaping into the air on his own.
  11. I'm not predicting this outcome. Predictions are hard, especially about the future.
  12. Because Vito has beaten both RBY and Fix in the past, albeit in freestyle? And wouldn't that throw the Outstanding Wrestler award into some confusion?
  13. Wouldn't it make more sense to determine historical bonus points by wrestler for a given seed, rather than by team placement? #1 seeds historically get Z bonus points, #2 seeds get Y < Z points, etc.
  14. That's a small price to pay (like $9.99?). Those (like me) who don't have a more expensive TV subscription need to get one to get ESPN, as it doesn't "stream" like the others. I've run through my free trials for Hulu, Sling, YouTubeTV, etc...
  15. ESPN+ will be streaming every mat on every session up through the medal round. ESPN will be showing the Saturday Night Finals. https://espnpressroom.com/us/program-schedules/#tvl_resultsAnchor has a searchable schedule. Put in the date(s) of the NCAAs, pick ESPN+, and you'll see all the mats scheduled. Use their advanced search to get only the tournament schedule. (all times ET) 3/16: 12 to 3:30pm, 7pm to 10:30 3/17: 11am to 2pm, 8pm to 11 3/18: 11am to 2pm, 7pm to 10pm (ESPN)
  16. How many "casual fans" do you think ponied up the $150 for a Flo subscription that was needed to view this event? I'm guessing zero.
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