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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Actually, I wish I could take credit for inventing the standard Mrs. Haines. If you had any degree of reading comprehension, most of my posts on the subject matter have been largely tongue in cheek. I have said as much. Also notice the wink above? The standard starts with stuff like "Spencer ducked Glory" and many other gems on this board and the old one. In this case, the UNC staff clearly did not think it was worth their while to wrestle a national champ coming off an ACL surgery against a backup with a recent loss to Vince Zerban (whom wrestlestat has as #58.) I would have liked to have seen the match, but coaches discretion, sportsmanship, and all that...
  2. Weren't you the one who said either: "sportsmanship" or "he's a national champ, he's proven himself" or " he doesn't need to wrestle a backup" or " maybe he's hurt or sick" or something like that? Any of that sound familiar, Mrs. Haines?
  3. I think Coleman Scott and Pat Pop have a good relationship as former Cowboys. I don't think Scott is trying to hurt Pat or his brother. He's doing more damage to himself with these losses, and I imagine that he also has a good relationship with Frank- after all UNC was invited in the first place.
  4. Well, it was sportsmanship on O'Connor's part. You don't need to wrestle a national champ against Bear Claw's backup. O'Conner has already proven himself as a national champ, why should he bother to take the mat against someone who has a loss this year against the immortal Vince Zerban? Sportsmanship, my friends!
  5. I personally didn't say anything. A PT said it. That may be the individual's protocol, I assume that you are a professional on the subject, so I will take your word for it.
  6. Just some articles on the subject that I found interesting. I didn't link to your response because I didn't think there was a direct connection.
  7. https://theathletic.com/2536485/2021/04/23/torment-all-over-again-what-its-like-to-suffer-multiple-acl-injuries/
  8. https://source.wustl.edu/2011/09/study-looks-at-why-second-acl-surgeries-often-fail/
  9. A knee that has been repaired twice has a longer recovery time, or so I was told by a PT.
  10. Never said they did. The original post said something about coaches avoiding kids with parents who are 'hyper involved.' I was listing examples. The goalposts in this thread seem to keep moving...
  11. Ugh I came here for Longhorns talk! UT chat?
  12. That is impressive.! If Spencer loses, I doubt he will wrestle back and see that level of metamucil. And that is still only 4 top 10 matches.
  13. It was indeed a backup, but a very good one. Beat Teske last year and had another noteworthy win or two. Prob not too much separation between him and Terukina.
  14. I believe it. I was just naming parents who seem to be extremely involved in their kids athletics... as in a bit "over the top." Thanks for sharing your experiences.
  15. Did Mr. Taylor uproot the family and move from Wyoming to Ohio for David's wrestling? In the long run, it seems worth it, but also a bit extreme. He was in Steve Sanderson's club, which has produced a few good wrestlers, so I think he would have been ok where he was.
  16. Three. There is NO circumstance where anyone would have to wrestle five top ten competitors in the championship rounds of a tournament. It just doesn't work that way. Because the maths. Keep in mind, there are only 10 top 10 competitors. I would guess Lee would be top 10, so that leaves 9 he could wrestle. Seeding will hopefully spread those 9 out. Lee will not be wrestling in the consolation brackets.
  17. Probably correct. However, he gladly took Askren despite the rumors coming out of Wisconsin that he was a problem and wouldn't pan out. That was years ago, though.
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