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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. Who would have predicted this outcome? Oh, right...
  2. We should get info on November 12 (Journeyman).
  3. Hard to imagine Meyer Shapiro wrestling 157 in March and 163 (74kg) in April.
  4. Educate yourself: https://sha.cornell.edu/admissions-programs/undergraduate/ (note that the School of Hotel Management is one of three business schools in the SC Johnson College of Business)
  5. I'm guessing that the market has spoken, and there is a demand for the graduates of the Hotel school.
  6. Hotel school students aren't studying to become servers and cleaning staff. They are studying to be management. They run the Statler Hotel on campus, and at least they used to run the many dining halls as well. When I was there, the food at the dining halls was outstanding.
  7. A girl I dated at Cornell was in the Ag school and was taking 22-23 credits at a time in order to transfer to the Engineering school (chem E, IIRC). That was like 2-3 courses per semester in Engineering.
  8. Ugh, I knew that ILR is ILR, and Hotel is Hotel. Stupid error. Yeah, I know a bunch of Cornell commits switched to Stanford. I don't see them switching from Stanford to UNC.
  9. So, there's a school that uses a pre-season wrestle-off, to do what, exactly? Can you give an example of a school's procedure? I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around a process that takes the choice of starter away from the coaching staff.
  10. Curious about what a "wrestle-off" means. What does the winner get? A starting spot? For how long? How does the starting spot ever change, barring injury or other unforeseen event? Does the team that has a wrestle-off hold challenge matches before each match?
  11. Misleading: Yianni, Vito, and Teemer agreed to go different weights so each could win a state title.
  12. Flo posted video from Belgrade that showed Vito with a sweatshirt covered by a plastic shirt, putting on *another* sweatshirt. Not to mention the multiple plastic hoods. Whatever water weight he needed to lose didn't seem to affect him, however.
  13. Cornell 184: 2002: Wattenberg 5th 2003: Wattenberg 6th 2005: Baier 2nd 2006: Mazzurco 6th 2007: Arnone: 8th 2011: Bozak 4th 2012: Bozak 1st 2013: Bozak 3rd 2014: Dean 3rd 2015: Dean 1st 2016: Dean 1st 2017: Dean 2nd 2018: other Dean 8th 2019: other Dean 2nd 2020/2021: N/A 2022: Loew 8th No contest for winner or 2nd.
  14. The Pan-Am Qualifier is the week before the EIWA tournament, by the way. In addition, if Vito wants to wrestle there, he'll have to compete in a mini-tournament and then a best-of-three against Richards, or a mini-tournament against challengers if Richards for some reason chooses not to compete. Which means Vito would have to potentially make 57kg once before the PA Qualifying tourney, and again at the tournament, and again at the OTT in April. More likely is that he waits to see if Richards or someone else qualifies the US at the PA tourney. If not, he plans on winning the OTT and then going to the World Qualifying tournament (in May?) to get the US qualified.
  15. Shapiro is still going to be an eighteen (or maybe nineteen) year old kid, his results notwithstanding. Any special reason Vito doesn't make the trip to North Carolina? If he doesn't wrestle 133 at any time, it is likely Ethan Fernandez who would go. Greg D. and Ungar are too small to go 133, IMO.
  16. Hmm... Ed Scott (NC State) over Meyer Shapiro (Cornell) DEC 14 - 8 Dylan Fishback (NC State) over Jonathan Loew (Cornell) DEC 7 - 6 184 and bonus points (look for Arujau, Ramirez, and Foca to tech fall or pin, instead of just D/MD their opponents)
  17. I didn't know that, or I wouldn't have asked. Sometimes you have to accept what people say they mean, rather than assume whatever you want. With all the nonsense going on within their program, anything could be possible. Maybe they didn't want to wrestle the first semester with all those suspended guys missing. Maybe, like UNI, they lost their wrestling facility and have to scramble to find another place (that's a joke, by the way). I don't follow Iowa wrestling after I was booted from the cesspool for (AFAIK) questioning Spencer Lee's godliness.
  18. Did you notice the title of this thread?
  19. I did not, but to post a partial schedule is, well, stupid.
  20. https://hawkeyesports.com/sports/wrestling/schedule/ Five duals and the B1G and NCAA tournaments?
  21. FWIW, Fernandes was battling injuries and didn't finish the year.
  22. Remains to be seen. Everyone seems to think it is a done deal he'll be at 157. (FWIW, they have #14 Facundo over #5 Ramirez, despite the former's 12-2 NCAA tourney loss to the latter)
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