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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. How about 5 is ultimate tie? >5 for me and <5 for you? I doubt it makes it there. I know several if my picks are out there - fanboy stuffs. Also, FYR - I was going to say 5 but added one with the hope of KAOZ!
  2. Nobody is forgetting it. The initial statement was in regards to that round, the R16 - which was the round after Ungar beat Heinselman.
  3. We have 16 different results. We need a tiebreaker. Total number of pins in the QF?
  4. 6 seed loss to unseeded is still a larger upset than a 5 seed loss to a 12 seed. 5 seeds lose to 12 seeds all the time. It's physics.
  5. I mean, sure - we can make this an Iowa thread.
  6. Nah, the only thing now is that everything is traceable. Back in the day they could claim they were 25-1 and there weren't many ways to disprove it. Now it is all digital.
  7. nhs67


    Did the UWW weight classes change?
  8. 125 already lost it's #1 seed. Also 157 #6 seed lost to an unseeded guy - bigger upset.
  9. I might be asking you. I don't want to hurt your feelings again?
  10. If John Smith wanted him at 174 then 197 is the weight class he should probably be at.
  11. So Negron looks better at 165 for Arizona State than he ever looked at 157 for Penn State. Weird right?
  12. Did they happen to touch bases on how they tend to be complete shit on bottom by the time they are seniors?
  13. Turdbiscuit is a term of endearment in my household? If you would rather me hate you, I can. I don't want to, to be transparent.
  14. Ragusin with the 16-1 Tech in the first period. Ragusin TD2, NF2, NF2, NF2, NF2, NF2, NF2 Phelps E1 Ragusin TD2
  15. Can you just stop being a soft potato, or whatever it was that Beyonce said? This is a wrestling forum. Your weak constitution is showing.
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