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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Nah, just took me two tries. Nailed it.
  2. You are quite welcome, sir. (The rest of them, I threw in free - no charge!)
  3. He lost. ... unless some group gives him the money and lawyers so he can stomp around like a spoiled child claiming he was cheated, and the election was stolen and other ridiculous nonsense. Then we'd watch as our democratic electoral process is dragged through sewage by lawyers because massive, unbalanced wealth makes it possible. (Which is hard to believe is even possible in a modern civilized country - yet proof is readily available.) We should be able to get along just fine. One less unqualified dope in Congress is good for all of us. He lost, we all get over it, we move on.
  4. Agree with @mspart, there are always going to be guys with losing records who aren't great but can make money helping bring along a green fighter. Nothing wrong with that. Everybody can't have a winning record. But 3-21? That guy needs a career change, pronto.
  5. I remember a comment Askren made about Dylan Ness a few years back - It's one thing to know a move is coming, it's a totally different thing to have felt it before. You can think you can defend it, but you won't really know until you feel it. Which, also, basically describes Askren's entire folk arsenal.
  6. Understand that Flo shitted the bed, that's something to wonder if you could do better. I bet you could.
  7. Laird is obviously a shaved Yeti with hollow bones. Nothing else can explain his ability to make 197 and still wrestle mostly a full match that strong. Laird was better tonight. If he keeps tidy and weight in check, no reason to think he won't do it again. And again. I'll pick Laird over Dean next time. No bets. Gambling is for suckers.
  8. This Laurel and Hardy act makes me want to go take a quick look...
  9. ... not to mention it was 3 pins for 3 matches in this tournament so far. All in under a minute. Not too shabby.
  10. Well, who's 'Dickie' then if he isn't a 'Willie' ... it's really all quite confusing.
  11. So, in short, I'm assuming you failed out. (This is what 'bitter' usually looks like.)
  12. Slow down there Fadzaev2 buddy. You are starting to look a little like a stalker. Maybe best to stop seeking out JB & his family on google.
  13. All that influx of cash to Flo and their product is still sketch. Must have been used to pay for houses, cabins, and cars. Maybe some hookers and blow, too. Regardless, doesn't appear there was enough left over to make a top-notch streaming product at a reasonable price point, with reasonable subscription terms. Now, instead of putting the customer first, they strong arm their customers into annual subscriptions for a sub-par product. ESPN+, B1G+, etc. appear to be destined to take over their market. Damn shame. When they were working hard for it, they used to have a bright future. Now their product mostly sucks rocks.
  14. Same here. I got a Traeger a few years ago and my gf isn't interested in ribs, pulled pork, pork chops, turkey, or even chicken (especially thighs) any other way. She spent Thanksgiving with her parents this year and it was all she could do to keep quiet about the turkey. The funny thing is that when I pull out the slow cooker, she gives me that "are you about to boil meat?" look. I quickly put it away.
  15. Neither. I believe Ban and I worked through this earlier and we have moved on.
  16. Efforts you've made claiming some level of expertise in education ... were wasted. Your post here is downright stupid. You can't possibly be that stupid. Perhaps it's the translation - what country are you from?
  17. Some of us are fans, others of us are super fans. Analyzing every inch of what is happening right now is legit. Waiting for things to start to shake themselves out before getting too fired up is also legit. Thankfully, we don't all have to look at everything the same way.
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