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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. While I don't know what to expect from Lovett down at 149 quite yet, if SVN absolutely destroys him then it is going to put a lot of 149lbers on notice. I hope he goes.
  2. Fake news. They are all true frosh that deserve some time to acclimate. Mendez and Bouzakis have a problem in they are both too small for 141. A year to build to 141 won't fix that. Haines may very welp be the next Nolf, but even Nolf needed a redshirt.
  3. Bullock match went how I thought at 197. That shows me he is the guy for us there.
  4. Maylor has the strength of an averafe 149lber. He should not ve wrestling 174 in the B1G. Walker beats the version if Lautt that showed up.
  5. Also, I never once said or insinuated he sucked.
  6. Keep backpedaling. I thought you were watching football? I even gave you permission to resume your family time didn't I?
  7. You seem to forget all the shit you tried talking. He is redshirting because the coaches know something you don't, obviously. Hopefully this result will learn you a thing or two about writing checks with money that isn't yours. Have fun with your football.
  8. You say he is stuck, but do you not think Sasso beats him at 157 if he goes up? Or does it not matter?
  9. You are wrong on so many levels there, it's funny.
  10. I have UNC winning 125 amd 197 and UofM winning 141, 174, and 184. UNC could absolutely win all of those and is favored at 174 pretty heavily. If Bullock (or Finesilver - both are listed as 184/197 on their official roster) doesn't go at 197 UMC can win via bonus there.
  11. Well Haines current level is a bit less unknown... unless you are saying Zerban is on that level too? Did you know his talent too?
  12. The more people join the conversation the more fun it gets, folks. Check them out!
  13. Typically how long is that? I also don't consider Kanniard bumping as drastic. He is serviceable and with proper development at 157 could have been a 3x NQ at a different institution or had Rutgets not been so deep, at Rutgers. Yes he would ve undersized, but giving up 3 in a dual is vetter than giving up 6. He doesn't give up bonus too easily. The last and only time was Franek in 2020 during his true frosh season at the Scuffle
  14. And I will leave you with my thoughts/predictiona: 125 - I think their matches on Friday showed us a lot in what to expect in this match, and I do think McHenry gets the nod again. Wager wins via Decision. UNC 3-0 133 - After Friday I was on the fence as to if it would be Hernandez here today. Honestly I see a very similar result eother way. A decent 5-6 point Decision victory for Ragusin. Tied 3-3 141 - McNeil may come out and take him down a time or two early, but Mattin is a grinder and he gets points late. Mattin via Decision. A 6-4/8-6 type match. UofM 6-3 149 - I am thinking Lamer gets Scott to open up a bit and capitalizes. He did wrestle Hensen tough, but Verk beat him by 5. That is like getting Majored by most. I still think a 3-4 point Decision for Lamer is in order here. UofM 9-3 157 - No O'Conner here and UNC doesn't have anyone elae who can out-Lewan Will Lewan. Lewan via Decision. UofM 12-3 165 - Mattin showed a gear that should earn him spot starts at 165 or 157 down the line. I expect a similar result to Friday, even though I think Mattin wrestles this one better. Mazzara is just better than the Campbell kid. Mazzara via Decision. UofM 12-6 174 - I am calling my shot here. Lautt wrestles matches too close and he isn't going to be able to horse Walker very easily. Add in that Walker is the better athlete and he takes this via Decision in OT. UofM 15-6 184 - Finesilver again shows that if his neutral game has jumped levels in the offseason. Pulls a Major here. UofM 19-6 197 - I am so going to write a letter if we see Yatooma instead of Bullock again. Shaw Majors or Pins Yatooma. Bullock amd Shaw go back and forth with Shaw squeaking out the Decision. UofM 19-9 285 - Parris Pins Whitman. UofM 25-9
  15. This is what Wrestlestat 'projects" with the lineups I am thinking we see: 125 - Kurt McHenry (Michigan) over Jack Wagner (North Carolina) DEC 9 - 8 UofM 3-0 133 - Dylan Ragusin (Michigan) over Joey Melendez (North Carolina) DEC 8 - 4 UofM 6-0 141 - Cole Mattin (Michigan) over Lachlan McNeil (North Carolina) DEC 7 - 6 UofM 9-0 149 - Chance Lamer over Jayden Scott DEC 12 - 5 UofM 12-0 157 - Will Lewan over Sincere Bailey DEC 10 - 3 UofM 15-0 165 - Joey Mazzara over Zack Mattin DEC 9 - 6 UofM 15-3 UofM 13-6 174 -Clay Lautt over Joseph Walker DEC 6 - 5 UofM 15-6 184 - Matt Finesilver (Michigan) over Gavin Kane (North Carolina) DEC 7 - 6 UofM 18-6 197 - Max Shaw (North Carolina) over Jaden Bullock (Michigan) DEC 7 - 6 UofM 18-9 285 - Mason Parris (Michigan) over Brandon Whitman (North Carolina) MD 15 - 4 UofM 22-9
