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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Greetings All, With the release of the brackets today, revised thoughts for the semi-finals, finals, and 3rd place winners, as well as thoughts for the Michigan gents in this bracket... Also... no Bullock at 197 for Michigan? Yatooma? Are you kidding me? - 125 - Semi-Finals: Figueroa over DeAugustino, Ramos over Kaylor Finals: Ramos over Figueroa via Decision 3rd place: Heinselman Thoughts: I think Figs shows everyone here that he does contend, just as much as Courtney would/will. McHenry loses to him, then the grind of the backside will get to him that will show that he is just meant to be a 118lber. I think 1-2 wins is peak for him here. - 133 - Semi-Finals: Arujau over Latona, Ragusin over McGee Finals: Arujau over Ragusin via Decision 3rd place: McGee Thoughts: I think Ragusin is going to show here that he belongs in the conversation with Arujau for #3 in what will be a much closer bout than folks thought before this weekend. - 141 - Semi-Finals: Mattin over Jack, Cornella over D'Emilio Finals: Mattin over via Cornella via Decision 3rd place: Carlson Thoughts: Mattin is a grinder and I think where he is most in danger is going to be Vasquez - if Vasquez gets past Hardy. It is someone who will be able to out-quick and out-athlete him enough to where he can't get his grind on. He is set up beautifully to miss those highly athletic 141lbers all the way through the finals. - 149 - Semi-Finals: Sasso over Thomas, Lamer over Millner Finals: Sasso over Lamer via Decision 3rd place: Parco Thoughts: I really think this is going to be Lamer's coming out party and he will beat two gents folks consider high contenders en route to getting controlled in the finals. - 157 - Semi-Finals: Lewan over Coleman, Robb over Scott Finals: Lwan over Robb via Decision 3rd place: Coleman Thoughts: I think Lewan could win 3-2/3-1 in every match through the finals. I am more worried about a Coleman match than a Robb, tbh. I think a healthy Coleman is as much of a contender for a NC as any 157lber in the Top 10. - 165 - Semi-Finals: Kharchla over Yant, Olguin over Formato Finals: Kharchla over Olguin via Major 3rd place: Cook Thoughts: Mattin has Ramirez in the first round and I think he is going to try to throw the sink at him... and fail - unfortunately. I do think that the bottom half of this bracket is very likely to ge tblown up. Olguin and Formato are real threats to knock Ramirez off, and I think they will. - 174 - Semi-Finals: Smith over Lewis, Labriola over Walker Finals: Smith over Labriola via Decision 3rd place: Lewis Thoughts: A lot of very physical, very tough gents here. I think Walker shows he belongs right up there, though, in beating Conigliaro and Romero before dropping in the semi-finals and beating Foca in the consi-semis. I think Smith balls out here. He is hungry for that Lewis win and he got Labs last time out too. - 184 - Semi-Finals: Keckeisen over Munoz, Hidlay over Bolen Finals: Hidlay over Keckeisen via Decision 3rd place: Romero Thoughts: I think Bolen gets Romero this time, but Finesilver beats him on the backside - then proceeds to lose to Romero for 3rd. - 197 - Semi-Finals: Sloan over Harvey, Trumble over Allred Finals: Sloan over Trumble via Major 3rd place: Harvey Thoughts: I think this is the year we start seeing the Sloan we thought we would have a couple years ago and I think he wins this weight class convincingly. Also... Yatooma? Are you serious? There is no way this guy is the best guy they have for 197 to put out there... when Bullock is still on the roster... what the actual deuce? - 285 - Semi-Finals: Davison over Schultz, Parris over Hendrickson Finals: Parris over Davison via Pin 3rd place: Hendrickson Thoughts: I think Davison pulls off the dub against Schultz. Just got me a feeling. Of all the weights, this is the one where the 1-2 seems to be the most likely weight to happen... so it won't. I don't see anyone on the bottom side capable of beating Parris. We have seen Davison beat the elite of 285 before, albeit in freestyle (Cassioppi). I think Schultz then forfeits out.
  2. We actually didn't in the H2H, just the QF. If we are calling champ picks? Let me quote what I actually picked...
  3. I don't think that is gross... I imagine all parties involved are quite hygienic.
  4. I will do it. I will call her for you.
  5. No reason other than they haven't put together their 'full' lineup yet. So zero reason for speculation on Blockhus, really. I really think if both squads put out their #1s this could be a dogfight. OSU would still be favored, but still.
