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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. It will be interesting to see if Foca has something to say about one of those 2...
  2. I had the pleasure of taking Sagan's Astronomy course (not the grad-level exobiology course) when he received his Pulitzer Prize for "The Dragons of Eden." Yes, he wore turtlenecks all the time. I'm sure that each of those PSU guys whose major is listed as "RECREATION, PARK AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT" takes nothing but the most rigorous courses.
  3. Which means that O'Toole can take the U23 spot without even wrestling for the National Team spot, thereby taking Ramirez' U23 spot. At least last year Cardenas kept his U23 spot because the guy who could take it lost his true third match. Them's the rules.
  4. In the class of 2023, along with Shapiro, they have #27 Ruiz (170), #54 Milani (120), and #63 Dellagatta (195). Stanford has #s 28, 49, 56, and 60. The fact that Shapiro, the bluest blue chip of the class, is still committed to Cornell speaks volumes.
  5. Cardenas got his 92kg U23 slot last year because the guy who could have taken it lost his 3rd place match.
  6. Shapiro is as fast as Vito, and has the length and wrestling IQ of Yianni. He also hates to lose...not that I've ever seen it happen. He really gets fired up.
  7. Cornell has Greg Diakomihalis and Brett Ungar at 125. And, it appears, Vito's brother at 133!
  8. It may be a foreign concept to you, but some people think beyond themselves when they choose their path.
  9. Explain Vito beating Garrett 9-2 for us. Only a month ago.
  10. So Vito is more of a wrestler, right? How else to explain that he beat Garrett 9-2?
  11. Isn't Chandler Rogers about thirty years old by now? (assuming you really meant Caden Rogers, of course!)
  12. Pretty sure he hasn't faced any of them (he's at least a year younger than all of them). He did beat #8 (at 157) Daniel Cardenas 11-0 in April at the US Open; also beat #11 Arrington (both at 70kg).
  13. Hard to imagine any scenario (other than a bus accident) in which Cornell could beat PSU in a dual meet or at the NCAAs. Best cases, which still won't get it done: 125: Greg D. rebounds from surgery and regains form he once had and beats Ungar. Possible low AA 133: Arujau National Champ 141: Cornella stops doing stupid things. Possible mid-AA 149: Meyer Shapiro is all he's expected to be. Possible finalist 157: Yapoujian finally healthy or Handlovic fills out. NQ 165: Ramirez doesn't have to face Griffith any more. Possible mid-AA 174: Foca. Likely Finalist 184: Loew recovers from surgery and puts on some muscle. Possible mid-AA 197: Cardenas continues to improve and build self-confidence. Possible mid-AA 285: Fernandes finally healthy and becomes Cornell's first heavyweight AA. (laughing at the thought of nine All-Americans from Cornell)
  14. Cornell returns four AAs, three others who have been R12, and add Meyer Shapiro to replace Yianni. Possibly as good a result as the rest of the EIWA combined next year. Shamelessly, randomly, and without comment pulled from the Lehigh forum: 125 Bailey/Seymour Neither will benefit by going up a weightclass. Should be Top 20 either of them. Not AA. 133 Crookham/McGonagle. Loser takes his shot moving up. AA potential. 141 Hines/133 loser and everyone else. Loser moves up to 149 for a shot. AA potential 149 Brignola/141 loser and everyone else. Top 20 potential 157 Wide open. A late grad school addition would be nice. Loser of 149 will bump up. This will be congregation of newbies trying to make lineup. Top 50? 165 Meys and possibly someone beats him. I'm of mindset that a 2x NJ State Champ is likely to have the tools. Pat and coaches have 6 months to refine that. Top 20 potential. 174 Logan until someone convincingly beats him. Lawrence had a decent year behind the scene, but didn't face any highly ranked. Top 40 likey. 184 Was hoping for another grad transfer. Wide open. Given training everyday against Beard there is upside here as year goes on. Top 20 potential. 197 Beard. Hoping he is on fire after way season ended. National Champion contender. 285 Taylor. Has clearly solidified himself and continues to improve. R12 in 2024.
  15. It's "Fernandes." Add Loew (197 AA in 2022), Greg Diakomihalis (who may or may not be able to beat Ungar), and Yapoujian at 157 for Cornell. Also Josh Saunders at who-knows-what weight and if he can even make the team.
  16. Dom LaJoie grad transfer from Cornell to Central Michigan. "Dom will pursue his MS in Engineering Management while using his final year of college wrestling eligibility at Central Michigan."
  17. What the ***duck duck goose** are you doing? Get a clue, clown. First of all, that's a faked photo. Second, even if it was real, it is totally inappropriate to post. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-aoc-editedphotoconference/fact-check-photo-of-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-at-conference-is-altered-idUSL1N2Q31G3
  18. Anyone who knows anything about training knows that that is definitely *not* true. There are measurable physiological markers for peaking and overtraining.
  19. Princeton? The team that finished seventh at this years EIWA tournament, and 40 points behind Penn? Who are losing their only real stars (Glory and Monday)? At least Penn has decent guys at nearly all weights.
  20. Yianni's mom's fans would like a word... (excellent post, by the way)
  21. IIRC, last time DeSanto wrestled a Cornell guy he attempted to injure him right before he lost.
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