  16. We will obviously see different lineups than this.
  17. Wrestlestat has it with Michigan over North Carolina 20-13 with this: 125 - Kurt McHenry (Michigan) over Jack Wagner (North Carolina) DEC 9 - 8 UofM 3-0 133 - Dylan Ragusin (Michigan) over Joey Melendez (North Carolina) DEC 8 - 4 UofM 6-0 141 - Cole Mattin (Michigan) over Lachlan McNeil (North Carolina) DEC 7 - 6 UofM 9-0 149 -Zach Sherman (North Carolina) over Chance Lamer (Michigan) DEC 6 - 5 UofM 9-3 157 - Austin O'Connor (North Carolina) over Will Lewan (Michigan) DEC 5 - 4 UofM 9-6 165 - Cameron Amine (Michigan) over Joey Mazzara (North Carolina) MD 13 - 3 UofM 13-6 174 - Clay Lautt (North Carolina) over Max Maylor (Michigan) MD 14 - 3 UofM 13-10 184 - Matt Finesilver (Michigan) over Gavin Kane (North Carolina) DEC 7 - 6 UofM 16-10 197 - Max Shaw (North Carolina) over Bobby Striggow (Michigan) DEC 6 - 3 UofM 16-13 285 - Mason Parris (Michigan) over Brandon Whitman (North Carolina) MD 15 - 4 UofM 20-13 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/40/michigan/46/north-carolina
  18. They have common opponent from Friday evening in Campbell: Michigan defeated Campbell 26-6 https://www.wrestlestat.com/event/67042/michigan-campbell-dual/boxscore North Carolina defeated Campbell 24-10 https://www.wrestlestat.com/event/67044/north-carolina-campbell-dual/boxscore
  19. Greetings All, We have what should amount to be a very close dual here today at 3:00 PM (US-Eastern). Any thoughts on it?
  20. Does Kanniard come up to 174 in light of Turley being injurred again?
  21. You are choosing not to read a bit there, bud. Willie doesn't have a horse in the PPV arms race. He doesn't charge it. Every content creator on Rokfin owns the power to do so.
  22. You're talking more responsibility for each institution. As it is now, they allow whoever (Flo, ESPN, B1G+, ACCN, etc) to control the content and they (the school) gets a cut. They also don't lose any money on the sports that turn a negative - which is basically every sport other than football. If you leave it in the responsibility of the schools alone, we won't see wrestling because wrestling doesn't make money. In a way, if you think about it, the schools allowing the conferences to do it is almost just that. Each conference has it's own network now, right?
  23. No, I got that. I just don't care for baseball. I love baseball games... fun to go to. The sport itself? Nearly as big a joke as boxing has become.
  24. Aye, as @Dark Energysaid. (South) West coast of Florida. My apologies.
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