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Everything posted by 11986

  1. 109 points gets you 3rd in team race? How many other times has 3rd place team gotten 100+?
  2. to the above, I guess I only provided examples where the eventual tournament champ lost a dual...I assume but am not positive that Ok St was the #1 dual team in both of those cases.
  3. This has happened plenty of times over the years. Ok St over Iowa a few times come to mind. Ok St beat Iowa the year Iowa set the tournament scoring record (1997) in the dual, forget the score but think it was pretty solid, albeit with Lincoln McIlravy not wrestling for Iowa. And in 1984 Ok St beat the Hawks 24-6 in dual but Iowa beat them by about 25 in tournament.
  4. so does this help the chances of Stanford wrestling having a long-term wrestling program moving forward? I hope so but not sure. Stanford / UNC Koll fueled rivalry be a nice wrinkle. And very happy to add more depth to ACC wrestling.
  5. maybe Jon Sioredas from Cal Poly?
  6. Didn’t Dellagatta beat Sergei Beloglazov at some point?
  7. definitely old days but Jim Nance is another one that I don't think has been mentioned. 2 time NCAA champ ('63 and '65) and if wiki is to be believed still holds the Patriots record for career rushing touchdowns with 45.
  8. Didn't Metcalf say something like that about Palmer? he was content to lose by __?
  9. I think the Eastern regional went on for a few more years. Pretty sure that's how guys like Bowyer and Kurlander from JMU qualified for NCAAs. Think Edinboro was in it as well at soem point. The Virginia Intercollegiate was in an in season tournament, not a national qualifier.
  10. the good ole Eastern Regional. Look at those teams listed from 1980 and how many are gone, sad.
  11. Starocci to 165 battling O'Toole and Carr would be pretty crazy (as in I'd like to see it).
  12. 11986


    after I posted about Koll being best candidate, I thought about the age consideration as well and I do think it is a factor. On the good side he is the CEO type as others have noted vs needing to be on the mat a lot. But yeah, does he even want to make a run at it for a decade or so? How many current head coaches are older than Koll?
  13. 11986


    To me Koll to UNC has the potential for most significant impact. I think other ACC coaches would 'fear' that hire the most. To me Ramos is settling. Burroughs Taylor Snyder et al will definitely create a buzz but are unproven. Kolat would be fine but not a game changer.
  14. cool info. Logan Stieber however was not an Olympic champ.
  15. You’re correct Fishbane, I misread that, the Lewis/Gable ‘match’ does look like it was in ‘91 not ‘89. And agree a real match probably a lot closer vs an extremely long go in the room. But does show Gable wasn’t physically shot just yet.
  16. That dude shoots daggers with his eyes man. To me he’s always had that quiet but cocky and I will back it up thing. does anyone else recall mention of John getting the better of Kolat around time of the 2000 Olympics? Vague recall of a post on the old forums way back.
  17. has there ever been a D1 program in Texas? This is great news
  18. from dangable.com 'Gable also served as head coach of the World Team in 1977, 1978, 1979, 1983, 1994 and 1999' so doesn't look like Dan was ever head coach when John was on the team. Of course doesn't rule out going in the room somewhere along the way.
  19. Randy Lewis wrote that Gable beat him 50-4 in a room match in 1989. Not saying that means anything on how a hypothetical room scrap with Smith might have gone, but does suggest that Gable could still go in the room when Smith was on his run.
  20. And whoever said Carlson was Classy? Triple C let’s go.
  21. Thanks Fadz. Flyingcement answered earlier.
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