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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I think the best version of 184lbers for them could have all of them take a loss. I think Wright is an absolute landmine for anybody. He could deck any of them or get decked. I also think Brooks beats Ruth beats Nickal beats Brooks...
  2. Nickal only won it twice at 184 and Wright only won once at 184.
  3. Can we also fire that guy from Oklahoma? Bono too? We need less turdbiscuits making calls about the betterment of student athletes.
  4. I am not arguing against anybody getting more, or additional matches. Actually I preferred the double elimination style charts to the brackets in any case - to be clear. I am simply stating that they aren't 'only' going over for one match if they go 0W-1L and don't get pulled back in. There are so many other experiences to be had - especially at the age level U17s, U20s, and even U23s. It is preposterous to say it is a waste.
  5. I think Destribats has gone Oh-fer against USA gents and ex-gents since decking the Zain Train (which he was not going to win that match had he not decked him).
  6. And that is when making ~134.5lbs. Can you pull some strings and get this guy to go 65 KG for us? He techfelled a guy at Worlds that techfelled our 65 KG rep at a tournament a couple months prior to Worlds.
  7. They did compete against each other at 138 before, didn't they? I wouldn't doubt it. One of the big reasons I think it is a different animal is that they are quite different. Arujau's style is very speed dependent to be his truly elite self - as evident by his tear the last seven months. Johnny D is a funkmaster with elastic tendons. Different animals.
  8. @Wrestleknownothing, Where do you think it puts it now with Gomez in the thick of it?
  9. Michigan. What does that have to do with anything? Gomez could be wrestling for Arizona State and I would have formed the same opinion. It isn't rocket surgery.
  10. Some guys cut a lot of weight. Some don't. It is hard to tell. I believe at NCAAs when he was 125 he brushed off a comment in an interview that it was weight-cut related, saying that Glory probably had at least five pounds on him.
  11. I think it's basically 50/50 if he gets put the same size as USA. If he is opposite he has a very good chance, unless Cuba decides to send someone... they are always tough. Here's one for you, too... he has a win over Johnny D. IF Johnny D challenges Lee and wins. I am not penciling him as a guarantee at Pan Ams. Gomez already has beaten him, albeit in Folkstyle.
  12. I think they are in the thick of 2-5. I think Iowa is going to get everyone back. I think Ohio State could sneak int here if Sasso comes back this season (he only would he he thought he were going to contend I think). I think NC State, Mizzou, VTech, even Iowa State will put their names in the hat as well.
  13. Half a sweat to get to 133lbs (60.3 KG) from 61 KG (134.5lbs).
  14. You're talking the the resident Michigan fanboy on these forums. You know that. Lamer didn't make adjustments. Gomez wasn't the same Gomez he was at the beginning of the season. Keep in mind that Gomez beat Sasso AND Johnny D. Lamer went on to lose to Murin his very next match.
  15. He lost seven times that year and placed 8th. That is not the same RBY that won two titles.
  16. Guy got hurt before B1Gs and probably shouldn't have been wrestling. Before he got hurt he beat Lamer 17-10 in a match that he controlled basically everything.
  17. I wish Arujau and Stalrocci would just bite the bullet and go up, honestly. They are both already insanely lean at 61 KG/133lbs and 79 KG/174lbs.
  18. His team already knows how to do it and stay close. They did it with Johnny D for 2022 (wrestled 149 all season to drop to 65 KG). 149lbs -> 65 KG = 5.7lbs/2.6 KG (~4%) 133lbs -> 57 KG = 7.3lbs/3.3 KG (~6%) It will be more difficult based purely off numbers but the coaching staff has done it pretty recently. Two factors that are quite different in the two, not including Johnny D and Arujau being completely different people, are that I don't think 149 had a legitimate challenger for Johnny D. I think 133 does, in Fix. That said, Fix is also going to be playing the weight-watcher game.
  19. Hahahaha... it isn't Brain. He doesn't have that sort of patience to troll us in this sort of long game. He has way too much shit going on already.
  20. He pinned Lovett two B1Gs ago. He pinned RBY on January 1st, 2019 at 133lbs. That match has zero relevance to today.
  21. These are all good... now tell me how you think they would go in a Round Robin, gents... Give me best version of each wrestler and how you think a Round Robin goes (meaning MM can only be once, Dean once, etc) Same to you, please. While I was thinking 184 for UNI I remembered that at one point Cornell was considered '184U' for a bit there. Going back a bit with the Snyder one... but okay. Give me yours. And ONLY use their best college season and folkstyle results please. 157 JB =/= 165 JB =/= Freestyle 74 KG or 79 KG JB Not bad, but Ramos was only 125 as a redshirt. That Ramos gets torn apart - HARD. Likely Clark does as well too as he was the best version of himself at 133. How do you think that Round Robin goes? I think Spencer beats McDonough beats Gilman (keep in mind 57 KG weaponized Gilman =/= 125lb collegiate Gilman) beats Clark beats Ramos. See above, mate. Technically counts... but 125 Ramos was small and meek compared to his collegiately successful 133lb Ramos.
  22. The Mirasola twins both registered at 86 KG and 97 KG, respectively.
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