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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. He had tons of wins and zero losses. Those with minds that lean toward statistics will say he's the GOAT. Does that tell the whole story? Not really. I would say he's the "winning'est" of all time, or maybe something like that. You could make a case for quite a few other wrestlers as GOAT's. I won't name names. We've been down that road many, many times, no need to travel it again. Point is - I don't consider Cael the GOAT. One of the tops of all time, yes. Not necessarily the pinnacle. Room on the pinnacle for more guys. So... not everyone from everywhere.
  2. Nope. Don't be a dummy. A tough bow & arrow isn't a "mild practice stretch" ... you're just posting like an idiot on purpose here.
  3. Among other things, I did get a kick out of the "stalemate on offense" call.
  4. I don't believe the sport of wrestling needs the bow and arrow. When applied, it is usually overly aggressive and unnecessary against an opponent who has already been beat down. Typically, punishment. Popular opinion or not, I'd like to see it go away.
  5. Nope. Unlike previous years, dominating wrestling isn't a guarantee for Lee this year. He's obviously gimpy. He's got to wrestle a quality schedule, and show he's a dominant wrestler, while going undefeated. Won't be easy at all. In other words, it's not Spencer's to lose - he's going to have to earn it. It'll be an uphill battle.
  6. Thx flyingcement, updates are great! (I just had a run-in with Flo's support over my subscription so I cancelled it. To be fair, after a half dozen emails with a Flo bonehead - a much better Flo rep did get it right.)
  7. Thanks both @SetonHallPirate & @ionel - it's cool to see the streaming option at a glance as well.
  8. I'll give it a go. Starting a gofundme right now - stop by and donate!
  9. ... and that got along thing, cool - get on it.
  10. I'm not sure - who was streaming this? Lost coverage before the end of the match. Probably f'ing Flo.
  11. Can't argue with that. He also dismantled the group that created that playbook. He handled it all very poorly, by any measure. Fauci and the Surgeon General telling people that they don't need to wear masks because they won't do any good was no model behavior, either. That was a major mistake, too. None of them got a report card with an 'A'.
  12. Yes - I'm aware of that. And also aware of all the pandemic preparedness being done around the globe by other groups. So - yes - there was a 'playbook' of sorts. Probably had a decent amount of useful information, too. But it certainly didn't have all the answers. Even the most basic things like "how is it transmitted?" couldn't have been answered - because nobody could have known yet. Bigger picture, my point is still that we were stuck with doing the best we could with very limited knowledge. Except some of the media, that were jumping on the opportunity to point fingers and encourage infighting.
  13. (1) I very much see the point in considering the risk factor and acting appropriately for the viruses we need to contend with. But I don't see the point of comparing the details of how the virus deaths are counted. For example, I'm not too worried about HIV or smallpox because the risk factor for me is very low. The risk factor is much higher for Covid so I take the steps I feel are appropriate. Comparing how the deaths are counted for Covid vs HIV vs smallpox - that doesn't affect my decisions. Those numbers aren't ever perfect, they are always estimates. I just don't see the point in making a big deal over them. (2) Agree. It sucks that kids missed out, that small business went under, and everything else you've posted. But it is an unfortunate part of life. Acts of God like tornadoes and hurricanes sweep in and destroy people's lives. Car accidents, cancer, heart disease, Covid, and the list goes on and on. All awful. I also agree, many are much worse than Covid. Did the government do a good job of dealing with Covid? No, not at all. I agree with you there also. Roughly a million people died in the US of Covid so far. I don't know how anybody could call that a success. Then again, what were we expected to do? There is no "Covid playbook" that could have been followed that had all the answers. Everyone in the country was making it up as we went along. Trump made mistakes, Fauci made mistakes, the Surgeon General made mistakes. They all tried to convey confidence to sooth worried citizens (which is their job), but none of them knew. Nobody did. (3) This is probably the only point we disagree on. I don't think we got screwed over by our "leaders" and "experts"- I think most of them were doing the best they could, given the situation they were in. I don't think they did very well at all. But I don't think it was politically motivated for the most part. They were just in over their heads here, with no good answers. Life is like that sometimes - it puts you in a spot with no good options. Some of the media, on the other hand, took this opportunity to rant and rave about one political party being smarter and better than the other and using the pandemic disaster to try to boost one party over the other. THOSE people are the ones that were trying to screw us over. Instead of helping us get together, they purposely tried to split us up. That was harmful, pathetic, and disgusting.
