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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. Here's your transparency. Email report from Mike Grey:
  2. Did you watch the Cornell vs. Pitt match? Did you watch Ramirez at 165? Did you see him hurt his ankle towards the end? What else didn't you see or don't you know?
  3. Quoting Vito from Txitter: And Yianni, who has never made an excuse that I know of (after winning his fourth NCAA title, he criticized his own performance, you might recall): But you do you.
  4. Wait, what? Foca wrestled? Put his "seed" in danger? Fake news.
  5. Vito? He was laughing and trying to shake the LR guy's hand, who refused.
  6. Cornell wrestlers no longer shaking Little Rock coaches' hand after each match, like they typically do (Ungar did, but nobody after Vito got shoved).
  7. Vito gets a shove to the chest after the match. I can imagine Cardenas charging out to defend Vito with the nastiest double leg feet-to-back TD ever.
  8. Anyone getting sound on mat 1 (Cornell vs. LR)?
  9. Then there's no complete "recovery" from a concussion?
  10. He's fully recovered, just won't wrestle again. He's a student-advisor for the wrestling team this year.
  11. Yes, freshman year. Got concussed early in his match on 2/6 against O'Malley (Drexel), injury forfeited. Didn't compete again until the EIWA four weeks later. Got two MDs, then another concussion in the semis against Incontrera (Penn). Went 1-2 at NCAAs, clearly not up to his former self. Pretty sure the two concussions were independent events.
  12. November 11, 2013, at the Kaloust Bearcat Open (Binghamton), in 1:24. Sorry, don't know what time of day it was. First day of official Cornell competition for him. He also beat Nathanial Brown that day for the first of his six victories over Brown.
  13. Shapiro hadn't lost a match (free or folk) in like three years, so who knows. And Cornell's trainer knows all about concussions, given that Foca had two and Ramirez one in 2022.
  14. My other brother played baseball when Reggie Jackson played at GS. Said he hit the longest home run he'd ever seen. I saw Tony Taylor, Jr. play there.
  15. My mom was a teacher (at Neshaminy HS), and my dad sold insurance and mutual funds. They valued education over whatever passed for that in Neshaminy. I and my brothers received exactly $0 on their deaths. (wrestling: my brother was 15-0 with 14 first period pins his senior year there; he's being inducted into the GS Athletic Hall of Fame next month for his successes in wrestling, track, football, and x-country)
  16. Close; I went to high school in Newtown, but not CR.
  17. I grew up in Bucks County (just north of Philly), and we certainly didn't pronounce it the way Meyer does(I was classmates with Eileen Shapiro).
  18. It's a Delaware/Maryland pronunciation. I thought they had it wrong until I heard him on camera checking in at the matside table.
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