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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. So true. They are downstairs drilling there right now.
  2. Posting here without expecting opinions and expecting "actuality?" ... that's... precious. Peace.
  3. @nhs67 - Y'gotta like a peace offering for the new year. Something about it just seems right.
  4. True, without a doubt. Every once in a while, watching tournaments like the last couple days, I catch myself daydreaming about how much better I would have been in college if I only knew then what I know now. Then I wake up and remember the weight cuts. Youthful optimism pushed me through things I can't imagine doing again. Like beating your head against a wall - after it's over, it doesn't seem near as bad. But it was. If we don't make changes, nothing will change. Matside weigh-ins? I'm 100% in favor of trying it.
  5. The point of debate seems to be: Is Lee responding to coaches about them complaining about how he manhandled Ayala. (A wrestler they don't like to see easily crushed.) Is Lee responding to coaches about having to wrestle a teammate when he's gimpy. (His interaction with Ayala at the end of the match indicates otherwise.) Don't need to take a poll here... it's obviously #1.
  6. Wrestling has been a far cry from what we know and love for a few years now - all around. Cancellations, extra years, it's all been crazy, but we're getting back on track. I'm optimistic, I see more and better things coming. We shall see.
  7. I liked most all of their threads. Good information from smart posters for the most part. Except for a couple loud whiners. No different than the US, children are children the world over.
  8. Nope - you're wrong, Willie. Midlands is a good show, given the expectation level of the participating teams, and super high quality B1G+ broadcast. Highest caliber guys weren't there, but it's a rebuilding year for the tournament after hiatus. No reason to believe it doesn't make a big jump next year. It's good. OK - you're only half wrong. Soldier Salute sucks rocks. Truly terrible. Cool that proceeds go to a deserving fund. But doubt the proceeds will amount to much given how lame it is.
  9. Cool that someone made the best of it with imaginative labelling. I can appreciate that. But until it is collected with other roadside garbage, it seems kind of limited to being creatively labelled trash in a wet ditch. Maybe it's an Oklahoma thing that I'm missing.
  10. Link here: Event Calendar (bigtenplus.com)
  11. Appears to be putting all the eggs in the same basket. Meh, if it works for smiley faces and dead politicians...
  12. Maybe think about adding pants, too. Soon.
  13. ... that rumor isn't true. It was actually "Cluck Norris" a chicken that had a chiseled jaw and rough beard. Weird for a chicken, but he was a weird chicken to be sure. He did run away from Dan... mostly because he was a chicken.
  14. Cool story... but is it true? Not claiming it isn't, but the 'wet behind the ears' folks believe most anything.
  15. Unless you want to be ignorant and to post with a lack of knowledge. Maybe you should follow and consider what happened back then.
  16. I really hate to say this, in a group so big of fans, but I think Yellowstone is not very good. Watchable, maybe, but not good. Moments of action and potential, but really just a modern primetime soap like Dallas or Dynasty at its core.
  17. High school wrestling / college wrestling / int'l wrestling - there is a tremendous disconnect between them.
  18. I qualified with a 3:08 at the kind of, sort of hilly TCM. Had aspirations of sub-3, but our group didn't choose an indoor option - all training was outside in the dark, in ice and snow. Parking garages! Why didn't we think of parking garages! We ran 'Guthrie Hills', at the Guthrie Theater (before it moved to its current location), and a few other lesser known quad burners. My experience at Newton Hills wasn't good, but not terrible until Heartbreak. It was 'littered' with bodies along the side of the road. That sounds awful - and it really was. Was a weird mix of "At least I'm doing way better than they are" and "Is that going to be me soon?" Citgo. I ran with a GPS on my left wrist, and a pace chart taped on my right. I had heard about the relief of seeing the Citgo sign but for me, I already knew three things by the time I saw it. Where I was, how not-fast-enough I was going, and how much it hurt at the moment. Still felt like a slog - no Citgo boost for me. But, kind of like wrestling, I viewed it as short time in the 3rd and sucked it up. It did start to feel better, and as the crowds got bigger and bigger into Boston adrenalin kicked in. Finished strong-ish. Crowds are great. And so are the foil sheets they wrapped us in when we finished - weirdly, that's the thing I remember most at the finish. Since you're a Chicago guy, you may know who Hal Higdon is. I was lucky to be able to meet him a couple nights before the marathon. He was a legend in the running world at the time. We had a group pic taken with a few of us with connected backgrounds. Great guy, and one of the highlights of the event. As someone once said, "You meet the best people at marathons." Good luck on your training, I've got nothing but respect for wrestlers who become marathoners. (As if one kind of punishment isn't enough!)
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