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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Easy there, king brain. He's right, no "big moves" are being made until after the holidays. If you are talking gambling? I think you made a specific forum for that. Good place to go for such talk. Golden rule always applies - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" It is the holiday season, let's all try to be nice.
  2. ... so back to the thread topic for a moment. Hodge. Yes, waaayy too early. Looking forward to getting past the cupcake part of the season, and into some real competition across the board.
  3. Good call. The link is to a Bing cached image - otherwise it could be risky. I tried to edit the image to remove the link once I realized it was linked... BUT I couldn't edit it because it was 16 minutes after I posted it. Aaaaargh.
  4. Have to mention here that the announcing done by Mack Reiter and Dan Williams on Sunday for the B1G+ Binghamton @ Minnesota dual was outstanding. (Not to mention that the dual itself wasn't bad either.) Don't know how many of you caught it, but I thought it was really well done.
  5. Could not agree with you more. It's just a fact that the university infrastructure already has a significant edge over 3rd party providers from a technical standpoint. We don't need Flo/Rokfin for it. I've said it earlier here, the technology isn't where the value is - at all. The value is in the talent (and production) - that much is 100% clear.
  6. So, I came here to check on MIzz/ASU and holy sidetrack, Batman. I do have to ask. Malinois crossed with German Shepard maybe?
  7. Just a guess, but I suspect it was an early and only minimally supported attempt at streaming. It wasn't great. It blew chunks. Video, clock & score on screen, timing of ads (if any), are NOT difficult problems at a major university. Seriously, students there are splitting genes and working on NASA projects. It has nothing to do with not being able to do it. It does, however, involve a certain level of commitment. If they want to get it done, it can be done easily. HS's do it. It does not require a 3rd party for-profit company to get it done. It just doesn't. But it does require a bit of commitment.
  8. So, what if you techfall your opponent? A win by tech and a win by fall? But with only a single opponent. Hmmm. <scratches head>
  9. Yes, I do. I agree that your ATM, debit, and credit cards are not currency. Because they are tied to you and cannot be exchanged with others. My gift card has no bond to a specific person. It can be readily exchanged. It is accepted as payment within a limited group. It is therefore, by definition, "currency." Because my gift card is tied to a specific merchant/brand, it is considered "branded currency." Yes, it is indeed a real thing. The IRS considers employer given gift cards as "cash equivalent" and are taxed as wages. I would prefer a turkey, which is considered a fringe benefit and is untaxed. And is also sooo delicious:
  10. Took some time, but we've gotten to common ground. Crypto allows Rokfin to skirt taxes, and content creators to take a bit of a gamble. It's hardly an example for someone to display as a testament to crypto legitimacy, but whatever floats their boat.
  11. ... oh wait, you were serious here? Thought you were joking around. Ionel makes it easy to know, he adds the little smiley faces. Nice of him. Good guy, that Ionel. Yes. The Target gift card is absolutely a form of currency. FIFY Just not a fiat currency, nor a Fiat currency...
  12. Yes, I understand that. Yet my question still goes unanswered. It's not a difficult one. Traditional currency would work fine for Rokfin's financial transactions. Yet they choose to use RAE. Some seem to think that proves that RAE legitimizes the use of crypto. It doesn't. Again, "Why not use traditional currency?" The context of the question is important here - why choose to add risk (crypto) when a stable option (traditional) is readily available. My point is that crypto currency isn't solving any problems. It is, however, provably creating them. "Straight cash, homey."
  13. Every "useful" application of crypto I've seen has been the criminal/shady/bloodsucker variety (aka scams/schemes.) At one time, after Bitcoin/Dogecoin and the like had gotten going, there was a group of banks & tech companies that was being formed to create a new type of digital currency. I don't recall who exactly was involved off hand, but something like Wells Fargo, Citi, US Bank, Google, Facebook, etc. Big companies with the potential to bring digital currency to the mainstream. Looked promising. Then, without warning or explanation, the group dissolved. Speculation at the time was that they came to the conclusion that there was no useful purpose to move forward because the digital currency risk exceeded any potential advantage. At the time, digital currency wasn't much of a solution because it didn't solve any legitimate problems. So - for these "legitimate" applications you speak of, that aren't shady. There is still a question that I have yet to see be well answered. Why not use traditional currency?
  14. The same could be said for the B1G+ streams... they're still offering us the "illegal fist to the back" guys (and similar) as announcers. University kids, with tech as cheap as it is and using virtually unlimited campus bandwidth, can easily do everything B1G+, Flo, and Rokdudes do. YES - I said "easily". What they haven't shown any ability to do, though, is announce. Seems like an opportunity to partner for someone with a certain set of skills...
  15. Wait... what? That was a gift from my niece. She's got some 'splainin to do. Ionel - what shoe shop? Maybe we can work a trade (never mind the "exposure" talk, you'll be fine, trust me)
  16. I had heard that he may possibly not be back until Dec. or maybe even Jan. Then again, I guess nobody really knows with 100% certainty. We'll just have to wait and see. He may be downstairs drillin' right now.
  17. To be fair, coming off a couple Gable years - anybody else is going to feel a little like a letdown. Big shoes to fill. I'm still pulling for Kluever.
  18. Although, to be honest, "Hwt U" appears to be looking less than stellar in that particular weight class this year.
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