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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=686194132
  2. I was creeping Michigan's certifications almost on a daily and he was one of the last to certify. I took it as he was battling some form of injury that made it so he couldn't get his weight down enough. As an aside, Myles and Malik have San Marino citizenship through their mother's side I believe? If that is true, then Cam will have to go through his Lebabon roots on his father's side. Dom Abounader is one of the main reasons that the Amine's didn't go that route. I may be wrong on the mother bit.
  3. No it isn't. Have you heard of Cassar, Anthony? He was granted two (2) seasons after his junior year of eligibility (which ended up being his frosh year of eligibility.
  4. I am okay with that. I think if D'Emilio gets a medical and fills out to 149 next year then Decatur can do the same the following season. They were both true frosh in 2020, but D'Emilio was on shirt and Decatur was not so D'Emilio has one more year of eligibility than Decatur, even if Decatur redshirts next year. If Decatur doesn't and D'Emilio gets a medical shirt then D'Emilio will have three more years of eligibility than Decatur - despite being the same class. Covid was weird.
  5. I once thought Brooks, Beard, and Nevills would garner six (6) NC betwixt them. If you factor in the weight class during their eligible seasons and not the wrestlers I won't have been that far off with. Brooks, Dean, and Kerkvliet.
  6. Which means Schriever of Iowa and Decatur of the Ohio State are both officially off shirt.
  7. Greetings All, Northern Iowa has about as much depth as any squad in the Big 12 and it looks like several spots have NQ type guys battling it out. How do you think these shake out? Also, does anybody think some folks could do better at NCAAs, potentially, had they changed weight classes in the offseason?
  8. Any of you can create a new thread. Life has been extremely hectic around these parts the last couple of weeks. You don't need to rely on me to create them if you wish to speak about something related to UofM. J/s Like Yatooma getting the nod over Bullock again? Pisses me off to no real end. Let Bullock wrestle the weight and get used to it. Unless it is a real battle between him and Finesilver for 184. In that case male a decision so the other can go 197 pronto.
  9. Everyone counted Gomez out for his second match with Sasso last year, too. Worked out well for Gomez...
  10. Just don't ban his IP. I have a considerably strong inkling that his for real life moniker is an actual contributor here.
  11. Honestly, I would pick him over Gomez, who just beat the 3x defending NC.
  12. It was the same dipshit, that won't pay his debts, who also made this one:
  13. Iowa's Schriever and Ohio State's Decatur both had their shirts pulled for meaningless November duals then?
  14. I wish you were right. Unfortunately the high school wrestling room I had in the early to mid 1980s was better than what Michigan State currently has.
  15. It was a highly inaccurate statement to begin with. 90% of 66 (80 less the 14) means 59 or 60, depending on the round. The basement is absolutely not better than all but 6 or 7 of the remaining D1 teams.
  16. They still haven't beaten any other B1G schools in how many years? To save you time I can tell you the exact date: January 10th, 2016. They are the basement until they earn their way out of it.
  17. Amine loses in the semifinals to Aliev. High schooler will place higher than an Olympic medalist.
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