  14. 5 in The Finals at Scuffle...What a Tournament for Bison (OK, I'm joking around - but was pretty impressive by any measure.)
  15. 5 in The Finals at Scuffle...What a Tournament for Bison
  16. Whew - this is going to tough to trim down, but I'll give it a go... Making simple things overcomplicated is the mirror image of oversimplifying complicated ones. Both = bad Anyone who understands the complexity of their work can explain it easily to others. As someone once said, "If you can't explain it in simple terms, then you don't truly understand it." I believe we're in agreement here. Is the national debt too large? Less debt would be better. 100% agreement. Debt for the country isn't a bad thing, it can increase leverage similar to how your long-term home mortgage does Some Americans can lay their hands on a thousand times $400,000 That is a problem. Unless you're off a couple decimal points.
  17. I have no interest in comparing the severity of a virus. Covid does cause deaths - certainly you aren't arguing that it hasn't - are you? Viruses are a concern. All of them. Covid is of high concern because it has killed so many. It's not a football game, the numbers won't decide a winner. It isn't about the biggest or most. It's just about what it is. Covid kills people the world over. Still, to this day, every day.
  18. True story - I have a 1st place Chess Championship trophy... somewhere. I haven't seen it in a while. If not me, then who is better suited?
  19. Honestly... why is that somehow important to you and certain media outlets? Why is that somehow a burning question that needs to be answered? I don't get it. I'm 100% serious. Not trying to argue or fight with you. Just trying to reach common ground. I welcome an honest discussion.
  20. I've heard enough conspiracy theories for 100 lifetimes. We know for a fact that people are still dying from Covid. All the bickering and misdirection doesn't change that reality. Be angry at whoever you want. We still need to deal with what's in front of us.
  21. People are not dogs. And getting fired up about wanting to kill either people or dogs is sketchy.
  22. OK, OK, I submit. "Uncle". But it's a pet peeve of mine. When I hear the "we all have to balance our checkbooks, why doesn't the government? I'm going to change that" by some goofball politician, it sets me off. It is advisable politically because it is effective even though it is wrong. It resonates with a lot of people who just don't know any better - which I find repulsively deceptive. How many people buy their houses with cash? Few. Leveraging buying strength with a mortgage can be financially solid. Yes - in many cases, debt is actually a good strategy.
  23. So, some obviously mentally unstable person go's bonkers and commits a horrible and unforgivable act of violence. Remember that this is a daily occurrence across the country. Every day. Doesn't kill nearly as many as Covid still does daily, but (somehow) not everyone wants to face the Covid reality as they have no answers and would prefer to ignore it. In this case, your "solution" is to kill the unstable person? Serously? Don't get me wrong, I don't care about her welfare. My issue is with the wrong-headed concept that killing a mentally unstable person is somehow going to be a step toward improving society. It just isn't. It won't move us forward, not an inch. You seem to be a little too invested in murdering others.
  24. The notion that governments should function financially like we all do with our personal finances is just wrong. That worn out argument is used endlessly by would-be politicians lacking insight and creativity. Personal finances are one thing, world finance is a totally different animal. We have separate college majors for Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Mathematics, CS, etc. Different fields, rules, scoring systems and goal posts. All difficult. Even if you're a master of one, you likely know very little about the other. Probably where the "stay in your lane" phrase came from. (Although I don't like that phrase - too snarky for me.)
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