  6. Wresltestat has it as a OSU victory at 22-9, but it gives Bergeland the win at 141 and we might not see him: https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/57/oklahoma-state/42/minnesota 125 - Tossup, they are 1-1 against one another 133 - Heavily favor OSU here, but the score will be closer than the match us. Nagao us stingy. 141 - I think Young beats Bergeland if he shows and wins against whoever they throw out if otherwise 149 - Will we see Blockhus? I am taking VV if he does or doesn't show. 157 - G and Lee will be a very interesting match if it happens. Lee is a grinder who gasses people. 165 - Tossup. Sparks or Carlson can beat Sheets, but Sheets wrestles good, close matches and is plenty capable if the W. 174 - Plott in a match that the score is closer than the match looks. 184 - Whittlake via Decision on Salazar or Foy. The further in to the season we get the more comfortable Whittlake will be. 197 - Surber via domination on Joles. 285 - Doucet comfortably. It is hard not to see a blowout for the 'boys being as we haven't seen the Gofa lineup at it's peak strength yet.
  7. Of the champions, I think Ramirez impressed me the most - honestly speaking. I was expecting some sort of hiccup that never came. He came out firing on all cylinders in every match. If he can do that without getting himself out of position like he did with Hamiti or Hall, his offense will help him place high.
  8. Also, our little pick'em was sweet. I think it made it a bit more fun that it was the quarters, with that tiebreaker criteria. Perhaps we can try to do a bigger one for Midlands and/or the Scuffle? It being 8-8 and coming down to criteria was pretty sweet. It made the Kharchla loss bittersweet for me.
  9. 8/18 = 44.4% I am going to be harsh and weight your tOSU score as double. (6+2(2))/(10+2(8) = 38.4% My 10th grade grandson is getting a higher score in his sophomore college Calc II class. I jest, obviously. This is one of those tournaments where good coaches make the proper adjustments and their gents go deeper. For examples: Sasso looked amazing. D'Emilio looked good all things considering. Kharchla and Smith got a feel for extremes and got that out of the way. Romero got that Bolen loss out of the way - I had a feeling it was going to eventually happen... it won't happen again. The tiers that Hoffman and Orndorff are in are crapshoots. We know on their good days they can be the top of their tiers - this got the bad day out of the way for them.
  10. I believe it should be called as stalling if it is stalling. Meaning a deliberate attempt to not wrestle. Just like if the bottom guy keeps just running out of bounds without trying to move laterally at all - or just something other than straight forward. I also think that bullshit where guys get on their knees and crawl around is negative wrestling. They get penalized in Freesttle for it, rightfully so. They should also get called in Folkstyle. It is negative wrestling.
  11. @Ban Basketball has something to say about turtling up. He is the expert, errr correspondent, on the subject.
  12. When they haven't won one in some 8-ish years? Yes.
  13. While I am hoping that Saldate beats Monday today, I won't be picking it. Until Monday loses he should be #1. Who do you think beats him?
  14. It all depends on style points. My opinion doesn't, matter though. This was a matter of factual statement: In NCAA competition this season Matthews is still undefeated. See above. Unless you mean in all of wrestling. If that is the case, then Yianni is on a two match skid and Matthews has lost multiple times since last college season finished. If you want to know my opinion on Matthews and Alirez, I am going Alirez all day. I was high on Alirez before he beat McKenna and am really hoping this is the year he puts it together.
  15. nhs67


    Fair enough. I am not a Penn State insider, however I know more than most folks who don't care to follow wrestling too greatly. Some folks might have confused it for Greco, is all. The Ohio State has a bunch of Greco gents, after all.
  16. I am thinking TCU and tOSU swap. TCU lost in OT and holds a win over the team they lost to as well. Add in it was an OT loss and I don't see them being penalized too greatly.
  17. Nope. Let them win a B1G dual first. It has been a long, long time since that has happened.
  18. Davison is the wrestler from Northwestern that Parris beat in the finals. Davidson is the wrestler from Nebraska that went 2-2 on the day wad eliminated in the Consi of 8 #1 by the Navy gent.
  19. You are using Flo, which factored in the exhibition matches. Intermat, which did not - and was used for seeding purposes of Cliff Keen - has Matthews at #1 (still): https://intermatwrestle.com/rankings/college/141?
  20. Davison and Hendrickson will be players come March. I liked what I saw. I did not like all the MFF. While I would hope against it... if it has a bill, waddles, and quacks...
  21. nhs67


    You were repeating the OP, which listed off two Greco weights and one weight that doesn't exist.
  22. Matthews is still undefeated on the season. Exhibition matches don't count towards his record.
  23. I think it ends up being: 1 - Georgia 2 - Michigan 3 - the Ohio State 4 - TCU *This is pending the results of the SEC and B1G championship games.
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