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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Also, the replays for the streams last night seam to still be working through the app. Hopefully they will work in an hour when MFS is supposed to be starting.
  2. @Husker_Du, care to buy Floarena too? We need something better than trash for bracket viewing pleasure.
  3. Hahahahahahahahahaha Coffee everywhere. Thank you. Hahahahaha.
  4. The worst part in the Smith loss is that it makes me wonder if he will be out against Lautt. Gents drop head scratchers l the time. Labs lost to Nachohouse last year.
  5. Ah nvm. You meant metaphorically sitting around, not actually. Good take.
  6. Didn't Glazier just step in for him last night?
  7. Indiana just comfortably beat Princeton 22-13...
  8. 14th/14 in the B1G taking it to the 4th/6 in the ACC. Maryland coming in hot this year?
  9. I assure you that I am hands free during the entire operation.
  10. And I am not showing you the landscaping so don't even ask! Publicly.
  11. Y'all are brave and bold. A dangerous combo. I went cordless and electric. I prefer a bit of finesse when around the juevs.
  12. Is this the part where Pete Davidson tells him to calm down?
  13. Try this? https://intermatforums.com/clubs/
  14. One of two things: He isn't 100% or he isn't as good as Figs right now.
  15. Also pretty stoked to see Bolen representing Ivy and ACC this season.
  16. They are burning Decatur's shirt for a Colombia dual? Our interpretation of the 'five attached' applying only to true frosh must be incorrect. Iowa did it with Schriever last night too. It must apply to all redshirts.
  17. It's UofM as in University of Michigan. I cited last year(season) and the joke that was the UofM - ASU dual.
  18. Man. Both these teams came to fight. This is what I expected the UofM - ASU dual last year to be.
  19. And acted annoyed... seems... wrong?
  20. I think OSU's are less to do with tough wrestling as they are tough cuts.
  21. Using this lineup: 125 - ASU Dec ASU 3-0 133 - ASU Dec ASU 6-0 141 - ASU Dec ASU 9-0 149 - Mizzou Dec ASU 9-3 157 - Mizzou Tech ASU 9-8 165 - Mizzou Pin Mizzou 14-9 174 - Mizzou Dec Mizzou 17-9 184 - Mizzou Dec Mizzou 20-9 197 - Mizzou Tech Mizzou 25-9 285 - ASU Dec Mizzou 25-12
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